

Modern Windows 10 apps have permissions you can control, just like modern iPhone, iPad, and Android apps. You can control access to resources like your location, camera, microphone, and photos.

现代化的Windows 10应用程序具有可以控制的权限,就像现代化的iPhone,iPad和Android应用程序一样。 您可以控制对诸如位置,相机,麦克风和照片之类的资源的访问。

This only works for modern apps from the Store, also known as Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps. Traditional Windows desktop apps have access to everything, and there’s no way to control it.

这仅适用于商店中的现代应用程序,也称为通用Windows平台(UWP)应用程序。 传统的Windows桌面应用程序可以访问所有内容,并且无法对其进行控制。

如何管理单个应用程序的权限 (How to Manage an Individual App’s Permissions)

To manage a single app’s permissions, open its app details page. There are several ways to do this.

要管理单个应用程序的权限,请打开其应用程序详细信息页面。 有几种方法可以做到这一点。

From the Start menu, you can right-click an app’s shortcut or tile and select More > App Settings.


From the Settings screen, you can head to Settings > Apps > Apps & Features, click an app, and click “Advanced Options.”


Scroll down, and you’ll see the permissions the app can use under “App Permissions.” Toggle the app permissions on or off to allow or disallow access. Only permissions for which the app asks appear here.

向下滚动,您将在“应用权限”下看到该应用可以使用的权限。 开启或关闭应用程序权限以允许或禁止访问。 仅在此处显示应用程序要求的权限。

If you don’t see an App Permissions section, the app doesn’t have any permissions you can control. It’s either a modern app that doesn’t request permissions or a classic modern app with access to everything.

如果您没有看到“应用程序权限”部分,则该应用程序没有您可以控制的任何权限。 它既是不要求权限的现代应用程序,又是可以访问所有内容的经典现代应用程序。

如何管理权限类别 (How to Manage Categories of Permissions)

You can also manage permissions by category. For example, you can see all the apps on your system that have access to your webcam.

您还可以按类别管理权限。 例如,您可以看到系统上所有有权访问网络摄像头的应用。

To do this, head to Settings > Privacy. Scroll down to the “App Permissions” section in the left sidebar and click the type of permission you want to view and manage. For example, to see apps with access to your location, click “Location.”

为此,请转到设置>隐私。 向下滚动到左侧栏中的“应用程序权限”部分,然后单击要查看和管理的权限类型。 例如,要查看有权访问您的位置的应用,请单击“位置”。

Scroll down in the right pane, and you’ll see a “Choose which apps can access” section that lets you choose which apps have access to this type of data.


Available permissions currently include Location, Camera, Microphone, Notifications, Account Info, Contacts, Calendar, Call History, Email, Tasks, Messaging, Radios, Other Devices, Background Apps, App Diagnostics, Automatic File Downloads, Documents, Pictures, Videos, and File System.


Each pane contains information about what precisely that permission does, and why you might want to disable access to the permission. For example, apps with the notification permission can send you notifications, while apps with the radios permission can turn radios like your Bluetooth radio on and off.

每个窗格均包含有关该权限的确切含义以及您可能希望禁用对该权限的访问的信息。 例如,具有通知权限的应用程序可以向您发送通知,而具有广播权限的应用程序可以打开和关闭蓝牙无线电等无线电。

When an app wants to use a permission for the first time, it will pop up a request message, and you can allow or deny the permission at that time. You should only need to manage app permissions later if you change your mind.

当应用程序首次使用权限时,它将弹出一条请求消息,您可以在那时允许或拒绝该权限。 如果您改变主意,则只需要稍后管理应用程序权限。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/368598/how-to-manage-app-permissions-on-windows-10/

本文标签: 应用程序权限如何在Windows