


Useful Vocabulary about Lithium-ion Battery


一.Classification of Batteries 电池的分类

1.Physical battery 物理电池

A. Solar battery 太阳能电池 B.Thermal cell 热电池

2.Chemical battery 化学电池

A. Non-rechargeable battery

(Primary battery)原电池;一次电池

Zinc-Air battery 锌空气电池 Carbon-Zinc battery 碳锌电池

Alkaline battery 碱性电池 Silver Oxide battery 氧化银电池

Lithium battery 锂电池

B、Rechargeable battery (secondary battery)


Lithium Ion battery 锂离子电池 Lithium Polymer battery 锂聚合物电池

Nickel Cadmium battery 镍镉电池

Nickel Metal hydride battery 镍氢电池 Lead-acid battery 铅酸电池

C.Fuel cell 燃料电池

二.Components 组成篇

 Positive electrode正极 Negative electrode负极

 Cathode (Oxidation takes place) 阴极 Anode (Reduction takes place) 阳极

 Positive terminal 正极端 Positive tab 正极极耳

 Negative terminal 负极端 Negative tab 负极极耳

Current collector 集流体(collector electrode)

 Copper foil铜箔 Aluminum foil 铝箔

Cathode Active Material 正极(阴极)活性物质

 Lithium cobalt oxide 锂钴氧 lithium manganese oxide 锂锰氧

 Lithium nickel oxide 锂镍氧 Lithium iron phosphate 磷酸亚铁锂

 Anode active material 负极(阳极)活性物质

 Conductive assistant 导电剂 conducting polymer导电聚合物

 Graphite 石墨

 Natural graphite天然石墨 Artificial graphite人造石墨

 Modified graphite 改性石墨

 Mesophase-pitch-based carbon fiber(MCF) 中间相沥青碳纤维

 Soft carbon软碳 coke 焦炭 Binder黏结剂

 Mesophase carbon micro beads(MCMB) 中间相碳微球

 Hard carbon硬碳 Acetylene black乙炔黑

 Poly-vinylidene fluoride(PVDF) 聚偏二氟乙烯

 Poly-tetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) 聚四氟乙烯

 Separator 隔膜;隔板

 Poly Propylene(PP)聚丙烯 Poly Ethylene(PE)聚乙烯

 Steel jacket (Steel-Can)钢壳 Aluminum jacket(Al-Can)铝壳

 Gasket 垫圈 Top cap 盖板 Electrolyte injection hole注液孔

 Non-aqueous Electrolyte 非水电解液

 Solute 溶质 Solvent 溶剂 Additive 添加剂

 Lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6)六氟磷酸锂

 N-methyl pyrrolidone(NMP) N-甲基吡咯烷酮/ 1-甲基-2-吡咯烷酮

 Ethylene carbonate(EC) 乙烯碳酸酯/碳酸乙烯酯

 Propylene carbonate(PC) 丙烯碳酸酯/碳酸丙烯酯

 γ-Butyrolactone(γ-BL) γ-丁内酯

 Dimethyl carbonate(DMC) 二甲基碳酸酯/碳酸二甲酯

 Diethyl carbonate(DEC) 二乙基碳酸酯/碳酸二乙酯

 Ethyl methyl carbonate(EMC) 乙基甲基碳酸酯/碳酸甲乙酯

Manufacture Process 制备过程篇

The second workshop(二车间)

 slurry Mixing 混料

 Positive slurry mixing 正极配料Negative slurry mixing 负极配料

 Positive slurry coating 正极拉浆 Negative slurry coating 负极拉浆

Positive electrode preparing 正 极 制 片

 Cutting into big pieces 裁大片 Cutting into small pieces 裁小片(滚切)

 Weighing & grading 称重分档

 Pressing 压片 Al tape Jointing 焊接铝带

 Positive drying正极烤片 positive tape Affixing 正极贴胶带

Negative electrode preparing

负 极 制 片

 Automatically cutting 自动分切 Negative drying负极烤片

 Automatically cutting and pressing自动裁压片

 Weighing & grading 称重分档 Riveting 铆接

 Negative spot welding 负极点焊 Rubberized fabric affixing 贴胶布

The third workshop(三车间

 Winding 卷绕 Rubberized fabric enveloping 包胶布

 Gasket installing (gasket setting) 放隔圈 Batch number marking打批号

 Encasing 套壳 Sinking 沉底

 Negative spot welding 负极点焊 Positive spot welding

 正极点焊Tab folding 折极耳 cover board Jointing 点盖板

 Cover pressing 压盖板 Cover beat 敲电池

 The fourth workshop(四车间) Laser welding激光焊

The fifth workshop(五车间)

 Silica gel drip 点硅胶 Sealant smearing 涂密封剂

 Weighing 称重 Washing 清洗

 Ring 套胶圈 Drying 烘烤

 Electrolyte injection 注液

The sixth workshop(六车间)

 First aging/Aging before sealing 一次陈化

 CC charging(constant current charging) 恒流化成 Sealing 封口

 Ocv check( open circuit voltage check) 测电压

 Steel ball inserting 敲钢珠 Steel ball pressing 压钢珠

 Rubberized fabric tearing 撕胶纸 Washing 清洗

 vacuum Extracting 抽真空 Appearance check 外观检查

本文标签: 电池负极碳酸活性石墨