


包衬 cylinder-packing

包装印刷 package printing

报价单、价目单 price list? ?

报纸印刷 newspaper printing

背面粘脏 set-off

承印物 printing stock

打样 proofing

单色印刷 single-color printing

单张印刷 sheet-fed printing

多色印刷 multi-color printing

复制版 duplicate plate

间接印刷 indirect printing

卷筒印刷 web-fed printing

连续给纸装置 stream feeder? ?

拼版 make-up

书刊印刷 book and periodical printing

套印不准 out of register

透印 print through

无压印刷 non-impact printing

橡皮布滚筒 blanket cylinder

压印滚筒 impression cylinder

压印线 nip

印版 printing image carrier

印版滚筒 plate cylinder

印后加工 post-press finishing

印刷 printing

印刷材料 printing material

印刷电路 printed circuit? ?

印刷工业 printing industry

印刷工艺 printing technology

印刷故障 printing trouble

印刷机械 printing machinery

印刷技术 printing technique

印刷科学 printing science

印刷品 printed matter

印刷适性 printability

印刷图文体 printing image carrier

印刷压力 printing pressure

印刷油墨 printing ink

印页码机 paging

原稿 original

证券印刷 security printing

直接印刷 direct printing

制版 platemaking

重影 ghosting


摆版 imposition

版塞 quoins

版锁 lockup device

版台 plate bed

版托 block base

报版印刷机 newspaper printing press??

薄铅版 thin stereotype

不干胶标签印刷 pressure-sensitive label printing

磁性版托 magnetic block base

打纸型 brush martix molding

电镀铅版 electroplated stereotype

垫版 make-ready

翻版印 work and turn

分版 plate distribution

感光性树脂凸版 photopolymer relief plate

固体感光性树脂凸版 solid type photopolymer plate??

过废页 trial run

活字版 type form

机外上版 off-press mounting

间隔式输纸 successive sheet feeding

间接凸印 letterset

浇版 stereotyping

连续式输纸 stream sheet feeding

耐印率 press run

跑版 plate shifting

平铅版 flat stereotype

平压平型印刷机 platen press

铅版 stereotype

柔性版 flexographic plate

柔性版印刷 flexography

柔性版印刷机 flexographic press

上垫 overlay

书版印刷机 book printing press??

塑料版 plastic duplicate plate

套版印 sheet wise

跳胶 ink roller jerking

铜版 copper etching

凸版 relief printing plate

凸版印刷 relief printing

凸版印刷机 letterpress machine

凸印上版 letterpress make-ready

网点腐蚀 halftone etching

网纹传墨辊 anilox roller

无粉腐蚀法 powderless etching

铣版 milling

下垫 underlay

线条腐蚀 line etching

橡皮凸版 rubber plate

锌版 zinc etching??

压铁,版台滚枕 bed bearer

压印平板 platen??

压纸型 pressure matrix molding

液体感光性树脂凸版 liquid type photopolymer plate

印张 printed sheet

预涂感光凸版 presensitized relief plate

圆铅版 curved stereotype

圆压平型印刷机 flat-bed cylinder press

圆压圆型印刷机 rotary letterpress

折标 signature mark

纸型 paper matrix

中垫 interlay

钻版 routing


PS版 presensitized offset plate

侧规 side guide

串墨辊 ink vibrator

串水辊 dampening vibrator

递纸 sheet transfer??

递纸牙 transfer gripper

叼口 gripper edge

叼纸牙 gripper

掉版 image weakening

堆纸 sheet stacking

多层金属版 multi-metal plate

规矩 guide

规矩线 register mark。

滚压 rolling

滚枕 cylinder bearer

糊版 filling in

即涂感光版 wipe-on plate

胶印 offset lithography??

