



一、 选出下列名词复数形式的正确拼写:

1. child A. children B. childs 2. sheep A. sheeps B. sheep 3. boy A.

boys B. boies 4. watch A. watches B. watchs 5. coat A. coats B. coates 6.

leaf A. leafs B. leaves 7. German A. Germans B. Germen 8. mouth A.

mouths B. mouthes 9. woman doctor A. women doctors B. women doctor 10.

baby horse A. babies horses B. baby horses 答


二、 写出下列名词的复数形式

1. book ___________car ___________street___________ day___________ 2.

bus___________ box ___________ match ___________ class___________ 3.

city___________ story___________ family___________ country___________ 4.

radio___________photo ___________piano___________ zero___________ 5.

knife___________leaf___________ life ___________ thief___________ 6. man

___________ woman___________ child___________ foot___________ 7. woman

teacher ___________ apple tree ___________ policeman___________


1. The _____ in our garden are very beautiful.

A cloth B water C flowers D woman

2. Jim is one of the American __________ in our school.

A boy B boys C boies D girls

3. They are ________________.

A woman doctors B women doctors C woman’s doctors

4. A horse has four ___________, doesn’t it?

A foots B feet C feets

5. There are two ___________ and three ________ in the room.

A American, Japanese B Americans, Japanese C American, Janpaneses 6.

_________ come from England. They speak English

A Englishman B Englishmans C Englishmen 7. Can you see nine

_____________ in the picture?

A sheep B dog C pig D horse

8. Twelve _______ were hurt, but no ______ were lost in that


A person; life B people; lives C peoples; lives D persons; life 9.

The _______ has two__________.

A boys; watches B boy; watch C boy; watches D boys; watch 10. The

_______ are going to fly to Beijing.

A German B Germany C Germanys D Germans

11. The boy always brushes his _______ before he goes to bed.

A tooth B tooths C teeth D teeths

12. The boy always stays there for_______________.

A one and half hour B one and a half hour

C one and half hours D one and a half hours

13. My son’s birthday is coming. I want to buy him a computer as a

birthday _________.

A place B party C poster D presents

14. –How many ____________ are there in a year?

本文标签: 复数形式名词下列选出