


Unit 1 The Snake Bite

Teaching Aims 1. Improving Skills

1 Learn and master different ways of

asking about & expressing


celistening comprehension

and master certain listening skills.

ing English speaking skills

and communicative skills by

learning the conversation and other

speaking activities.

2. Enriching Vocabulary

all at once, figure, seem, forbid, show up,

strike, make for, pick out, light out for,

must have done, every now and then, at

length, hold on to

Writing logical sentences. 3. Improving Writing skills

4. Introduction to Grammar

indirect command with infinitives

such as He wanted to see you/Tell

him to wait。

Teaching Activities

Do the extended activities to practice students’integrated skills of reading comprehension,

translation, writing and to solidate their basic language knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.



Teaching aids

8 lessons

A recorder

Teaching Procedures


Warming up (for reference): Ask some students how they show their distress and annoyance in

life. Have the students demonstrate their writings on the board. Introduce other possible ways to

show annoyance or distress such as:

(1) It is annoying

(2) I am not pleased at

(3) John was very upset when his father cancelled the family trip to the beach.

(4) You wouldn’t

(5) What a shame!

(6)It sickened me to

(7)It really get on one’

(8)It really get under one’s skin..

Annoy .(及物动词)

To cause slight irritation to (another) by troublesome, often repeated acts.


To harass or disturb by repeated attacks.打搅,干扰,扰乱:用屡次的攻击使人厌烦或打扰


To be annoying.招人讨厌,惹人烦恼

He looked annoyed.他好象不耐烦的样子。

We can annoy the enemy by raids.我们可以用空袭骚扰敌人。

Part 1 Comminicative activities

tive listening and speaking

A Students are asked to close their books and listen to the tape recorder without reading the new


B During the listening, students are asked to take some notes about some information of the


C After listening, Teacher will read the listening exercise on Page2 and students do the exercise

with the help of the notes, which they have just taken down, and the memory of the listening.

D Students talk about their feelings

It sickened me to

It really get on one’

It really get under one’s skin..

E Try to Speak More:

Firstly, students will be asked to read the conversation by role-playing.

Secondly, Teacher will explain some unfamiliar words or phrases in the conversation. Such as:

sicken, bald and three chickens to one single cage.

Thirdly, students will be asked to point out some expressions that express feelings of distress or

annoyance in the conversation.

Forthly, Teacher asks several students to read the expressions that they have already checked out.

the students to work out a short story in pairs on the picture.

are they for?& sentences

Teacher will play the tape recorder to let students listen to more ways of expressing distress and


* After listening, students will be given a little time to match these expressions with the functions.

* Teacher will read the Actual Words Spoken out one by one while students will read the

responding functions.

* Teacher will explain the meanings of some unfamiliar words such as: bugging, pestering and


Bug: annoy;

Pester: to annoy someone by repeatedly asking questions or making requests, especially when they

are paying attention to something else.

Brag: .(及物动词)

To assert boastfully.夸耀地宣称


A boast.自夸

Arrogant or boastful speech or manner.傲慢的话,夸耀的态度

Something boasted of.被夸耀之物

A braggart; a boaster.吹牛的人;说大话者

Games A card game similar to poker.

【游戏】 类似于扑克的一种纸牌游戏

make brag of one's success自夸成功

His wealth is his brag.他夸张他的财富。

He constantly brags about how well he plays football.他老是吹嘘自己足球踢得多么好。

If You Want to Learn More

In the above exercise, we have learnt and practised ways of expressing annoyance and distress in

different situations. In this part, additional expressions are listed.

Students will be given a little time to put the given sentences’ numbers into the suitable


Teacher will check the answers.

Teacher will explain several important expressions.

i.e. gall sb: to vex sb; to annoy someone or make someone very angry;

get on one’s nerves: to annoy someone, especially by continually saying or doing sth you do

not like.

get under one’s skin: to annoy someone a lot, but may not annoy other people at the same time.

drive sb mad/crazy/nuts/ up the wall: to annoy sb very much so that they cannot stand the


be a drag: If someone or sth is a drag, they annoy you especially because they are boring or

prevent you from enjoying yourself.

Quotable Quote

A Teacher will read the quotable quote out firstly. i.e. If we are bound to forgive an enemy, we

are not bound to trust him.

B Have the class discuss why we can forgive an enemy, but never trust him or her?

C Ask some students to make a presentation about their discussion.

D Ask students who have the similiar experience to talk about this quote.

Part 2 Reading and Language Activities

1. The Text-The Snake Bite

Introduction to the text

Students will be asked by Teacher “ Have you ever met a snake?” “Do you like it?” “Do you

have any stories concern with any snake?”

Teacher may pick some students at random to tell their interesting experiences or horrible fears

with snakes.

Teacher may try to tell the first part of the story in the text and ask students to guess the rest of

the story.

Later, Teacher should tell some good examples of snake-bite first aid. First of all, try not to be

scared and to identify the snake if you can. Secondly, try to get the poisonous blood out. Next, get

the patient to hospital as quickly

Explain the Language Point

1 The text contains many colloquial phrases to reflect a child’s style of speaking. Phrasal verbs

are used over single verbs, for instance, “light our” for “depart”; “pick out” for “recognize”,

“show up” for “appear”, “break into” for “begin abruptly”. The use of child phrases (“Mama”,

“Papa”) and some causative verbs in “make me lie”, “put Martha to watch”, “get me to stop

yelling” also help render the text fitting a child’s tone.

