

Comprehensive tempdb blog post series

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Comprehensive tempdb blog post series

By:  Paul Randal Posted on: January 16, 2009 9:24 am  

Over the last few weeks Sunil Agarwal (from the SQL Storage Engine team) has posted a great series of blog articles about tempdb and the version store, over on my old stomping ground – the Storage Engine blog. The articles are well worth reading – the links are:

  • Managing tempdb  part 1  and  part 2
  • Version store – what is it?
  • Version store example
  • Version store logical structure
  • Version store growth and removing stale versions
  • tempdb configuration
  • tempdb troubleshooting: IO bottlenecks
  • tempdb troubleshooting: allocation bottlenecks
  • tempdb troubleshooting: DDL bottlenecks
  • tempdb troubleshooting: out-of-space


posted on 2013-04-11 11:19  Fanr_Zh 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏


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