


The icons that Windows uses for your documents and programs are saved in an icon cache, so they can be displayed quickly instead of having to slowly load them every time. If you ever have problems with the icons on your computer, rebuilding the icon cache might help.

Windows用于文档和程序的图标保存在图标缓存中,因此可以快速显示它们,而不必每次都缓慢加载它们。 如果您的计算机上的图标有问题,则重建图标缓存可能会有所帮助。

Sometimes the icon cache gets out of date, causing icons to display incorrectly, or even go missing. For example, maybe you upgraded an application and the new version came with a new icon, but you still see the old icon on the desktop. Sometimes a blank or damaged icon may appear when a perfectly good icon was displayed before. When this happens, you have to reset the icon cache and let them automatically re-create it. In this article, we’ll show you how to rebuild the icon cache in Windows 10. This guide also applies to Windows 8 and 7, but the process works slightly different.

有时,图标缓存过时,导致图标显示不正确,甚至丢失。 例如,也许您升级了一个应用程序,而新版本附带了一个新图标,但是您仍然在桌面上看到旧图标。 以前显示完美的图标时,有时可能会出现空白或损坏的图标。 发生这种情况时,您必须重置图标缓存并让他们自动重新创建它。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在Windows 10中重建图标缓存。该指南也适用于Windows 8和Windows 7,但是其工作原理略有不同。

Windows中图标缓存的工作方式 (How the Icon Cache Works in Windows)

Icons are everywhere in Windows: the Control Panel, Programs and Features, File Explorer, and so on. Having to retrieve all possible icon images from hard disk and to render them dynamically can consume lots of system resources. As a result, Windows save icons it’s already retrieved in its memory. When you shut down or restart, it will write this cache to a hidden file on your hard drive, so it doesn’t have to reload all those icons l

本文标签: 缓存图标如何在Windows