2 The house melon-and-garden patch: a piece of land for growing vegetables and melons for

family use. Known as a “vegetable patch”.

3 On the place; in the lot: Both refer to the boy’s home. “Lot”: a piece of land having a special

use. E.g. a parking lot; a used-car lot; a building lot.

4 made for: headed toward; pick out: recognize; buggy and Tom: the horse and the

horse-drawn carriage; break into a gallop: start to run abruptly;

5 porch: (mainly used in American English) a raised platform built along the walls of a house

and often covered with a roof. After supper, people usually sit on chairs or rockers on the porch

for relaxation. Houses with porches can still be seen in many places in America, especially in rural


6 Anxious to get his nose in the manger: A manger is a feeding box in a stable or barn. Here it

means that the horse was anxious to eat.

7 crest: n.(名词)

A usually ornamental tuft, ridge, or similar projection on the head of a bird or other animal.


An elevated, irregularly toothed ridge on the stigmas of certain flowers.


A plume used as decoration on top of a helmet.羽饰:头盔顶部用作装饰的羽毛

A helmet.头盔

Heraldry A device placed above the shield on a coat of arms.

【纹章学】 饰章:一种放在盾形纹章上方的饰物

A representation of such a device.纹章图饰:这种装置的纹章图饰

The top, as of a hill or wave.山顶,浪尖:山或波浪等的顶部

The highest or culminating point; the peak:最高点,顶点;顶峰:

the crest of a flood; at the crest of her career.洪峰;在她事业的顶点

The ridge on a roof.屋脊

8 light out

[美俚]匆匆离去, 拼命地跑, 飞快地跑

9 strike .(及物动词)

To hit sharply, as with the hand, the fist, or a weapon.打击:猛烈击打,如用手,拳头或武器等

To inflict (a blow).使遭受(一击)

To penetrate or pierce:渗过或透过:

was struck in the leg by a bullet.被子弹穿透腿部

To collide with or crash into:冲突或冲撞:

She struck the desk with her knee.她的膝盖撞上了桌子

To cause to come into violent or forceful contact:撞击:引起猛烈或有力接触的形成:

She struck her knee against the desk.她用膝盖撞桌子

10 show up v.揭露, 露出, 露面

11 rig: n. Special equipment or gear used for a particular purpose.成套器械:用于特用途的特


A truck or tractor.铰链式卡车,拖拉机

A tractor-trailer.拖拉机拖车

A vehicle with one or more horses harnessed to it.马车:套上一匹或多匹马的马车

The special apparatus used for drilling oil wells.钻井架,钻塔:用于打油井的特殊工具

12 at length adv. 最后, 详细地

13 yell: .(不及物动词)

To cry out loudly, as in pain, fright, surprise, or enthusiasm.



To utter or express with a loud cry; shout.叫喊着说:大叫着说或表达;叫喊


A loud cry; a shout.大声吼叫;叫喊

A rhythmic cheer uttered or chanted in unison by a group:欢呼声:一群人同时发出的带节奏的


a college yell.大学生的欢呼


Students are given a little time to predict the result of the text. Did Father’s coming save the author?

Who saved the author at last, Father or doctor?

Language Work

Students are asked to fill out the blanks with the words or phrases from the text.

Teacher has the students work individually and get the answers to fit the text.

Later, has the students report their work and Teacher checks the answers.

Part 3 Extended Activities

1.Poem reading


























2. Read More

A Introduction

After students’ interesting stories, Teacher will try to raise questions such as: Can you believe love

between animals? / What will happen if a baboon fall in love with a cock? / Do you believe the

B Reading

Students are asked to read the text as a reading material. They will be given a little time to get the

main idea of the text and try to match the subtitles with the pictures on Page 40.

C Checking

Teacher may ask one or two students to get the main idea out. He or she may encourage students

to make it as a story if they can. Later, come to the cartoons and the subtitles. Teacher should ask

the answers to the matching from the students.

D True or False Questions

Students will be asked to do the true or false questions. Later, have the students check the answers


Grammar Work

Teacher explains “Command Verb + Infinitive” structures.

Have the students say other verbs of similar type:

(1) forbid (2) manage (3) decide (4) force

Have the students complete the error correction individually.

Teacher may explain the structure “Command Verb + Gerund”.

Teacher and students check the answers together with students read their answers one by one.

Word Formation

* Have the students work in small groups to study the notes for the word formation in the box.

* Have the students use the knowledge to work out the derivatives for the following words: (Be

aware that all the words are not derived with the given suffixes.)

1)grow ——〉noun:

2)secure ——〉noun:

3)cold ——〉noun:

* Have the students complete the blank filling.

* Teacher should check the answers later.

Vocabulary Work

# Firstly, Teacher will ask students how dog, cat and pig cry or call.

# Secondly, Teacher writes the animals’ names on the blackboard and asks students to say the

verbs used to describe the noises those animals make.

# Thirdly, students will be asked to practise the animals’ names and the corresponding verbs.


Have some volunteers write their answers on the blackboard.

Then ask the whole class try to figure out the mistakes.

Teacher may encourage students to work out more new expressions.

Cultural Information

* Teacher may tell students a story about the misunderstanding of fixed conceptions about


* Then ask students to compare the cultural meanings in English and Chinese with question: How

do we Chinese usually think of these animals?

* After reading, students are asked to add the list as many as possible.

本文标签: 突起纹章装饰用于家伙