





1.(10分)Fan Shenghua,59,is one of the inheritors(传承人)of the Longjing tea roasting technique(炒茶技术).We

can know about (1) his job is from his hands﹣﹣they are thick and full of calluses(手茧).

"Roasting tea leaves is(2) part of the tea making have to touch the leaves with your hands

(3) how much water should be removed(去除),"Fan traditional technique not only makes sure the

quality of the tea,but also is(4) important part of Chinese tea culture."Longjing tea leaves are known(5)

their color,taste and by hand can we make(6) 's like making a work of art," Fan said.

Modern technology can save more time and (7) more and more popular now. "It's easier,(8)

the quality is not so good," Fan said.

When President Xi Jinping visited Hangzhou this year,he watched Fan roasting tea leaves(9) .President

Xi later said,"Longjing tea(10) by two hands and it greatly ensures the quality of the will never be

replaced by modern 's our traditional need to pass it on."


















most difficult




2.(10分)In your life,you are sure to meet thousands of you remember everyone?My answer is no.

Before I graduated from the nursing school,we had an important exam in I reviewed the (1) for


a whole next day when I read the last question,"What is the name of the woman who cleans our classroom?

"I was (2) at the question.I could only remember what she looked like but not her(3) ,even though

I saw the woman almost every y,I had to(4) my paper without finishing the classmates

couldn't (5) it,either.

After class,one of my classmates asked the teacher if the last question would affect(影响)our(6) .All

of us hoped to get a good result."Of course,"the teacher said (7) ."In our lives,we will meet a lot of

play different roles in our of them are important and(8) to always give us

a hand ,and what we can do is just to smile at them or(9) them politely."

I will never(10) the should try showing our kindness to mes they make the world

better and better.
































3.(10分)The summer holiday is are three fun courses for you.

Pay Attention to Landscapes

This course is for students who know a lot about watercolors(水彩画),but are having difficulty with some

will discuss choice of materials,color mixing and other areas that may be raised.

The day will start with a demonstration(示范) ,and then we will paint a light lunch in the studio,there


will be more practice.


Find Your Voice

You may feel you can't sing,or you may be a good singer who wants to develop singing you can learn how to

sing correctly and how to find your may attend this course more than once and each time you will have a

wonderful ne can sing and it's great fun.

Time: ﹣

Drawing for Fun

You will learn some basic skills of using soft s and different types of paper are bring yourself

and have a is a start﹣up day so people who have already attended courses should not sign up for it.


(1)Who may like the course in Pay Attention to Landscapes?

A.A girl with singing skills.

B.A boy without dancing skills.

C.A woman interested in sports.

D.A boy interested in watercolors.

(2)Which course lasts the shortest time?

Your Voice.

g for Fun.

Attention to Landscapes.

Music Takeaway.

(3)What can students do in the course Drawing for Fun?

outdoors together.

soft pencils.

knowledge about watercolors.

lunch with teachers.

(4)When does the course Drawing for Fun start?






(5)Where is this passage most probably from?

A.A textbook.

B.A newspaper.

C.A guidebook.

D.A novel.

4.(10分)Kenya(肯尼亚),a country in East Africa,is a land of natural beauty.

Kenya lies along the equator on Africa's east Indian Ocean is to the east of nds rise in the

western part of Kenya,at 5,199 meters,is Kenya's highest of the highlands,the land goes

down toward the coast.

Kenya's most important river,the Tana,starts from the highlands to the Indian of the country's other

rivers are short and sometimes dry up when there is little rainfall.


Kenya has two wet seasons and two dry ll is usually heavy from April to May and from November to

December,while some areas are more cloudy without much rain between July and August and from January to

atures are generally warmer in the north and cooler in the highlands.

Kenya is home to many national forests and bamboo grow in the country's animals

include elephants,lions,giraffes,zebras and many rare(稀有的) Kenyan government has set up more

than 50 nature the parks,the wildlife is protected from makes them excellent places to take a


(1)From Paragraph 2 we can know that .

western part of Kenya is level land

Kenya is Kenya's highest mountain

lies along the equator on Africa's west coast

land goes down toward the coast in the west of the highlands

(2)What does the underlined word "shallow" in Paragraph 3 mean?





