




Determining the Purchase Situation: Cornerstone of Supplier Relationship


Material Source: google science Author: Evi Hartmann

Thomas Ritter

Abstract:Purchasing has moved to the agenda of senior management

reflecting an increasing strategic attention to benefits that can be

gained from management of and cooperation.with suppliers.

Modern purchasing approaches reflect this changing emphasis

towards the importance of quality and innovativeness of suppliers as

opposed to pure price negotiations. However, different approaches

are suitable for different purchase situations,for the specific

circumstances the buying firm is in. Detailed evaluation and analysis

of the purchase situation are even more crucial to a company’s

sustainable success since new ways of interacting such as electronic

marketplaces are developing fast and changing the way firms work

together. In this paper, the authors structure different classification

models of purchase situations by identifying the underlying

dimensions. Based on the literature review the authors have grouped

the indicators in four dimensions. Then by combining these

dimensions an overall integrated classification model is developed.

Finally, suggestions for future research are discussed.


The field of purchasing has evolved significantly in the last two centuries. The

growing pressure of global competition and less internal value-creation has led to

the recognition that purchasing is an important contributor to a firm’s

competitive advantage by both academics and practitioners. An appropriate

sourcing strategy can contribute significantly to increase profitability, market

share and technological innovation. This increased importance of purchasing

relates to different reasons as cost, quality and technology.Because purchase

costs account on average for more than 40% of total expenses they are clearly a

major area for potential cost savings. The present invention relates to a system

and method for a Commercial credit card. Credit cards operate by having the

enabling buyers and sellers of goods to transact with each institution issuing the

credit card, the merchant bank, proother. More particularly, the present invention

provides). Besides cost benefits purchasing and supply management has a major

impact on quality. Companies have tended to concentrate on their core

competencies with the aim to increase effectiveness and efficiency (Hamel,

Prahalad 1995). The need to nurture core competences has lead to an increased

本文标签: 管理供应商关系外文