


排球的起源和发展(Origin and development of Volleyball)

Origin and development of Volleyball

The volleyball movement began in 1895 in the United States,

Massachusetts in Hawley, York City, a man named William G Morgan

of the Catholic Youth feel was popular basketball is good

practice of physical education supervision of all kinds of

physical exercise in counseling people, but not too intense

movement, suitable for older people. So after a period of

exploration, he created a new game: the game of basketball with

the liner on the tennis court, both sides must be equal but there

is no limit to the number, according to a party. The ball in

the net to pass back and forth on both sides, flying in the air,

this is the earliest form of volleyball. The original

volleyball is just a pastime, the number of the game, the size

of the ball, the number of scores are decided by the two sides

of the provisional negotiations. Soon the game is widespread

in the YMCA in communication, the first Morgan and Springfield

sports director Dr. Frank de and Lynch agreed as the fire

department director of small network (Mitontte), in 1896 after

the first exhibition match, renamed the name "Volleyball" has

been adopted so far.

The spread of volleyball, due to geographical reasons, first

spread to the United States Canada, Cuba, Brazil and other

countries, and then introduced to Asia, Europe and other places.

The channels of passage are mostly through the church.

Volleyball was introduced into Asia in 1900, first in India,

and then spread to Asian countries. The introduction of Asia

was carried out by the 16 person system, the 12 party system

and the 9 party system, and finally developed into the 6 party

system. The time of introduction to Europe is later than asia.

During the first World War (1914-1918), volleyball with

American soldiers across the oceans, set foot on the continent,

it was the perfect stage of volleyball rules began to gradually,

with athletes rotation, 15 points and 6 people system. In 1917,

it entered Italy, France and the former Soviet Union, and

carried out in Czech and Poland in 1919 and 1921. Entering the

Olympic Games in 1964, it became a popular sport among the

people all over the world.

The net or the post

(1) net structure

The net width of 1 meters, 9.50 meters long, hanging above the

midline vertical axis. The net surface consists of 10 inch

square black mesh. Top level strap 7 cm wide, with self folded

canvas, sewn along its full length. The tape ends are

respectively provided with a hole, hole rope and column is the

top taut. A flexible cable strap, which is in favor of the net

tight on the network live. In the network (NO level below the

belt), there is a rope through the mesh, to fasten the two posts,

make its lower part taut.

(2) net height

The net in the midline above, men 2.43 meters high, 2.24 meters

in female.

Its height is measured by a measuring rod from the central

stadium. The ends of the net (sidelines) from the ground height

本文标签: 起源排球发展