

1. 引言

本文重点关注基于inner product argument实现的polynomial commitment。

对polynomial p ( X ) ∈ F p [ X ] p(X)\in\mathbb{F}_p[X] p(X)Fp[X]进行commit,并需可provably evaluate the committed polynomial at arbitrary points。
Prover将多项式的系数都发给Verifier,这需要 O ( n ) O(n) O(n) communication。

而借助polynomial commitment scheme,可实现 O ( log ⁡ n ) O(\log n) O(logn) communication。

2. Setup

根据参数 d = 2 k d=2^k d=2k,生成common reference string σ = ( G , G ⃗ , H , F p ) \sigma=(\mathbb{G},\vec{G},H,\mathbb{F}_p) σ=(G,G ,H,Fp)

  • G \mathbb{G} G为a group of prime order p p p
  • G ⃗ ∈ G d \vec{G}\in\mathbb{G}^d G Gd为a vector of d d d random group elements。
  • H ∈ G H\in\mathbb{G} HG为a random group element。
  • F p \mathbb{F}_p Fp为the finite field of group p p p

3. Commit

Pedersen vector commitment C o m m i t Commit Commit定义为:
C o m m i t ( σ , p ( X ) ; r ) = < a ⃗ , G ⃗ > + [ r ] H Commit(\sigma,p(X);r)=<\vec{a},\vec{G}>+[r]H Commit(σ,p(X);r)=<a ,G >+[r]H
其中,多项式 p ( X ) ∈ F p [ X ] p(X)\in\mathbb{F}_p[X] p(X)Fp[X],blinding factor r ∈ F p r\in\mathbb{F}_p rFp。每个vector元素 a i ∈ F p a_i\in\mathbb{F}_p aiFp p ( X ) p(X) p(X) i i i项的系数, p ( X ) p(X) p(X)的最大degree为 d − 1 d-1 d1

4. Open (prover) and OpenVerify (verifier)

改进版的inner product argument用于证明以下关系:
{ ( ( P , x , v ) ; ( a ⃗ , r ) ) : P = < a ⃗ , G ⃗ > + [ r ] H , v = < a ⃗ , b ⃗ > } \{((P,x,v);(\vec{a},r)):P=<\vec{a},\vec{G}>+[r]H, v=<\vec{a},\vec{b}>\} {((P,x,v);(a ,r)):P=<a ,G >+[r]H,v=<a ,b >}
其中 b ⃗ = ( 1 , x , x 2 , ⋯   , x d − 1 ) \vec{b}=(1,x,x^2,\cdots,x^{d-1}) b =(1,x,x2,,xd1) 包含的为increasing powers of the evaluation point x x x

the polynomial contained “inside” the commitment P P P evaluates to v v v at x x x,且该committed polynomial的最大degree为 d − 1 d-1 d1

inner product argument需 k = log ⁡ 2 d k=\log_2d k=log2d轮。仅需知道其最后一轮的输出即可,而不需要中间轮的结果,详细可参看Halo论文第3节内容。

在开始证明之前,Verifier需选择一个随机group element U U U,并将 U U U发送给Prover。并从第 k k k轮开始,递减到 1 1 1,初始 a ⃗ ( k ) = a ⃗ , G ⃗ ( k ) = G ⃗ . b ⃗ ( k ) = b ⃗ \vec{a}^{(k)}=\vec{a},\vec{G}^{(k)}=\vec{G}.\vec{b}^{(k)}=\vec{b} a (k)=a ,G (k)=G .b (k)=b ,在每一轮 j = k , k − 1 , ⋯   , 1 j=k,k-1,\cdots,1 j=k,k1,,1

  • Prover计算2个值 L j , R j L_j,R_j Lj,Rj:【其中 l j , r j l_j,r_j lj,rj为random blinding factors。 L j , R j L_j,R_j Lj,Rj以"cross-term"形式表达。】
    L j = < a ⃗ l o ( j ) , G ⃗ h i ( j ) > + [ l j ] H + [ < a ⃗ l o ( j ) , b ⃗ h i ( j ) > ] U L_j=<\vec{a}_{lo}^{(j)},\vec{G}_{hi}^{(j)}>+[l_j]H+[<\vec{a}_{lo}^{(j)}, \vec{b}_{hi}^{(j)}>]U Lj=<a lo(j),G hi(j)>+[lj]H+[<a lo(j),b hi(j)>]U
    R j = < a ⃗ h i ( j ) , G ⃗ l o ( j ) > + [ r j ] H + [ < a ⃗ h i ( j ) , b ⃗ l o ( j ) > ] U R_j=<\vec{a}_{hi}^{(j)},\vec{G}_{lo}^{(j)}>+[r_j]H+[<\vec{a}_{hi}^{(j)}, \vec{b}_{lo}^{(j)}>]U Rj=<a hi(j),G lo(j)>+[rj]H+[<a hi(j),b lo(j)>]U
  • Verifier发送random challenge u j u_j uj
  • Prover使用 u j u_j uj来压缩 a ⃗ ( j ) \vec{a}^{(j)} a (j)的前半部分和后半部分,产生新的vector,其length为原来的一半:
    a ⃗ ( j − 1 ) = a ⃗ h i ( j ) ⋅ u j − 1 + a ⃗ l o ( j ) ⋅ u j \vec{a}^{(j-1)}=\vec{a}_{hi}^{(j)}\cdot u_j^{-1}+\vec{a}_{lo}^{(j)}\cdot u_j a (j1)=a hi(j)uj1+a lo(j)uj
    b ⃗ ( j − 1 ) = b ⃗ l o ( j ) ⋅ u j − 1 + b ⃗ h i ( j ) ⋅ u j \vec{b}^{(j-1)}=\vec{b}_{lo}^{(j)}\cdot u_j^{-1}+\vec{b}_{hi}^{(j)}\cdot u_j b (j1)=b lo(j)uj1+b hi(j)uj
    G ⃗ ( j − 1 ) = G ⃗ l o ( j ) ⋅ u j − 1 + G ⃗ h i ( j ) ⋅ u j \vec{G}^{(j-1)}=\vec{G}_{lo}^{(j)}\cdot u_j^{-1}+\vec{G}_{hi}^{(j)}\cdot u_j G (j1)=G lo(j)uj1+G hi(j)uj
  • a ⃗ ( j − 1 ) , G ⃗ ( j − 1 ) , b ⃗ ( j − 1 ) \vec{a}^{(j-1)},\vec{G}^{(j-1)},\vec{b}^{(j-1)} a (j1),G (j1),b (j1)作为下一轮 j − 1 j-1 j1的输入,重复以上过程。

