

If your PC has been feeling buggy or having trouble during startup, it’s possible that Windows system files have become corrupt, gone missing, or even have been changed by a software installation somewhere along the line. Like most versions of Windows before it, Windows 10 includes a Command Prompt utility named Windows Resource Protection that will scan, verify, and fix system files.

如果您的PC在启动过程中一直感觉有问题或故障,则可能是Windows系统文件已损坏,丢失或什至由于生产线安装软件而被更改。 像之前的大多数Windows版本一样,Windows 10包含一个名为Windows Resource Protection的命令提示符实用程序,它将扫描,验证和修复系统文件。

If your system is able to start, even in Safe Mode, you can run the utility right from Windows. If Windows won’t start, you can also run it from the Command Prompt available when you boot from your installation media into repair mode.

如果您的系统即使在安全模式下也能够启动,则可以直接从Windows运行该实用程序。 如果Windows无法启动,那么当您从安装介质启动进入修复模式时,也可以从可用的命令提示符下运行它。

To run this utility in Windows, you will need to open the Command Prompt in administrator mode. Right-click on the Start menu or press Windows+X on your keyboard, and choose “Command Prompt (Admin)” from the Administrative Tools menu. You can also just use this nifty keyboard shortcut.

要在Windows中运行该实用程序,您将需要在管理员模式下打开命令提示符。 右键单击“开始”菜单或按键盘上的Windows + X,然后从“管理工具”菜单中选择“命令提示符(Admin)”。 您也可以只使用此漂亮的键盘快捷键。

When you have the Command Prompt open in administrator mode, you can run the utility by using the following syntax:


[/OFFWINDIR=<offline windows directory> /OFFBOOTDIR=<offline boot directory>]

The most useful option is just to scan the whole system immediately, which will scan and attempt to repair any files that are changed or corrupted. You can do that with this command:

最有用的选项是立即扫描整个系统,这将扫描并尝试修复任何已更改或损坏的文件。 您可以使用以下命令执行此操作:

sfc /scannow

Alternatively, you can use the command sfc /verifyonly to scan for problems, but not perform any repairs.

或者,您可以使用命令sfc /verifyonly扫描问题,但不执行任何修复。

You can also just scan or verify a particular file using the /scanfile=<file> or /verifyfile=<file> options along with the full path of the target file, like this:


sfc /scanfile=c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll

As we mentioned, this utility does exist for previous versions of Windows, but you may encounter slightly different options. You can always use the command sfc /? to get all supported options for your version of Windows. And just in case you’re wondering why Windows Resource Protection uses the command SFC, it’s because the utility used to be named System File Checker.

如前所述,该实用程序确实适用于Windows的早期版本,但是您可能会遇到略有不同的选项。 您始终可以使用命令sfc /? 获取适用于您的Windows版本的所有受支持的选项。 而且,以防万一您想知道为什么Windows Resource Protection使用命令SFC,这是因为该实用程序以前被命名为System File Checker。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/windows-vista/verify-the-integrity-of-windows-vista-system-files/

本文标签: 文件如何在系统Windows