


cef4delphi 常用方法

## English Answer:

### Overview of Cef4Delphi Common Methods.

Cef4Delphi is a powerful framework that enables Delphi

developers to integrate Chromium-based web content into

their applications with ease. The framework offers a wide

range of methods that facilitate the creation of

sophisticated web browsing experiences. Here's an overview

of some of the most commonly used methods:

CreateBrowser: This method creates a new Chromium-based

browser object. It accepts a variety of parameters that

allow you to customize the browser's behavior, such as its

size, position, and initial URL.

LoadURL: This method loads a specified URL into the

browser. It can be used to navigate to websites, display

local HTML files, or even load data from a string.

ExecuteJavaScript: This method allows you to execute

JavaScript code within the browser. It's a powerful tool

for interacting with web content, such as manipulating the

DOM, making API calls, or even automating tasks.

GetFrame: This method returns a reference to a specific

frame within the browser. It can be used to access the main

frame or any of the nested frames, allowing you to

manipulate the content of each frame independently.

GetSource: This method returns the HTML source code of

the current page displayed in the browser. It can be useful

for analyzing the page's structure, extracting data, or

performing other tasks.

GetText: This method retrieves the text content of the

current page. It can be used to extract the plain text from

a web page, making it easy to process or display in other

parts of your application.

Print: This method prints the current page to the

default printer. It allows you to easily create hard copies

of web pages or specific sections of them.

Reload: This method reloads the current page. It's

useful for refreshing the content after changes have been

made on the server or for restarting the page in case of


Stop: This method stops the loading of the current page.

It can be used to interrupt the loading process if it's

taking too long or if you want to prevent the page from

loading altogether.

These are just a few of the many methods available in

Cef4Delphi. By mastering these methods, you'll be able to

harness the full potential of the framework and create

innovative and engaging web browsing experiences in your

Delphi applications.

## 中文回答:

Cef4Delphi 常用方法概述。

Cef4Delphi 是一个功能强大的框架,它使 Delphi 开发人员能

够轻松地将基于 Chromium 的网络内容集成到其应用程序中。该框



CreateBrowser,此方法创建一个新的基于 Chromium 的浏览器


位置和初始 URL。

LoadURL,此方法将指定的 URL 加载到浏览器中。它可用于导

航到网站、显示本地 HTML 文件,甚至从字符串加载数据。


JavaScript 代码。它是一个与网络内容交互的强大工具,例如操作

DOM、进行 API 调用甚至自动化任务。



GetSource,此方法返回浏览器中显示的当前页面的 HTML 源代











这些只是 Cef4Delphi 中众多可用方法中的一小部分。通过掌

握这些方法,您将能够充分利用该框架,并在您的 Delphi 应用程


本文标签: 页面方法加载