


Unit3 我爱记单词-语境记忆法

1. Mark Twain was brought up in a poor lawyer's family and Florida was his

birthplace. One of his best known novels is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer set in

his boyhood world. The author's pen name came from the phrase “mark twain"

which means that the water is two fathoms deep. His real name was Samuel

Langhome Clemens.


就是以他少年世界为背景的《汤姆•索亚历险记》。作者笔名来自“mark twain”这个用语,


2. Once in London there lived two old and wealthy brothers named Roderick

and Oliver They made a bet about what would happen if a penniless man was

given a million pound bank note. One day they happened to see a young man in

rags wandering on the pavement He was a businessman from America.

从前在伦敦有两个上了年纪而有钱的兄弟,名叫罗德里克和奥利弗。 他们定了一个賭

约,看如果一个身无分文的人得到了一张百万英镑的钞票,将会发生什么。 一天,他们碰

巧看到一个衣衫褴褛的年轻人正在人行道上流浪。 他是一个来自美国的商人。

3. That evening the party went ahead as planned. Just then a terrible scene

appeared. While the hostess was bowing to the guests, someone began to scream

suddenly and stared at her in a rude manner. On the contrary, the hostess was still

showing a genuine smile.




4. As for the food, like steaks, desserts and pineapples, no one had the

appetite to eat. So a large amount of food was left on the table. It seemed that the

hostess had no choice but to take a chance to deal with what had happened.



5. The barber was not permitted to do his business any longer in that country.

He thought it was indeed unbelievable. He didn't have the patience to argue, so he

wrote a letter and sent it in a large envelope to the embassy to seek help.



6. The young man was requested to explain what it was all about. He said he

had landed in Britain by accident. One day, he was sailing out of the bay, and

towards nightfall he was caught in a strong wind. But it was all his fault because he

hadn't expected there would be a storm. Fortunately, he was spotted by a ship and

brought to England. During the journey he earned his passage by working as an

unpaid hand, which accounted for his appearance.





本文标签: 女主人年轻人发生