



The historical name of Morocco, dufis, is located in the

northern part of the country. It is located on the highland of 410

meters above sea level at the northern foot of the middle Atlas

mountain. It is 190 kilometers away from the capital Rabat in

the West. It is the traffic hub in the East, West and North. It is

the first Arab city established in Morocco. It has a history of

more than 2800 years and is regarded as one of the holy places

of Islam.

The city of Fez was built in 808 BC. It is said that Idris II,

great grandson of Muhammad, the founder of Islam and king of

Morocco's first dynasty, rebuilt it on the site destroyed by the

vandals in the 8th century. The name FES evolved from "FASS".

In Arabic, "FASS" means "golden axe". It is said that when Idris

II presided over the foundation breaking of the city, he found a

golden axe in the direction facing the holy city of Mecca. Idris II

felt that this was an auspicious sign and immediately named the

city "FASS". Later, "FASS" became "FES" and has been used

today. When the city was completed, Idris II designated it as the

capital of the Idris Dynasty, the first Islamic dynasty in Morocco.

In Arabic, "FASS" also means "fat land" and "pickaxe". Because

the city of FES is built in a small valley, surrounded by hills in

the suburbs, and olive trees are lush on the hillside, across the

hills is a great plain looking at the sky. The rivers and ditches

are vertical and horizontal, the flowing water is gurgling, the

climate is pleasant, the vegetation is luxuriant, the green is all

the year round, and the products are rich. Therefore, it is called

"fat and beautiful land". The origin of the "pickaxe" is as

follows: one day, Idris II took out a pickaxe like a pickaxe and

let his staff pass it on. The local people were surprised that they

had never seen such a hoe. Idris II ordered people to turn over

the ground with this hoe to check whether it was useful. His

staff tried it and found that this hoe turned over the ground

quickly and well. They praised it repeatedly. Later, this hoe

spread to the people and was soon adopted by people. In order

to commemorate this meaningful discovery, the city where Idris

II lived was called "FASS", which is today's "FESS". The city of

fez is famous for its exquisite Islamic architecture. The ancient

city was built in 808 B.C., covering an area of 300 hectares. The

streets are narrow and curved. The shops and workshops on both

sides are adjacent to each other. Some goods are directly placed

outside the shops. The streets can only be walked. Sometimes,

when they give way to each other, they have to step into the

shops. Motor vehicles cannot pass. The main means of

transportation is horses, donkeys or flatbed vehicles. The

architectural style, residents' customs and lifestyles in the urban

area still show a strong medieval style. There are historical sites

everywhere in the ancient city, and these historical sites are well

protected and maintained. According to records, during the

heyday of Islam in the 12th century, there were 785 mosques in

the city. It is said that there are still more than 360 mosques in

the city. Among them, the karawana mosque with 270 columns

and the andalusion mosque, one of the oldest temples in

Morocco, are the most famous. Other ancient castles, palaces

and museums that reflect the characteristics of Islamic

architecture are also everywhere. Karouin University in the city

is an institution of higher learning specializing in the study and

research of Islam. It was built in 859 ad. the library has

hundreds of thousands of Islamic books, including more than

8000 precious manuscripts. It is the oldest institution of higher

learning in the world, 390 years earlier than Oxford University

in Britain and 291 years earlier than Paris University in France.

This famous university was originally a mosque. The earliest

teaching method was for scholars to explain the Koran to the

believers. In addition, the mausoleum of King Idris II, the

founder of the city of Fez, also has a great attraction to tourists

from all over the world. Springs can be seen everywhere in the

city of Fez, and these springs are regarded as "holy water". The

new urban area was built in 1276. It highlights the European

architectural style and forms two completely different scenes

from the old urban area. The streets in the new urban area are

wide and straight, covered with thick shade, and flowers and

plants compete with each other. There are rows of high-rise

buildings on both sides. Hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, office

buildings and banks are magnificent. The city is bustling with

traffic. There are many places of interest around Fez. The two

castles on the hillsides in the South and North were built during

the Saad Dynasty in the 16th century. They are still well

preserved and stand tall and eye-catching. The castle on the

northern hillside has been transformed into a weapons Museum.

The museum displays swords, sabres, and - made in various

dynasties in Morocco and presented by foreign countries. One of

the swords is engraved with Chinese characters. It is said that it

was a gift from the ancient Chinese emperor to the king of

Morocco, which shows that the Chinese people and the

Moroccan people have a long history of friendly exchanges.

Fez has a population of about 400000. There are many

orchards and olive trees in the suburbs. It is green and charming.

Fez is not only an important distribution center of agricultural

and animal husbandry products in northern Morocco, but also

has a rapid industrial development. There are flour, wood

processing, textile and other factories, and the transportation is

also convenient.

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