



Unit 1 Ready for rain

(I)Read and choose

( ) _____day, the wind blows from the

A. sunny ; east B. warm ; west C. cold ; west

( ) 2. In the woods, the____trees bend to look up at the sky as they shake in the wind.

A. pine B. apple C. pineapple

( ) 3. In a meadow, the____gather close to the hive.

A. ants B. bees C. birds

( )4. The____see the rising waves and stay away from the water.

A. gulls B. fish C. ducks

( )5. The____on the farm huddle under a tree as the wind blows over their backs.

A. chickens B. sheep C. cows

( ) 6. The cottonwood trees turn their leaves towards the______.

A. ground B. clouds C. sea

( ) 7. The children are____by the storm.

A. frightened B. excited C. happy

(II) Read and judge (T/ F)

( ) 1. In the woods, the pine cones close their starry tips before the storm comes.

( ) 2. The bees pass an urgent message with their mouth.

( ) 3. Faster and faster the waves roll until their crests turn white.

( )4. The gulls fly toward the sky higher and higher.

( ) 5. The cottonwood trees sees the darkened sky and hide their scarlet faces.

( ) 6. The waves race to the shore and crash into the sand.

( ) 7. A woman smells the rain and calls out to her children.

( ) 8. The mother pours her children hot milk.

Unit2 The elves and the shoemaker

(I) Read and choose

( ) 1. Long long ago, there lived a very_____shoemaker.

A. rich B. sad . C. poor

( ) 2. The shoemaker put the leather on the____and went to sleep every night.

A. table B. worktable C. window

( ) 3. The next morning, the shoemaker was very____to see the beautiful shoes.

A. surprised B. worried C. cheerful

( ) 4. The customer paid_____the usual price for the shoes.

A. less than B. more than C. the same as

( ) 5. One evening shortly before_____they stayed up and saw who helped us.

A. Halloween B. Christmas C. Thank giving Day

( ) 6. The shoemaker and his wife hid_____.

A. under the bed B. behind the door C. under the worktable

( ) 7. The little elves were_____happily as they made beautiful shoes.

A. singing B. dancing C. jumping

( ) 8. The shoemaker and his wife made some_____for the elves.

A. Shoes B. nice food C. clothes (pants and shirts)

(II) Read and judge (T/ F)

( ) 1. A long time ago, there lived a very rich shoemaker.

( ) 2. The shoemaker was poor, but he didn't complain.

( ) 3. With that money, the old man bought enough leather to make two pairs of shoes.

( )4. The customer liked the shoes so much, but he did not buy them.

( ) 5. After the shoemaker became rich, he never helped his neigh bours or the people in need.

( ) 6. The shoemaker and his wife made some beautiful shoes for the elves.

( )7. The little elves were dancing as they started to work.

( )8. The little elves were kind, and they help kind people.

( ) 9. The little elves made them rich, so the shoemaker didn't work after he became rich.

( )10. The shoemaker and his wife decided to stay up and see who helped them make shoes.

Unit3 The shepherd's mistake

(I) Read and choose

( ) 1. Sometimes the shepherd would find a quiet corner and_____.

A. guard against the wolf B. go off to sleep C. look after his sheep

( )2. The wolf didn't catch the sheep, so the shepherd began to be a little______.

A. careless B. afraid C. worried

( ) 3. One day, the shepherd______urgently.

A. went to the market B. went to hospital C. was called back home

( ) 4. When the shepherd came back from home, he saw the wolf___.

A. look after the sheep B. had gone away C. had eaten most of his flock

( )5. The shepherd sat down in shock and with____.

A. anger B. sadness C. regret

(II) Read and judge (T/ F)

( ) I. The shepherd took his flock of sheep into the field early every morning.

( ) 2. The shepherd stood on guard against and kept a close watch over the wolf at first.

( ) 3. The wolf usually sat on a large piece of rock, looked like a sheep dog from a distance.

( )4. The wolf didn't hurt the flock after the shepherd went away.

( ) 5. The shepherd thought the wolf might look after the sheep, so he left.

( ) 6. The wolf ate a few sheep, with most of his flock left.

( ) 7. It serves the shepherd right.

( ) 8. The shepherd's mistake was to leave a wolf to look after his flock.

Unit4 Marking a place for bikes

(I) Read and choose

( ) 1. One of the simplest ways cities can help bikers is to____.

A. share car lanes B. make bike lanes C. make ways for bikes

( )2. There are bikes lanes everywhere in the country______.

A. the Netherlands B. Amsterdam C. New Zealand

( )3. Copenhagen, Denmark has___ times as many bikes as cars.

A. three B. four C. five

( ) you want a bike for a day,you can__________.

A. buy one B. use“bike-sharing" programmers C. go to libraries

( ) 5. The bicycle bus in the Netherlands have seats for__

___kids and one adult driver.

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