

Do you need to keep up with your customers, projects, sales, and more?  Here’s our look at Outlook Contact Manager 2010, a great, simple tool to help you keep your business organized.

您需要跟上客户,项目,销售等等吗? 我们来看一下Outlook Contact Manager 2010,这是一个出色的简单工具,可帮助您保持业务井井有条。

获取Outlook Business Contact Manager 2010 (Getting Outlook Business Contact Manager 2010)

Outlook Business Contact Manager 2007 was available as a stand-alone purchase, and was also included with Office 2007 Small Business, Professional, and Ultimate.  Strangely, however, Business Contact Manager 2010 is only available with Office 2010 Standard and Professional Plus.  This means you can only get Business Contact Manager through a volume license or a Technet subscription.  Or, if you used the Tech Guarantee to get a free Office 2010 upgrade, your upgrade may include the Business Contact Manager if your copy of Office 2007 included it.  Microsoft has stated that they may offer other solutions in the future, but for now, Business Contact Manager is mainly only available to Volume Licensed copies of Office.

Outlook Business Contact Manager 2007可单独购买,也包含在Office 2007 Small Business,Professional和Ultimate中。 但是,奇怪的是,Business Contact Manager 2010仅与Office 2010 Standard和Professional Plus一起提供。 这意味着您只能通过批量许可证或Technet订阅获得Business Contact Manager。 或者,如果您使用技术担保获得了免费的Office 2010升级,则如果您的Office 2007副本中包含商务联系人管理器,则该升级可能包括Business Contact Manager。 Microsoft已声明他们将来可能会提供其他解决方案,但目前,Business Contact Manager仅主要适用于Office的批量许可副本。

安装和使用Business Contact Manager (Installing and Using Business Contact Manager)

If you do have access to Business Contact Manager, it’s a great tool for keeping track of your business contacts, deals, sales, and more.  To get started, simply run the installer and setup as normal.  The installer works the same as the main Office 2010 installer, but you won’t have to enter your product key again as Business Contact Manager recognizes your Office 2010 installation.

如果您确实有权使用Business Contact Manager,则它是跟踪您的业务联系人,交易,销售等的绝佳工具。 首先,只需正常运行安装程序并进行设置即可。 该安装程序的工作方式与Office 2010主安装程序相同,但是您不必再次输入产品密钥,因为Business Contact Manager可以识别您的Office 2010安装程序。

Note that you’ll need to have all Office applications closed during the setup.  If any Office apps are open, you’ll be prompted to exit them before continuing with setup.  Close the programs, and then re-launch the setup to install Business Contact Manager.

请注意,您需要在安装过程中关闭所有Office应用程序。 如果打开了任何Office应用程序,系统将提示您退出它们,然后继续进行安装。 关闭程序,然后重新启动安装程序以安装Business Contact Manager。

Once the installation is finished, run Outlook to finish the setup.  You’ll be greeted with a Business Contact Manager setup screen, where you can choose setup quickly with default settings or start a custom setup where you can tweak your account.

安装完成后,请运行Outlook以完成安装。 您将看到Business Contact Manager设置屏幕,在该屏幕中,您可以使用默认设置快速选择设置,也可以启动自定义设置来调整帐户。

Now, select whether you’d like to start out with sample data or with a fresh new account.  If you’re just getting started with BCM, it may be helpful to start out with the sample data to see how it works.  You can always switch to a new account whenever you’re ready to start using your real company data.

现在,选择是要从样本数据还是全新的帐户开始。 如果您刚刚开始使用BCM,那么从示例数据开始以了解其工作原理可能会有所帮助。 每当您准备开始使用真实的公司数​​据时,您始终可以切换到新帐户。

Now BCM will setup your new database, which may take a few minutes if you selected to include sample data.


Once it’s finished, you’ll be asked to enter info about your company.  When you’re finished, click Next to finish setup.

完成后,将要求您输入有关公司的信息。 完成后,单击“下一步”完成设置。

You’ll now see the new Business Contact Manager open in Outlook, with a welcome message that will explain how to use it.

