



1. ----Would you like to have a Chinese--English dictionary for your bitrthday?


A. What a nice dictionary B. No, thanks, but I have already got it

C. But I ’ve got one already D. Yes ,you buy it

2. ----Shall I help you with the suitcase?


A. It’s all right,thanks B. Yes ,go ahead please

C. I don’t want to trouble you too much D. No, please don’t do it

3. ---- Can you win the match?


A. I am sure so B. I ’m afraid not C. I wish so D. I don’t hope so

4. ----Please excuse me, but I really have to be going.

---- Yes, of course._______.

A. The same to me B. That’ s OK C. Thanks a lot seeing you

5. ----I really need to talk to you.______.

----Sure. What’s the matter with you?

A. I have a real problem B. Do you have a minute?

C. What shall I tell you D. I feel so terrible


----It’s nothing to worry about .I never like it anyway.

A. I lost my walkman this morning B. I feel awful. I’ve got a cold

C. I feel terrible, but I have left your tape somewhere D.I’m sorry, but we don’t have that medcine

7. ---- what’s happened to my library books?


A. I have no idea B. You borrowed themfrom the library

C. You bought them yesterday D. They’ re about long life

8. ----My children are always arguing.


A. Just ignore them ’s right C. Are you sure? D. How old is the boy?



---- I can’t eat this. It’s too salty.

A. Yes,Sir? B. What? C. All right D. Pardon?

10. when we plan our vacation, mother often offers________suggestions.

l cal C. effective D. acceptable

11. The farmers_______a lot________the flood. because it rained heavily.

A. suffered; from B. suffered; of C. will suffer; to D. suffered; to

12. We are going to visit an old temple ________the 12



A. which is dated back to from C. dating back to dated from

13. Peter won’t drive us to the station. He has________to take us all.

A. a very small car B. too small a car C. a too small car D. such a small car

two sides debated_______each other________ who was the better for a whole day.

A. to ; to ;about C . about; with n; in

15.----Your tie looks smart..It_______ with your shirt perfectly.

-----Thanks ,I am glad you like it .

A. matches B. meets C. agrees D. goes

16. The president promised to keep all the board members_________of how the negotiations were

本文标签: 四师兵团选择题练习新疆