


Urban Ecology & the Architecture of Ecopolis

Cities are at the centre of the storm of ecological destruction. Everything in the biosphere is connected

and cities are part of the global ecosystem. They embody the values of the civilization that produced them.

Industrial civilization has exploited the environment and the community to leave us with cities which suck

their hinterlands dry. City and country are interdependent and each city's hunger for land to feed, house

and fuel its growing population has been exacerbated by industrial colonialism so that cities now spread

across the face of the planet like a cancer.

But cities are the human nest - they are where most of us live. They could reflect the values of life-enhancing,

health-giving cultures. If cities are central to the problem of the ecological crisis they must be central

to its solution. In the last few years a worldwide movement has developed which seeks to create ecological

cities, cities in balance with nature.

Planetary medicine

An ecological city is as much about balance within human society as it is about balance between humans and

nature. An Ecopolis is a brand of eco-city, a package of concepts, ethics and programs for making cities

that are places of ecological restoration. It goes beyond "sustainability" - sustaining what we now have

would be like embalming a patient with a terminal illness. An Ecopolis is about healing.

Fit not fight

The difference between an Ecopolis and a "technopolis" is the difference between a mechanical contrivance

and a living organism. Technology does not make cities - people make cities. Technopolis is founded on the

modernist illusion of economic and technological determinism and is an assault on nature; an Ecopolis is

rooted in the real need to fit human settlement within the patterns of nature and its purpose is restoration

of the biosphere.

Politically, it is decentralised and democratic taking cues from Kropotkin and Bookchin. Socially and

culturally, it reflects the diverse reality of human affairs and the tapestry of life that makes every city

work. Economically, it adopts the premise that economics and ecology are both essentially to do with the

flow of energy and materials through a system and that "value" is a social construct. It talks the language

of economics familiar to Illich, Daly, Max-Neef and Paul Hawkins.

Family tree

The planning principles of an Ecopolis, with its concept of co-evolving cities and regions, branch from

the same philosophical tree as Geddes, Mumford and McHarg. Architectural principles stem from Wright and

the "organics" but locate most of the architecture in the urban ecosystem. William Morris might recognise

the social justice concepts and support for arts and craft and Bruce Goff would probably appreciate the

geometry with its eclectic overlays, but the thrust is determinedly urban, with a nod and a wink to Soleri.

Ecopolis is opposed to sub-urbanity and sentimental ruralism and promotes a return to the measure of human

bodies rather than machines - 10 minutes walk rather than 10 minutes drive.

Though its principles are universal, the architecture and urban form of an Ecopolis is regional, specific

to its place. That place is defined bioregionally, in a search for both biogeophysical and cultural limits.

Recognising that nature conserves us, its design philosophy embraces the Gaia hypothesis of Lovelock and

Margulis and seeks to create architectural and urban entities which display the resilient, self-organising,

dynamic balance of living organisms. Adaptation and evolution are keywords. Seeking synthesis, synergy and

symbiosis, an Ecopolis uses ecology as metaphor and in practice, closing ecological loops, taking care to

complete the water cycle, taking responsibility for sequestering carbon released in its making.


An Ecopolis employs appropriate technology - unrefined mud is a poor semi-conductor, microchips are poor

building blocks. An adaptable, low technology "platform" is buildable almost anywhere and can weather changes

in the economic or actual climate. Technological sophistication can be added as needed. This strategy can

work in "First" and "Third" world environments making technology transfer, in either direction, simple and

effective. It is important not to build around inappropriate technological dependencies.


Human society based on exploitation will exploit, rather than nurture, nature. Social equity is essential

in an Ecopolis. Social balance depends on appropriate economic foundations. Money does not normally talk

ecologically for reasons for that go to the roots of our culture. Building ecological cities also means

building a culture and economy based on ethical behaviour, social responsibility and "clean" capital to

maintain a non-exploitative relationship with the biosphere. No ecology, no economy - no planet, no profit.

Appropriate "invisible" economic and social structures must be laid before the first physical foundations.


Top-down, bureaucratically-driven visions of future cities fail because they do not engage the community

in their creation.

The role of the citizen is paramount in the movement towards ecological cities. Just as supportive clients

are necessary for innovation in architecture, so ecologically conscious, democratically active citizens

are essential for innovation in urbanism. Building eco-cities means building community support for change.

The "Ecopolis" proposition is that tension between the imperative for change and the need for security can

translate into creativity by promoting community-driven development. This is being demonstrated by the

Halifax EcoCity Project.


An Ecopolis provides the means for ordinary people to address the full range of ecological, social and economic

issues simply by choosing where they live. Buying or renting a home, office or workshop in an Ecopolis is

not just a real estate deal, it means becoming part of a healthy living organism. Financial, management

and political structures are dealt with as well as the more obvious environmental trappings associated with

energy efficient, climate responsive, non-toxic design.


As Cherie Hoyle, my partner in love, life and work puts it - Architecture is politics. An Ecopolis is about

creating a three-dimensional expression for the politics of human-scaled, decentralised, society living

in harmony with itself and the world.

Celebrating the gravity of the situation

Nature does not negotiate, a species doesn't get a second chance. Architecture must comply with the biological

demands of ecosystems as much as it must respond to the physics of construction and laws of gravity. An

Ecopolis celebrates being human within the rigorous limits of our biosphere.

Life is a balance of opposites. An uncomplicated response to this simple, ancient philosophy can create

a rich and profoundly satisfying architecture. An Ecopolis balances old with new, order with spontaneity,

heavy with light, enclosure with open-ness, high tech with low, regionalism with universality. This cannot

be sprung from nothing, it needs a place, people and time. The challenge is to distill the essence of it

all for workable schemes in our industrial, consumer civilisation. The goal of an urban organic architecture

is a glittering prize.





但城市是人类巢 - 他们是我们多数人生活。他们可以反映生活的提高,健康的文化价值观。如果城市的生态危机问题




方案,为使城市生态恢复的地方包。它超越了“可持续发展” - 维持会像我们现在有什么防腐与身患绝症的病人。是一个



一个生态城市和“科技城市”之间的差异是一个机械的发明和一个活的有机体之间的差异。技术不能使城市 - 人使城市。










是反对分文雅和感伤ruralism和促进一个人体测量,而不是机器的回报 - 步行10分钟,而超过10分钟车程。

虽然它的原则是普遍的,一个生态城市的建筑和城市的形式是区域,具体到它的地方。 bioregionally那个地方是指,在





一个生态城市,采用适当的技术 - 不登大雅之堂的泥是一个可怜的的半导体,微芯片是贫穷的建筑块。适应性强,低






为,社会责任和“干净”的资金,以保持与生物圈非剥削关系。没有生态,没有一个经济体 - 没有行星,没有利润。必须





民在城市规划创新的重要。建设生态城市的手段建设,改变社会的支持。 “生态城市”的主张是,必须改变和安全可以创







由于切丽霍伊尔,我的爱,生活和工作中的合作伙伴所说的那样 - 建筑是政治。一个生态城市是创建一个三维人规模









本文标签: 城市生态社会经济