


lithography 平版印刷术

photogravure 凹版印刷 照相凹版

flexography 柔性版印刷

silk screen 丝网印刷

letterpress 凸版印刷

hue 色调 色相

halftone 中间色 半色调

screen clash 网屏套叠

amplitude modulated (AM)screening 调幅加网

frequency modulated (FM)screening 调频加网

raster image processor(RIP)光栅图像处理器

computer to plate (CTP)计算机直接制版

unitized load 组合式货物 集装式货物

vertical shock 纵向冲击

Man-made materials人造材料

container 集装箱

sweep 扫频

drop test 跌落试验

sales package 销售包装

shock pope 震动波普

distribution environmental 流通环境

vibration conductivity振动传导性

regression analysis 回归分析法

field feedback 市场反馈

sampling process取样过程

blister packaging泡罩包装

heat insulating package隔热包装

Total Quality Control全面质量控制

vacuum smelting真空冶炼

coating 镀膜

formed-filled-sealed 成型装填密封

secondary colour 二次色

leakage test 泄露实验

vacuum metalization techniques 真空镀膜技术


In the future, new digital printing process will be developed aimed specifically at short production

runs, enabling marketers to test new product launches without incurring high origination costs, wh

ile at the same time producing a quality with the possibility of introducing variable information for

certain markets.




第二段:Printing began with the invention of paper in china in AD 105 印刷的历史可以追溯到

公元105年中国发明造纸术之时。This led to printing from carved wooden blocks throughout the

East-particularly in china这使得木版雕刻在东方普及,尤其是在中国、韩国 日本The oldest

known printed book was produced in china in AD 868最早的印刷书籍是公元868年在中国生


Developments in printing continued with words and pictures being carved together on

wooden blocks。印刷的发展是随着文字和图形被刻在木桩上而发展的。However, this

necessitated a new set of blocks being cut for each new book. 然而,每个新的书都需要一套新

的模块To obviate this, printing presses were developed using type cast from individual pieces of

clay so that they could be sued repeatedly. 为了避免这种情况,印刷机使用单块泥土组成活字

盘的压印,使他们能够反复使用。These were in common use in China by AD1041. and by AD

1400 Korean printers were casting type in metal. 这些印刷在AD1041已经在中国普遍使用。到


Printing in Europe had existed in various forms since the sixth century, but it is Johannes

Gutenberg who is credited with the invention of printing in the West and the production of the first

book in Europe in 1445,Gutenberg was a goldsmith by trade ,living in what is now Germany .At

the time all the technologies necessary for the invention of printing were available :it just needed

the right mind to put all the pieces together. As a goldsmith ,Gutenberg knew how to cast objects

in metal, and ink and paper were readily available, together with presses used for wine making

which could be adapted for printing .Gutenberg went on to develop the concept of casting

individual letters that could be assembled into words, printed, cleaned and reused, a process now

known as letter-press printing.

自公元六世纪以来在欧洲印刷工艺已经存在多种形式,但是人们普遍认为Johannes Gutenberg







第六段:The use of colour in print has always been importent. In the early days, each colour

would be hand-drawn and printed, with sometimes as many as 12 separate colours being used. As

the demand for colour printing increased, other methods of reprodecing colour had to be found .



In theory it is possible to create any colour from a mixture of the three primary pigments:

red, yellow and blue. A mixture of any two colours will produce the secondary colours. For

example, a mix of yellow and blue produces green, a mix of blue and red produces purple. A mix

of all three theoretically produces black although in reality the end result is a muddy brown.




These combinations apply to reflected light. Pure white light or transmitted light contains all

the colours of the rainbow and here the three primary colours are red ,green and blue-violet; these

mixed together give white. Where the primary colours overlap, the secondary colours appear:

yellow, magenta and cyan.




Conventional screening is referred to as amplitude (AM) screening; that is,

the dots are arranged in a regular pattern of rows and columns but each dot varies in

size. Other screening techniques now available include Stochastic screening, now

referred to as frequency modulated (FM) screening. This type of screening produces

dots of the same size but they are randomly scattered: this produces finer vignettes

and reduces the possibility of moire pattern problem.




Moiré patterns are irregular wavy lines produced by the superposition at a slight angle of two sets

of closely spaced lines. These unwanted basket weave effects can occur when screen angles on

colour work are not set correctly. When there is regular patterning on an image ,or when a halftone

has been re-screened. 龟纹图案是两套紧密相邻的线存在很小的角度时产生的不规波浪线。




第一段:Once the design has been finalized and a prototype fabricated, the product/package

system is tested using inputs that duplicate the potentially damaging effects of the distribution

environment to verify its performance. It is necessary that a product/package system be subjected

to the design drop height and the chosen vibration spectra. Because the previous development

procedure includes some simplifying assumptions that can only be evaluated by test. For example,

the cushions have a different shape than test samples, and while real-world inputs occur in three

dimensions, the individual lab tests were conducted alone in a single axis.





第五段:Test procedures are available for verification of package performance and integrity. a

relatively new standard, ASTM D4169, has gained wide acceptance since its release and is

recommended for this purpose . performance refers to the ability of the package system to

protect the product from shock and vibration. integrity refers to the ability of the package system

itself to withstand the rigors involved during a normal distribution cycle.

测试程序可以用来检验包装的性能和完整性。一个相对较新的标准,ASTM D4169,自发布



第七段: Test methods have been designed to evaluate the performance of a packaging system

when it is subjected to the vibration conditions existing in the distribution environment. If a

packaging system fails these tests it should be redesigned. However ,if it passes the tests these is

no guarantee that the packaged product will survive the shipment.

