


Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks

is upset don’t we _______?——That’s a good idea.

him up him up him up him up

the beginning of a new term,new textbooks are_______to students.

out off out off

Tom often stays at home _______,and he feels very _______.

;lonely ;alone ;lonely ;alone

______play computer games too much,but now she doesn’t play them any more.

to to used to

’d better ______a plan before you do everything.

to up up with out

should always _______after a picnic.

about up behind trash

thought of ________good idea.

a a

workers are busy _______the big house.

mend ing up

teacher made ______easier to work out the problem in his way.

10.——My computer is broken.——Why not ask her_______for you?

fix up it up it fix it up it up

eggs look similar _____one another,but not two eggs are the same ______each other.

;to ;as ;as ;to

______all the paper.

run out run out of run out run out of

13.——Who do you_______?——My both have big eyes and a small mouth.

after after after after

you get there,please_________.

us on us up us to us off

15.I am a League Member.I vonlunteer my time _______others

help g

16.I don’t konw ________kind of work I can do.

17.——Could I come here next week,please?——______.

,you can ,you couldn’t ,never ,that’s right

and girls!Please _______your compositions after class.

——Oh,my God!I ______it at home.

in;forgot in;left out;forgot out;left

,could you please ______the TV?It’s too noisy.——Sorry,I’ll do it right now.

up g up down g down

won the first prize in the piano was so excited that she_____all night.

up up up up

plane from Shanghai to Paris will ______in a hour

up away out off

,where are my socks?——Under your should _______your things.

on down away

he is______at home,he doesn’t feel______for he has many things to do

;lonely ;alone ;alone ;lonely

swim taught you?——Learn by_________.

25.——Do you know Mo Yan?

——Of course,He won the 2012 Nobel Prize four Literature ________the age of 57.

bad weather!The plane will_____at 8 o’clock this evening.

off off off off

vonlunteers ______food and water to the local people after the earthquake.

out out out out

is _____a kind man that we all miss him very much.

29.——What are you doing,Jack?——We are having a party to______money for poor students.

C find

really______his has the same eyes,nose and hair.

after after after after

31.——Can you ______what our life would be like without water or food?

——That would be too terrible.

e e

ne was _______when they heard the______news.

ng;exciting d;exciting ng;excited d;excited

must _______everyone ________that that keeping our city clean is our duty.

;to know ;understand ;to understand ;to know

!A _____man is crossing the ’s go and help him.

him!He has no______working out the problem.

ulty st ult

ist are trying their best to_______ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9.

up with forward to about up

’s too hard for me to be a Trailwalker.——Never________.Believe in yourself.

up up up up

you want to buy this dress,you’d better _______first to make sure it fits you.

for it it off it up it on

39.——Would you please help me________,Wang Fei?This question is too hard for me.

—— me try

is _______her mother in many example,they are both tall and thin.

r to to ly to ent from

TV program made _________possible for me to learn English by myself

big bag is too heavy for the little boy________.Who volunteers to help him?

s ng d carry

43.——Did you feel ______when you lived _______in the countryside?

——Not at all.I had many pets with me.

;lonely ;alone ;alone ;lonely

boy found that he had ________answering the felt very sad.

ulty on ation onship

problem bothered me helped me _______

is ______at home all day,and he feels_________.

;lonely ;alone ;alone ;lonely

CD player has broken down.I’ll get it_________this afternoon

s ing ed repair

he read the advertisement which ______a reporter?——I’m not sure

to for about ask for

49.I want to know where Weihai me _____a map of China for you.

hearing the good news,the mother’s heart was _________pleasure.

of with with with

can I _____well with my lessons,Dad?——Practice makes perfect.

on on on on

young boy was angry_____his best friend.

53.——Let’s visit our English teacher on Sunday,shall we?——__________

’s all right ’s right right ’s right

54.——Fangfang failed in the singing must be very sad.——Let’s go and ______

her up her up her up her up

55.——How heavily it is raining!

——What a pity!We have to _______our sports meeting

off out on up

56.——What is Jimmy going to do?

——He is going to put ______some signs _________old books.

;asking for ;to ask to ;asking to ;asked for

don’t you ask Tom to do it?

——I don’t know whether he is_______ sometimes makes things worse

______boy gets better parents feel very happy.

s ss

day he volunteers his time_____up the road.

ng clean

60.I can’t buy anything.I’ve ______money.

out out out of out of

children decide_______their schoolyard this Friday afternoon.

clean ng d

you eat ______meat,you will be fatter.

much too many many

63.I am very happy,because I have ______friends.

A.a little C.a few

64.I often go to school _____a bus

Greens used to live in London and now they______in Beijing.

to live used to live used to living used for living

e of the high temperature,many of people are_______,so nurses must take good care of

the _____people ;ill ss;sick ;sick ;ill

is lazy.I ______he ______get good grades this time.

;can ’t think;can’t ;can’t ’t think;can

was time for class. asked all the children ______down quietly

sit g

heavy snow didn’t _______the international airlines

attention to to a difference to to

70.I’ll go home to_______my can wait here.

have to______our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain.

off on up down

is ill.——________

’t worry B.I’m sorry to hear that hurry doesn’t matter

boy ______healthy_______he doesn’t like to exercise.

’t;so ’t;so ’t;because ’t;because

mother has a ______cold and he coughs_______.

;bad ;badly ;bad ;badly

question is so difficult that______students in our class can answer it.

A.a few C.a little

old man lives________,but he never feels ______

;alone ;lonely ;lonely ;alone

are going to have a picnic_______next week.

me time mes times

get knowledge _______from books______from life. Yes;both are important

;or r;nor ;but only;but also

a_______training,my dog became quite smart.

months long month long -month-long -months-long

computer has broken down.I’ll have it _____now

s ing repair ed

elder sister ______a way to work out the math problem.

up across up with through

met lots of difficulties,but he never ______hope.

d up up d up

many college students_____advertisement to make money for their study.

out out up out

bedroom is so dirty,he needs ________.

it up clean it up up it clean up it

could make a plan _____the kids in poor area.

g help

86.——Is the girl really ’s daughter?She doesn’t _____her at all.

——But sure she looks like her father.

after after after the same

’s bike is needs______.

repair ed ing

et makes _____easy for us to get the information.


can make a fire______the room warm so that we can chat for a while.

keep g

______many Confucius Institutes in the world to help foreigners learn Chinese culture

d up up up d up

can’t imagine _____at these nice Christmas presents.

they were excited excited they were

excited were they were how excited

the earthquake in Ya’an,we are trying to help the_____people to rebuild their homes

ss ss s ss

sister ______a taxi driver .Now she works for a charity

to being used to being used to being to be

答案:1—5 ACABC 6---10 CCBBC 11---15 CDCBB 16—20 BABCA 21—25 DCACB 26---30

AABDA 31—35 BBBCA 36—40 ABDCA 41---45 ADCAC 46—50 ACBBC 51—55 CCCBA

56---60 ABCDC 61—65 BACDC 66—70 CDCCD 71—75ABDDB 76—80 CADCD 81—85

CBBBD 86---90 BDCAB 91—93 BDD

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