胶印版材 offset plate

胶印故障 offset printing trouble

胶印机 offset printing press

胶印印版 offset printing form

酒精湿润 alcohol dampening

珂罗版印刷 collotype printing

拉毛 picking

晾纸 paper seasoning

磨版 graining

墨斗辊 ink fountain roller

平凹版 deep-etch plate

平版 lithographic plate

平版印刷 planography

前规 front guide

润版 dampening

润湿液 fountain solution

润湿装置 dampening unit

色令 color ream

湿压湿印刷 wet-on-wet printing

石印 stone lithography

实地 solid

收纸装置 delivery unit

输墨装置 inking unit

输纸装置 sheet feeder

双面印 perfecting

双色版胶印 duotone offset printing

水斗辊 water fountain roller

水-墨平衡 ink-water balance

四色胶印 four-color offset printing

四色连续表格印刷 four color continuous forms printing??

套色顺序 color sequence

套印 registering

条痕 streaks

铁皮印刷 metal decorating

涂胶 gumming

脱墨 roller stripping

网点增大 dot gain

无水胶印 waterless offset printing

相对反差值 relative contrast value

橡皮布 blanket

小胶印 small offset printing

印金 metallic ink printing

油墨叠印 trapping

油墨乳化 ink emulsification

预涂感光平版 presensitized plate

匀墨辊 ink distributing roller

脏版 scumming

增墨 ink piling

直接平印 direct lithography

着墨 inking??

着墨辊 form inking roller

着水辊 form dampening roller

紫外线干燥 UV curing


暗调部分 shaded area??

凹凸印 embossing

扒圆 rounding

包本 covering

包封皮机 book covering machine

包角 corner-wrapping

背面涂层 back coating??

表面整饰 decorative finishing

部件托板 equipment carrier??

擦金 bronzing

插页 insert

磁盘分配表 disk allocation table(DAT)??

打排孔 perforating

订口 gutter

订书机 book stitcher, stitching machine

堵头布 head band

分期出版,分期发表 appear in installments??

分切 slitting

封皮 cover

复合包装材料 multi-layer-packaging material

光亮镀铜 glazed skin coppering

滚墨 roll up(ink up)

滚筒车磨 cylinder grinding

滚压网目 rouletting

过版 transfer

彗星条痕 comet

激光雕刻凹版 laser engraved gravure

间接凹印 indirect gravure

胶凹印转换 offset/gravure conversion

卷筒纸凹印机 web-fed gravure press

喷胶腐蚀凹版 photopolymer-coated gravure form

切削修版 final cutting

乳白拷贝底片 opal film

晒网目 screen exposure

晒阳图 picture exposure

蚀刻凹版 etched intaglio plate

炭素纸 carbon tissue gravure form

炭素纸腐蚀凹版 carbon tissue gravure form

填补修版 lacquer correcting

通沟 through-cut

网点凹版 halftone gravure form

网点凹印 halftone gravure

网墙 wall

网墙比例 rate of screen ruling

研磨修版 grinding correction

用工雕刻凹版 hand engraved intaglio plate

再腐蚀 re-etching

再腐蚀墨 finishing ink

照相凹版 photo gravure form

照相凹印 photo gravure


绷网机 stretching machine

打字蜡版印刷 typewriter stencil duplicating

电刻丝网印版 photo-emulsion for screen plate

堵眼 stencil clogging

感光膜片 photosensitive film

固定式网框 fixed screen frame

刮胶斗 coating trough

刮墨板 squeegee

后涂漆 post-coat lacquer

回弹力 screen resilience

回墨板 ink reclaiming blade

坚膜处理 hardening treatment

间接法丝网印版 indirect screen plate

静电丝网印刷 electrostatic screen printing

静电丝网印刷机 electrostatic screen printing machine

锯齿形 jagged outlines

抗静电丝网 antistatic screen

可调式网框 adjustable screen frame

刻漆膜丝网印版 lacquer film engraved stencil

孔版印刷 porous printing

晾架 drying rack

镂空版印刷 stencil printing

碾压丝网 roll-compacted screen

气动绷网机 pneumatic stretching machine

曲面丝网印刷 curved surface screen printing

曲面丝网印刷机 curved surface screen printing machine

染色丝网 colored screen

手工溶蚀丝网印版 hand etched stencil

丝网 screen fabric

丝网厚度 thickness of screen fabric

丝网精细度 screen fineness??

丝网孔宽 width of mesh-opening

丝网模版 screen stencil??

