


Unit 1 He lives the farthest from school


Listening and speaking



To understand the conversation with superlatives and adverbs

To ask and answer questions about transportation and travel

Key vocabulary: road, accident, except, far, far from, crowded, all the


Key structures: It’s the most comfortable way …

He lives the farthest from school …


(1) 通过谈论贝蒂及朋友上学的不同方式学习使用形容词和副词的最高级的用法

(2) 谈论各种交通方式




PWP Communicative


Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)


Listening and vocabulary ,


* Ask the students how they get to school and list their answers on the board.

* Ask for other ways to travel and list those too. Ask who has travelled those ways.

* Put the students in pairs to ask and answer how they like to travel or-to visit

family at the Spring Festival. Remind them they can use the ways on the board.

* Elicit adjectives they know to describe different means of travel.

1. Match the words in the box with the pictures.

* Ask the students to look at the pictures. Tell them to describe them in pairs.

* Elicit what they can see.

* Tell them to match the words with the pictures.

2. Listen and match the words in the box with the pictures in Activity 1. You need

to use one word more than once.

* Read through the list of words and ask the students to repeat them after you. Make

sure they understand them all.

* Ask the students to listen to the recording and listen for the words the first


* Play the recording again. Ask them to match the words with the pictures, and then

check answers with their partners.

* Play the recording once more for them to check.

* Elicit answers from the whole class.

3. Listen and read.

* Put the students in groups of 3-4 to talk about problems travelling to school.

* Elicit their ideas.

* Elicit and teach the key vocabulary: road, crowded, accident, etc.

* Play the recording. Ask the students to find out the problems and different ways

of travelling to school talked about in the conversation.

* Play the recording again for them to check.

* Elicit answers from the whole class.

Now complete the table.

* Tell the students to look at the table first.

* Play the recording once more while the students read and underline the key


* Ask them to complete the table on their own, and then check answers with then;


* Elicit answers in full sentences from the whole class.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

* Read through the words in the box. Ask the students to repeat them chorally and


* Ask the students to read through the sentences first, and then complete them with

the correct form of the words in the box on their own.

* Ask them to check answers with a partner.

* Elicit full sentences from the whole class.

5. Complete the sentences with the words or expression in the box.

* Read through the words and expression in the box. Ask the students to repeat them

chorally and individually.

* Ask them to read and complete the sentences on their own.

* Elicit full sentences from the whole class.

Pronunciation and speaking

6. Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.

* Ask the students to read through the conversations in pairs.

* Tell them to think about which words they think are the important ones and should

be stressed.

* Decide together. Nominate some students to share their ideas.

* Tell the students to listen and check which words are stressed.

* Elicit the stressed words.

* Ask the students to practise the conversations and exaggerate the stressed words

for the meaning.

Now work in pairs. Listen again and repeat.

* Play the recording again for the students to listen for the stressed words.

* Play the recording once more and pause for the students to repeat chorally and


* Have the students ask and answer in pairs.

7. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the ways of going to school. Use

the words in the box to help you.

* Read through the words in the box. Ask the students to repeat them chorally and


* Ask the students to read through the model conversation and think about different

ways of going to school.

* Have the students ask and answer in pairs.

* Elicit some conversations from the class.


* Tell the students to mingle and ask their classmates how they travel to school,

if they like it and why.

* Put the students in groups of six to share what they found out and do a survey.

* Ask them to list the students in their groups who travel the same way under the

headings "by bike", "by bus", "on foot", etc.

* Number the students 1-6 and rearrange the groups by number, (e.g. Ask the students

who are No. l to form a new group together.) Then do the same survey as before.

* Ask them to pool the information they've got and draw a graph. Then write some

sentences about the results, (e.g. In my survey, five people come to school by bus.)

* Nominate a few students to share their survey results.

本文标签: 教学方式副词