


In many countries, very few young people read newspapers or follow the

news on TV. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can

you suggest?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your

own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:

There has been a dramatic increase in the numbers of newspaper and

television channel over the last few years. Despite this increasing numbers, a

large proportion of the population, which consist of youngsters seem

uninteresting to pursue news on print and electronic media. Timings, traditional

and boring way of presenting information and new interests among young are

few factors that impede the youngster attention towards reading or watching the

news. However, there is a dire need to adapt new technologies to cater youngster

interest. For instance, the online version of the news, easy accessibility and

encouragement from guardians can help a lot in this regard.

Firstly, newspaper always comes in the morning, which is the busiest time of

youngsters, as they are approaching schools and colleges at that time. Secondly,

nowadays mass media is full of boring and traditional news, having nothing new

for the youngster that can attract their attention. Thirdly, study loads and

pressure of completing assignments, projects and research work are the main

hindrances to following news on media.

Apart from that, youngsters spend more time on social networking sites and

that’s why they have less interest in traditional newspapers or news channels.

However, media could appeal numerous youngsters by providing them online

news and video streaming by the use of technology that will be more convenient

and easily accessible for them.

Additionally, interaction by the forum, chats and comments also play a

pivotal role in pulling target audience. Moreover, youngsters should have access

to newspapers on bus stops, stations and waiting for areas of institutions.

To sum up, I would like to say that new and innovative ways of information

dissemination with the use of technological advancements would definitely

influence youngsters. Accessibility of resources and guidance from the parents

could also be fruitful.

本文标签: 阅读报纸关注电视新闻年轻人