








Now the residual of the Olympic Games events are being

carried out in full swing, at the same time around the care of

persons with disabilities held a series of activities, such as blind

road improvement, the introduction of "barrier-free" facilities, the

market to add people with purpose-built facilities, the banks set

up for people with disabilities such as the counters.

I have a concern that if the Paralympic Games after the

conclusion of these activities means that the end? Vulnerable

social groups have been concerned about the evaluation and

care are not a community is the yardstick of civilization.

Persons with disabilities in social life, production difficulties,

the society is how to deal with? Every one of us how to deal with

them? Personality and rights of persons with disabilities have



Today, I and several friends all boring, each man holding

hands went out to play.

The silver city tower and the post office is decorated,

beaming, very lively. Around the square and sidewalk, many

vendors seize this golden time, sell all kinds of small commodity.

In order to satisfy my curiosity, I and several friends holding

hands, drill to drill in the crowd, look in all directions, to see them


When I went to the door of the post office of the banyan tree,

I heard "buy toys, " Cries of something special, just follow

the sound approached a look, turned out to be a foreigner in his

fifties in selling all kinds of toys and small colorful balloons. He s

one meter height, disheveled hair, face dark, dress neatly, right

hand disability (hand cannot bend).

I don't know is influenced by his unyielding spirit, or a word

of compassion for the disabled, I and several friends standing at

his side, tightly improve tone followed shouted, "buy toys, "

We held this crude a childish, cries of high, play an unexpected

effect, the people around (especially children), with curiosity, wai,

some want to buy this, some want to buy that, make the disabled

hurry-scurry, so I picked up the pump, quick to those who want

to buy a small balloon inflated, the unknown in the side is busy

for the disabled to buyers offer, with the only healthy left hand

keep money, from time to time, and with grateful eyes Chou

Chou we this a few small BuDingDian girl.

After about an hour of time, the disabled persons of all the

goods sold there. At this moment, I feel a bit thirsty, the door is

ready to go home, the people with disabilities in al Jefferson

thanks to me at the same time, quickly took out one yuan to give

me, we have the chance to say "you're welcome", fly like ran


Back to home, mother asked us: "so long, where did you go?"

We answered him: "proud of solidarity, ashamed of beggar-thy-

neighbour! We went to help the disabled."

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