丝网目数 mesh count

丝网通孔率 percentage of screen porosity

丝网延伸率 stencil tension

丝网印版 screen plate??

丝网印刷 screen printing

丝网印刷机 screen printing machine

丝网印刷台 printing table

誊写版印刷 stencil duplicating

涂漆丝网印版 lacquered plate

网框 screen frame

异形刮墨板 special edged squeegee

预涂料 pre-coat lacquer

圆网丝网印版 cylinder stencil

直/间混合法丝网印版 direct and indirect combination screen plate

直接法丝网印版 direct screen plate


磁性印刷 magnetic ink printing

发泡印刷 foam printing

静电印刷 electrostatic printing

立体印刷 three-dimensional printing

盲文印刷 braille printing

木版水印 wood-block printing

喷墨印刷 ink-jet printing

曲面印刷 curved surface printing

全息照相印刷 holographic printing

热转印 thermal transfer process

软管印刷 collapsible tube printing

特种印刷 specialty printing

贴花印刷 decalcomania

拓印 inscription rubbing

液晶印刷 liquid crystal printing

移印 tampon transfer process


印刷 printing

印刷品 printed matter

印刷工业 printing industry

书刊印刷 book and periodical printing

报纸印刷 newspaper printing

包装印刷 package printing

证券印刷 security printing

印刷科学 printing science

印刷技术 printing technique

印刷适性 printability

印刷压力 printing pressure

压印线 nip

印刷工艺 printing technology

直接印刷 direct printing

间接印刷 indirect printing

单张印刷 sheet-fed printing

卷筒印刷 web-fed printing

单色印刷 single-color printing

多色印刷 multi-color printing

印刷故障 printing trouble

重影 ghosting

背面粘脏 set-off

透印 print through

印刷机械 printing machinery

印版滚筒 plate cylinder

压印滚筒 impression cylinder

橡皮布滚筒 blanket cylinder

印刷材料 printing material

承印物 printing stock

印刷油墨 printing ink

印刷图文载体 printing image carrier

印版 printing plate

复制版 duplicate plate

无压印刷 non-impact printing

印后加工 post-press finishing

印刷过程 printing process

印刷速度 printing speed

停回转印刷机 stop-cylinder printing press

一回转印刷机 single-revolution printing press

二回转印刷机 two-revolution printing press

龟纹 moire

往复转印刷机 reversible printing press

双面单色印刷机 perfecting press

双面多色印刷机 multi-color perfecting press

圆压圆印刷机 rotary printing press

按需印刷 on-demand printing

双色印刷 double-color printing

木版水印 wood-block printing

拓印 inscription rubbing

热转印 heat transfer process

电子束雕刻凹版 electronic beam gravure(EBG)

激光雕刻凹版 laser engraved gravure

间接凹印 indirect gravure

凹版印刷机 gravure press

单张纸凹印机 sheet-fed gravure press

卷筒纸凹印机 web-fed gravure press

刮墨刀 doctor

刮墨刀角度 doctor blade angle

刮墨刀行程 doctor bade motion

刮墨刀线 doctor blade streaks

彗星条痕 comet

凹版印刷 intaglio printing

间接凸印 letterset

不干胶标签印刷 pressure-sensitive label printing

柔性版印刷 flexography

凸版 relief printing plate

活字版 type form

纸型 paper matrix

无粉腐蚀法 powderless etching

铅版 stereotype

薄铅版 thin stereotype

电镀铅版 electroplated stereotype

铜版 copper etching

锌版 zinc etching

线条腐蚀 line etching

网点腐蚀 halftone etching

塑料版 plastic duplicate plate

感光性树脂凸版 photopolymer relief plate

预涂感光凸版 presensitized relief plate

橡皮凸版 rubber plate

柔性版 flexographic plate

凸版印刷机 letterpress machine

报纸印刷机 newspaper printing press

平压平型印刷机 platen press

圆压平型印刷机 flat-bed cylinder press

圆压圆型印刷机 rotary letterpress machine

柔性版印刷机 flexographic press

网纹传墨辊 anilox roller

凸印上版 letterpress make-ready

本文标签: 印刷印刷机印版凹版术语