




be able to do sth 有能力、办法或机会做某事

be absorbed in sth 全神贯注于某事、专心致志做某事

access to sth 接近,使用,入口,通道

according to 根据……所说/所示

on account of 由于,因为

not on any account 决不,千万不要

on one’s own account 单独,独自

take sth into account 对某事加以考虑

accuse sb of sth 指控、控告,谴责

accustom oneself/sb/sth to sth 使……习惯于……

be accustomed to sth 习惯于……

add to 增加

be addicted to 沉溺于

in addition 也、另外

in addition to 除……之外

adequate for 足够

adjust oneself to … 使自己适应……

in advance 提前,预先

advertise for sb 登广告招聘

be afraid of 害怕,担忧

after all 毕竟,终究

be after 寻找,寻求;追赶

one after another 陆续,相继

again and again 一再,屡次

once again 再一次

at the age of 在…… 岁时

agree to do sth 同意做某事

agree with sb 同意某人的话

in agreement with 符合……,和……一致

by air 通过空运,乘飞机

all over 到处,完毕

in all 总共

not at all 别客气

above all 首先;尤其是

all in 概而言之,大致上;全部,合计

first of all 首先

let alone 且不论;更不必说

in large /small amounts 大量(小额)地

do/ carry out/ conduct an analysis 对……进行分析

apart from 除……以外

offer/make an apology to 向……致歉

apply for 提出请求,申请

apply to 实施,运用

make an appointment 订一个约会

arrive at/in a place 达到某地

as……as…… 同……一样

not so …as… 不如……那样

as if/though 好像,好似

ask for 请求,寻求

assist sb in/with sth; assist sb in doing sth 帮助,援助,协助

in association with 与……在一起,与……联合

attach importance/ significance to sth 认为……重要、有意义;重视

pay attention to 专心

attitude to/towards 态度,想法

have authority over 对……的支配权,控制权

have the authority to do sth 有权……

in authority 具有权威,掌权

on average 平均

be away from 远离

go/run away 走开


off the bat 毫不犹豫地,立即地

go to bed 睡觉

make the bed 铺床,整理床铺

at the beginning of 在……之初

on behalf of 作为……的代表;代表……一方

belief in sth/sb 对(某事物、某人的真实性和正确性)充满信心,对(某事物、某人的真实


belong to 属于

do one's best 尽力

all the best 祝一切顺利

you bet (口语)当然

had better 最好

in between 在……之间

a bit of 稍微,有点

be blamed for …… 为(某事)受责备

be to blame 该……负责,……应受责

blame sth on/upon sb 把……归咎于

turn a blind eye to…… 对……视而不见

on board 在船上(飞机,火车上等)

get bored with sb/sth 对……厌烦

both … and … 不仅……而且……;既……又……

at the bottom of 在……的底部/深处

from the bottom of one’s /the heart 发自内心深处,真心真意

bow to sb 向某人鞠躬

break down (使)崩溃;(使)出故障、停止运转;消除(隔阂、偏见等)

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