



Module 2Unit 7笔记知识整理

U7 P45

round us 在我们周围的规则

and signs 规则和标志

have rules in the classroom. 我们在教室里有规则

have rules in the library. 我们在图书馆里有规则

have rules on the road. 我们在马路上有规则

have rules in the park. 我们在公园有规则

have rules in the library./ We don’t have rules … Do you have rules…? Yes, we do. / No, we

don’t. Where do we have these rules?

environment is all the things round us. 环境是在我们周围的所


/ walk/ go/… across the road = crass the road

跑着/走着/去/…过这马路 = 过这马路

across-- prep. cross– v.

y --libraries / family --families

for sb to do sth / wait for a bus 等待某人去做某事/等车

g / raining / running/ planning

quiet / quite good 保持安静/ 非常好

it / them up 把它/它们捡起来

pick the rubbish up = pick up the rubbish 把这垃圾捡起来


pick the flowers 摘这花

do sth 必须做某事

not do sth = mustn’t do sth = Don’t do sth 禁止做某事

on the grass 走 在 草 地 上 / play basketball 打 篮 球 / leave rubbish 留 下 垃

圾 / wait for the green man 等 绿 灯 / listen to our teachers 听我们的老师们/ draw on our

desks 在课桌上画画

must not eat or drink./ Don’t eat or drink 我们禁止吃喝

19. match v.配对 n. 比赛,火柴


left = turn to the left 向左转

to sp in a lift/by lift = take a lift to sp 坐一部电梯去某地

does this sign mean? / What’s the meaning of this sign?


the trees 爬这些树 / talk loudly 大声谈论

meaning/ their meaning 它的意思/它们的意思

s and match 讨论和配对

above signs 这上面的标志

pairs 一对对地


the shopping centre 在这购物中心

escalator 一 部 自 动 扶 梯 / the escalator in the middle--Which

escalator 在中间的这部自动扶梯

one on the left / right 在左边/ 右边的这一个 the one in the middle 在中间的这一个

--Which one 哪一个

exit/ an entrance 一个出口/ 入口

the centre = go / come into the centre 进入这中心

(v.) = go (come) into , an entrance, at the entrance

exit / entrance to the centre 到这个中心的这个出口/ 入口

our bicycles 停放我们的自行车

9.a ticket for the film 这部电影的一张票子

a plan for the visit 这次参观的一个计划

the programme for their Open Day 他们的开放日的这个活动安排

key to the door 这个门的这个钥匙

the answer to the question 这个问题的这个答案

the way to the school 到学校的这条路

an exit / entrance to the cinema 到电影院的一个出口/ 入口

door on the left -- Which door 左边的这个门—哪个门

upstairs / downstairs 上楼去/下楼去

his way to school , on his way home / here / there

upstairs / go downstairs 上楼去/ 下楼去

to 去/ get to 到达 / walk to 走到/ run to 跑到/ hurry to 匆忙到 the cinema 电影院

go there 去那儿/ get there 到达那儿/ walk there 走到那里

run there 跑到那里/ hurry there 匆忙到那里 on the way to the school 在去学校的路上

on the way there 在去那里的路上/ on my way there 在我去那里的 路上/ take a bus there 坐


on his way to school , on his way home / here / there

副词前面不加 to, 常见副词 home/ here/ there/ upstairs 楼上/ downstairs 楼下

meaning of these signs 这些标志的意思

s the meaning of these signs and where you can find them. Where can you find them?


/ keep the class rules 破坏/遵守这些班规

te the class rules 完成这班规

out your class rules 通过努力查明你们的班规

class rules…那些班规

numbers / family members 这些数字/家庭成员

= run after 追赶

each other / one another 追赶彼此

does this sign mean? / What’s the meaning of this sign?


9.作文: Our school(class) rules

We have a lot of rules in our school. In the classroom we must not eat

or drink. And we must not play or chase each other. Of course we must listen to our teachers

carefully in class. In the library we must keep quiet. We must not be late for school every day.

These rules are very important and we must keep them.

本文标签: 出口规则班规