



英语lend a hand是什么中文意思

虽说lend a hand的单词构成是有点复杂,但它的中文意思是很简单的。快来看看店

铺为你准备了英语短语lend a hand所指的中文意思与例句,欢迎大家阅读!

lend a hand的中文意思

英 [lend ə hænd] 美 [lɛnd e hænd]

动词 帮助; 插手; 扯篷拉纤

lend a hand的单语例句

1. The government then stands up and condemns those who disregard life and

compliment those who lend a hand.

2. But the nation rallied, the region rallied and the world afar dug in deep to

lend a hand.

3. One effective way is to let people better understand the gift of donation,

and encourage more to lend helping a hand to those desperate for children.

4. And China is more capable than ever to lend a hand, even though it is still a

developing country.

5. I just need to board a few more outgoing busses from Beijing and hope to

meet another palmist who could lend a helping hand.

6. The central government needs to lend a helping hand if it is to spread the

rural subsistence allowance system nationwide.

7. Further tax reform will lend a strong hand to resolve these problems.

8. Many of the animals at Guiyang zoo are in desperate need of assistance and

local residents have been mobilized to lend a hand.

9. Experts say the problems in the eurozone have provided China with an

opportunity to lend a helping hand.

10. Imposters who take advantage of our sympathy and desire to lend a hand

to our compatriots in anguish deserve nothing but hatred.

lend a hand的.双语例句

dawned upon me that he will not lend a helping hand to us when we

are in trouble.


2. They came to lend you a hand, not to make trouble.


3. They said you specialise in solving problems for others. Can you lend me a



4. Many people in Wenchuan to lend a helping hand to the earthquake, which

also have our neighbors.


5. Lend a hand to those in need.


6. We have the duty to lend them a hand when they are in trouble.


7. There are numerous ways to lend a helping hand in your community.


8. I beg that he lend me a hand in carrying out this mission.


9. The organization might be able to lend a hand in specific situations.


【英语lend a hand是什么中文意思】

本文标签: 伸出帮助例句