现在,您将看到新的Business Contact Manager在Outlook中打开,并带有欢迎消息,其中将解释如何使用它。

You can easily access Business Contact Manager anytime from Outlook via the links in your email Folders list or with the Business Contact Manager button on the bottom left of the window.

您可以随时通过邮件文件夹列表中的链接或使用窗口左下方的Business Contact Manager按钮,从Outlook随时轻松访问Business Contact Manager。

You’ll notice a variety of new tools in Outlook when you’re in the Business Contact Manager pane.  You can add new accounts, contacts, vendors, and more.

在“业务联系人管理器”窗格中,您会在Outlook中注意到各种新工具。 您可以添加新客户,联系人,供应商等。

You can then add detailed sales opportunity info, and follow up when you make a sell or purchase.


You can then sort your contacts by project, listing their payments, orders, and more.  This is a great way to track everything in your company, whether you’re a freelancer or running a full-sized business.

然后,您可以按项目对联系人进行排序,列出他们的付款,订单等。 无论您是自由职业者还是经办大型企业,这都是跟踪公司中所有事物的好方法。

BCM also includes a great project manager that you can use to keep all the activities in your company organized.  It’s fully integrated with Office, so you can include relevant Office files in your projects.

BCM还包括一个出色的项目经理,您可以使用它来组织公司中的所有活动。 它与Office完全集成在一起,因此您可以在项目中包括相关的Office文件。

办公室整合 (Office Integration)

Business Contact Manager isn’t just restricted to one part of Outlook; once you’ve got it installed, it’s fully integrated throughout the program.  When you’re reading an email, you’ll see options to create a new record or add the email to an existing one.

Business Contact Manager不仅限于Outlook的一部分;它还包括Outlook的一部分。 一旦安装完毕,它将完全集成到整个程序中。 阅读电子邮件时,您会看到用于创建新记录或将电子邮件添加到现有记录的选项。

You’ll also see a new Business Contact Manager pane in the Outlook File menu.  Here you can backup your business data and change your BCM settings.

您还将在Outlook File菜单中看到一个新的Business Contact Manager窗格。 您可以在此处备份业务数据并更改BCM设置。

You can also import existing business data from ACT! or QuickBooks directly into BCM from the Options pane.

您也可以从ACT导入现有的业务数据! 或QuickBooks,直接从“选项”窗格导入BCM。

Business Contact Manager is also automatically integrated into many of the other Office apps.  Here’s the new Business Contact Manager pane in the Word 2010 File menu, which lets you directly link a document to a record or use it to create a new marketing activity.  This makes it easy to keep up with your projects and records, no matter what you’re working with.

Business Contact Manager也会自动集成到许多其他Office应用程序中。 这是Word 2010“文件”菜单中新的“业务联系人管理器”窗格,它使您可以直接将文档链接到记录或使用它来创建新的营销活动。 无论您使用什么工具,都可以轻松地跟上项目和记录。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you need to keep up with business contacts, track marketing projects, and keep your sales information together, Business Contact Manager is a great tool that turns Outlook into a nice CRM tool.  We wish it was more widely available, and hope Microsoft does release it for other editions of Office.  Until then, it’s still a great tool if you have a volume licensed copy of Office or a Technet license.  Be sure to check out the links below for more info about the Business Contact Manager.

如果您需要与业务联系人保持联系,跟踪营销项目并将销售信息保持在一起,则Business Contact Manager是将Outlook变成一个不错的CRM工具的好工具。 我们希望它能被更广泛地使用,并希望Microsoft确实将其发布给其他版本的Office。 在此之前,如果您具有Office的批量许可副本或Technet许可,它仍然是一个不错的工具。 请务必查看以下链接,以获取有关Business Contact Manager的更多信息。

链接 (Links)

Office Business Contact Manager Info from Microsoft

来自Microsoft的Office Business Contact Manager信息

Compare Office Suites Containing Outlook Business Contact Manager

比较包含Outlook Business Contact Manager的Office套件

Discussion about Business Contact Manager Licensing Options from Microsoft Answers

有关Microsoft Answers中的Business Contact Manager许可选项的讨论

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/28190/getting-started-with-outlook-business-contact-manager-2010/

本文标签: 入门BusinessOutlookContactManager