These are three testing methods available depending on how the product is to be shipped:

(1).The Repetitive shock Test should be used if individual containers of products are shipped.

(2).The Single Container Resonance Test is done to assess the container's ability to protect

the product when the input vibration has the same frequency as that of the container with the


(3)The Unitized Load or Vertical Shock Resonance Test should be done if containers are

shipped in multiple unit, stacked loads.

There tests are briefly described below.





(1). 如果产品以单个容器运输,应进行重复冲击试验。






第一段:Quality assurance is industry function that has been evolving for the past sixty years. This

evolution has included quality assurance work in packaging materials, components, and finished

packages. Ten years ago, however, the shock of lost jobs and business to foreign competition

brought about a fundamental change in the way American corporations handled quality control.

No longerf was quality relegated to the Quality Control Department. It became a priority topic for

everyone from executives to line workers in quality circles.





Previously, industrial quality control was viewd as a testing and inspection operation at the

completion of a manufacturing cycle. It has moved upstream into the manufacturing process to

monitor in-process variables, to tighten control of the process and to eliminate defects befor the

occur. This reduces manufacturing waste and can reduce the amount of end-item in spection





第二段:Quality is often defined as the consistent conformance of products and services to

customer requirements .Other criteria are the product's fitness -for -use and freedom from

defects .with regard to the packaging process ,quality assurance includes the optimization of

traditional packaging functions such as protection ,containment ,communication




Quality issues are now discussed early during the designing process .Engineers need to know the

sensitivity of package performance to variations in its components or variations in package

processing .This information is used to set purchasing and processing tolerances .It can affect

the choice of materials and the design of the package .The engineer's goal is to develop a "robust"

package design which can be manufactured without mormal component or processing variation

affecting the final package quality The current emphasis of quality assurance is on

prevention ,rather than detection ,of defects.







Few things are less tangible than an idea, and few more important. Throughout history there have

been recorded examples of moments of briliant insight-Archimedes in his bath , Newton(possibly)

in the orchard--but many ,many more ideas undoubtedly evolved over a period of time by

observation and deduction ,trial and error.




There are many reasons why a search for new ideas in packaging may be initiated. These rang

from a packaging supplier wishing to develop a new material or packaging system ,to a food

manufacture relaunching existing ranges ,solving a technical problem or devising a new

convenience feature. The impetus may come from the need (necessity is the mother of invention)

or from the development of a new technology ,process or material.




Some individuals, companies and even nations have better records of success than

others in this field, and there must therefore be some underlying reason-cultural,

educational, motivation or philosophical. one of the most prolific inventors of recent times

was Thomas Edison. One he had prospered from the launch of his first successful

product, the gramophone cylinder, he set up a laboratory to‘Invent’ all manner of things.

His approach, made possible by the funds available, was to study large numbers of ideas

and observe phenomena for their potential applications. Just one such phenomena was

the deposition of thin layers of metal from a heated filament in a vacuum. This he patented

in the 1890s, but only in the last 20 years or so has it achieved a major significance in

packaging with the development of the high output vacuum metalization techniques.


化,教育,动机或哲学因素 。 近代最多产的发明家托马斯爱迪生,他将自己第一个成功的

产品留声机投放市场并使之繁荣起来,成立了一个实验室来发明各种各样的东西。 有效的

资金使他可以研究大量的想法,观察现象背后潜在的应用性。 这样的现象最恰当的例子是



All research and development innovative processes thrive by cross fertilization, and it

is most often by a system of accretion of small gains in knowledge that problems are

solved. The most successful innovators are those who are able to bring together concepts

from many different disciplines and industries in the search for a solution to any particular



题。 最成功的发明家是那些在寻找特殊问题的解决方法时能够汇集来自许多不同的学科和


Equally(and often more) successful are those who see the possibilities of some

observation for another application while studying something else. This is serendipity.

Back to Edison- who is supposed to have invented the gramophone while trying to make

speech visible for the deaf; fleming who spoilt a culture and went on to discover penicillin;

there are many more.


外收获。 回到爱迪生,他试图创造使聋人可以讲话的东西时发明了留声机;弗莱明损坏了培


Ideas do not, or at least only very rarely, come suddenly to an unprepared mind, so the

innovator must have a lively curiosity and be a voracious gatherer of information.



Any new idea is only as effective as the total system in which it is used, and this means

considering the machinery involved. Virtually all forms of pack have to be mechanically

filled and sealed at an economic cost. Quite unnecessary problems may arise if this is not

taken into account at the design/concept stage.


装形式都在机械填充和密封上有经济花费。 如果在概念设计时没有考虑到这些,可能会产


Conversely, some packaging machinery is more versatile than might be expected, so it

is important to discuss ideas with machinery suppliers or designers as early as possible.

Even (or perhaps especially) if changes are going to be made, this consultation can be

vital. A few words with their technical specialists can often identify a cost-effective way of

modifying a basically standard machine to incorporate new marketing features or handle a

new pack style.


起讨论。 甚至(或者尤其)如果打算做出改变,这种协商是至关重要的。与技术专家的几



In conclusion, the most important thing is to make the conditions conductive to the

survival and development of ideas. Taking a lesson from nature, vast numbers of seeds

are produced-most fall randomly and only those few that happen to land in the right

conditions germinate and come to anything. So it is with ideas, the greater the degree of

alertness and preparedness (tempered, of course, by judgement ) the more likely such

embryonic are to develop into healthy new product or processes.

总之,最重要的是创造有利与生存和实现想法的条件。 以自然为例,大量的种子生产




本文标签: 包装印刷产品进行