




negatives with each of the following words by using

one of the following prefixes dis-, il-, im-, in-, non-, un-

smoker, capable, practical, obey, security, revevant, mature,

ability, officially, willingness, legal, agreement, logical, loyal,


2. Turn the following nouns and adjectives into verbs with –

en, -ify, -ize and then choose them to fill in the blanks in the

sentences that below.

Hard horror modern memory false apology deep, glory,

sterile length, intense, beauty, fat, sympathy

1). He ___________ for interrupting her.

2).She tried to ___________her room with posters and plants.

3) A study has been ordered into the feasibility of ___________

the airport’s main runway by two hundred meters.

4) However much they_______, they all felt it was her fault.

5) Soya is excellent food _________ cattle.

6) She laughed and that seemed to _________her voice.

7) Four thousand pound had been spent on _________________

the station.

8) __________ the bottles by immersing them in boiling water

for 15minutes.


Pick out the words which you think are converted in the

following sentences and tell how they are converted.

1)We can’t stomach such insult.

2)Bill Gates roomed right next to me.

3)He wolfed down his lunch.

4)There is no come and go with her. 她很固执,很难说服。

5)I am one of his familiars.

6)Poor innocents!

7)She flatted her last note.

8)The engineers ahed and ouched at the new machines.

9)Come to the fire and have a warm.

10)He Hamleted at the chance and then regretted for it. (机



11)These shoses were an excellent buy.

12)The song quickly became the hit of the country.

13)Women have an equal say in affairs at home.

5. 小船在河上碰礁遇难。The canoe Titanicked on a rock in the

river. (Titanic是美国号称“永不沉没的巨轮”,1912年4月15日在



Restore the full forms of the following words and see how

these clipped words are formed. Copter dorm, lab, gas, prof, ad

一. 名转动

1. 我们不能容忍这样的侮辱。We can’t stomach such an


2. 谁雇佣你来干涉我的私事?Who has hired you to nose into

my own business?

3. 你做了错事,现在你得承担后果。You have done wrong, and

now will have to face the music.

4. 机会到来时,他犹豫不决,过后又懊悔。He Hamleted at the

chance and then he regretted for it.

5. 小船在河上碰礁遇难。The canoe Titanicked on a rock in the

river. (Titanic是美国号称“永不沉没的巨轮”,1912年4月15日在


6. 他狼吞虎咽地吃了午饭。He wolfed down his lunch.

7. 她没有因胆怯而退缩。She didn’t chicken out.

8. 灾难紧追着海林不放。Misfortune dogged Hailin’s steps.

9. 他们国家的物价象氢气球一样地急剧上升了。The prices

ballooned in their country.

10. 焦虑使他快步如飞。Anxiety winged his feet.

11. 彩虹横跨天空。The rainbow bridged the sky.

12. 他有礼貌地把来访者慢慢打发到门口。He politely edged

the visitors to the door.

13. 他读书度过此周末。He booked away the week-end.

14. 他把计划搞到手,就乘直升飞机去首都。He got the plans

and helicoptered to the


二. 形转动

15. 他使自己的声音坚定起来。He firmed his voice.(形转动)

16. 我们用窗帘美化房间。We have curtains to pretty up the


三. 副转动

17. 知识分子又受到了重视。The intellectuals are muched


18. 海军上将当场提升了这个年轻水手。The admiral upped the

young seaman on the spot.(副


四. 感叹转动

19. 我叔叔对整个计划嗤之以鼻。My uncle pooh-poohed the

whole plan.(感叹转动)?20. 学生们对这个主意表示轻蔑。The

students tut-tut the idea.(感叹转动)

21. 工程师们对这台新机器“哎哟”、“啊呀”地大加赞赏。The

engineers ahed and ouched at the

new machine.(感叹转动)

五. 复合词转动

22. 她企图用甜言蜜语诱使他们走出来。She tried to sweet-talk

them to come out.(形+名转动)

23. 昨天我们举行秘密会议。We close-doored the meeting


24. 他们抄近路到西湖。They short-cut their way to the West


25. 这点误会妨碍了他们的友谊。This misunderstanding short-

circuited their friendship.(形+名


26. 我想明天溜达看看商店橱窗。I’d like to window-shop

tomorrow. (名+名转动)?27. 马上干起来!别再想入非非了。Be up

and doing! Don’t day-dream any longer. (名+名转动)

六. 动转名

28. 她很固执,很难说服。There is no come and go with her.


29. 你最好再想一想。You had better have another think. (动转


30. 这件外衣买得好。The coat is a good buy. (动转名)

31. 你是这里最优秀的人。You are the pick of the basket here.


32. 如要磋商成功,必须双方让步。There must be give and

take if the negotiations are to succeed. (动转名)

33. 对你来说,这是一件必须做的事。For you this is a must.(动


34. 对大多数访问北京的外宾来说,万里长城是必游之地。The

Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing.

35. 这是一部重新摄制的影片。This film is a remake. (动转名)

七. 副转名

36. 他浮沉一生,坎坷不平。There are ups and downs in his life.


37. 他知道这件事情里里外外。(或:他了解这事的内情底细。)

He knew the ins and outs of the matter. (副转名)

38. 我们必须对每件事情问个为什么。We must go into the

hows and whys of everything. (副转名)

八. 形转名

39. 我是他的熟人之一。I’m one of his familiars.(形转名)

40. 她是个古怪的女人。She is a queer. (形转名)

九. 其它

41. 你要一杯放糖的茶还是不放糖的茶?Would you like a with

or a without? (介转名)?42. 在这个城市的人看来,穿长裙过时,穿

短裙时髦。For the people of the city, long-skirts are out,

miniskirts are in.(介转副)

43. 随大流者总比袖手旁观者好。Better to be an also-ran than

a never-was. (“副+动”复合词转名)

44. 玛丽的新生儿是男的吗?Is Mary’s new baby a he? (代转


45. 他的父亲是个具有男性魄力的人。His father is a he man.


46. 王教授是当时的系主任。Professor Wang was the then

dean. (副转形)

47. 你是成功者还是壮志未酬者?Are you a has-been or a

might-have-been? (动词词组转名)

48. 他乘出租汽车去机场。He taxied to the airpot. (名转动)

49. 我看见几个顽童在拼命厮打。I saw some naughty boys

fighting tooth and nail. (名转副)

50. 我不想听你的任何借口,马上把药吞服下去。I don’t want

any ifs and

buts——swallow your medicine at once. (连接词转名词)

本文标签: 沉没氢气球外宾诱使来访者