(3)What is Kenya famous for according to Paragraph 5?




g trees.

(4)What is the purpose of the passage?

invite people to visit Kenya.

introduce the country Kenya.

give advice on how to travel Kenya.

call on people to protect the wildlife.

(5)What is the structure of the passage?









(1) Potatoes prefer Beginning of Spring is called

cooler temperatures for best weather in this season remains cold and windy.

temperature for growing potatoes is 16℃ Spring Equinox is called weather

to 21℃.

(2) Green beans

gets warmer(around16℃ to 21℃) and it becomes

rainy and cloudy.

are a warm season best time to Autumnal Equinox,called qiufen,falls on

grow beans is in late spring,

which is between late

May and the beginning of June.

September 22nd ﹣ weather starts to get cool

and more rainfall begins,but the temperature is good

at around 20℃ to 25℃.

(3) Rice needs to be kept in Heat,called dashu,is among the hottest

warm temperatures,so choose a place that this period,both temperature and rainfall


offers bright light and warm reach their highest point across most of China.

,rice prefers wet full,called xiaoman,falls on around May

conditions. weather becomes hot with the largest rainfall

(4) The best time to plant winter of a year.

wheat is from mid﹣September to early Beginning of Summer(lixia) stands for the

grows at the temperature passing from spring to is a lot of

from21℃to24℃.Wheat also needs a lot of sunshine and the temperature the same

sunshine. time,the rainfall is enough for crops to grow.

(5) Eggplants(茄子) need a lot Cold,also called dahan,is the coldest time of

of there are the hottest summers a will be thick snow in the north.

with plenty of rain in your area,it will be

good for them.


6.(15分)A young man failed in his business and his wife left was(1) and kept didn't know

(2) could help day,he went into a forest he met an old man who lived in(3)

small house (4) his story with the old man and asked, "Can you tell me the reason why I should not

give up?"

"Look,"the old man said,"do you see that fern(蕨类植物) and bamboo there?""Yes,"the man replied.

"When I planted the fern and bamboo seeds,I cared for(5) a few days,the fern quickly

came out from the land,"the old man said. "I watered the bamboo seed for years.(6) ,it still didn't sprout(发

芽).I didn't give up and continued to(7) after several years,it sprouted and grew a hundred feet

the past four years,its root(根)has grown strongly(8) it can grow quickly on the when you are

fighting against failure,you are growing strong roots."(9) the end,the man thanked the old man and left the

forest the(10) of the old man,he believed he would succeed in his business and life again.

六、读写综合。(本大题分为A、B两部分,共25分)回答问题 请阅读下面一篇短文,根据所提供的信息回答后


7.(10分)When talking about inventions,you can think of a large number of them in our seems that they keep

making a difference to the not only make our life convenient,but also help us be pleased with the changing

styles of history,the wheel,the telephone and the light bulb(电灯泡) are mentioned as three of the most


important inventions.

People have long depended on walking to go from one place to e of the invention of the wheel,

people didn't have to remain the only way of transportation ﹣ d,people can travel in a faster and more

interesting used wheels on carriages(马车)and bikes years the early 19th century,the first trains began

to carry became a hit at that the beginning of the 20th century,cars became t the

wheel,we would not have the above inventions.

The telephone,which was invented in 1860,allows people to keep in touch with each other anytime,

ication over long distances(距离) is not a problem any ly,people began to try the

new way and experience the new lifestyle.

Before the invention of the light bulb,people had to use oil lamps,gas lamps or candles to see at 1879,

the situation was totally American,Thomas Edison,invented the first practical light then on,

at night,people can do nearly all the things they can do in the daytime with the help of the light don't have to

hurry to do what they need to do before it's dark.

(1)What are mentioned as three of the most important inventions?

(2)Why didn't people have to remain walking?

(3)When was the telephone invented?

(4)Which things did people use to see at night before the light bulb was invented?

(5)Where was Thomas Edison from?



以"My Invention"为题写一篇英语短文,谈一谈你的发明。




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