最后一轮为 j = 1 j=1 j=1,剩余的结果为 a = a ⃗ ( 0 ) , G = G ⃗ ( 0 ) , b = b ⃗ ( 0 ) a=\vec{a}^{(0)},G=\vec{G}^{(0)},b=\vec{b}^{(0)} a=a (0),G=G (0),b=b (0),length均为 1 1 1。根据这些scalar值,以及各轮中的challenges { u j } \{u_j\} {uj} 以及 “cross-terms” { L j , R j } \{L_j,R_j\} {Lj,Rj},由于Prover事先并不知道challenges U , { u j } U,\{u_j\} U,{uj},其在每轮的compression中没法操纵结果。对这些final terms的constraints进行验证,可检查compression是否正确执行,从而可证明原始的 a ⃗ \vec{a} a 满足如上关系。

注意,最终的 G , b G,b G,b为rearrangements of the publicly known G ⃗ , b ⃗ \vec{G},\vec{b} G ,b with the round challenges { u j } \{u_j\} {uj} mixed in,这就意味着,Verifier可独立计算 G , b G,b G,b,并验证Prover提供的 G , b G,b G,b值是否匹配。

5. Recursion

根据第4节可知,计算 G G G需要a length- 2 k 2^k 2k multiexponentiation < G ⃗ , s ⃗ > <\vec{G},\vec{s}> <G ,s >,其中 s ⃗ \vec{s} s 由round challenges u 1 , ⋯   , u k u_1,\cdots,u_k u1,,uk以binary counting structure组成。这种linear-time computation,我们希望可分摊到a batch of proof instances中。因此,不直接计算 G G G,而是将 G G G表示为a commitment to a polynomial:
G = C o m m i t ( σ , g ( X , u 1 , ⋯   , u k ) ) G=Commit(\sigma,g(X,u_1,\cdots,u_k)) G=Commit(σ,g(X,u1,,uk))
其中 g ( X , u 1 , ⋯   , u k ) = ∏ i = 1 k ( u i + u i − 1 X 2 i − 1 ) g(X,u_1,\cdots,u_k)=\prod_{i=1}^{k}(u_i+u_i^{-1}X^{2^i-1}) g(X,u1,,uk)=i=1k(ui+ui1X2i1)为a polynomial with degree 2 k − 1 2^k-1 2k1

由于 G G G为a commitment,其可被checked in an inner product argument:Verifier circuit可将 G , u 1 , ⋯   , u k G,u_1,\cdots,u_k G,u1,,uk作为public input,使用inner product argument来验证proof π \pi π:即check that G = C o m m i t ( g ( X , u 1 , ⋯   , u k ) ) G=Commit(g(X,u_1,\cdots,u_k)) G=Commit(g(X,u1,,uk)) evaluates at some random point to the expected value for the given challenges u 1 , ⋯   , u k u_1,\cdots,u_k u1,,uk

根据第4节可知,仅需 k = log ⁡ 2 d k=\log_2d k=log2d轮。在验证完 π \pi π G G G之后,the circuit is left with a new G ′ G' G, along with the u 1 ′ , ⋯   , u k ′ u_1',\cdots,u_k' u1,,uk challenges sampled for the check。为了完全接受 π \pi π为valid的,需perform a linear-time computation of G ′ = < G ⃗ , s ⃗ ′ > G'=<\vec{G},\vec{s}'> G=<G ,s >。再次,可delay this computation by witnessing G ′ G' G and bringing G ′ , u 1 ′ , ⋯   , u k ′ G',u_1',\cdots,u_k' G,u1,,uk out as public inputs to the proof π ′ \pi' π

这样依次由one proof instance to the next,直到we are satisfied with the size of our batch of proofs。然后最终仅需运行依次linear-time computation,从而decide the validity of the whole batch。

根据Halo2中构建的Cycles of curves 可知,可将以上协议基于two-cycle curve来实例化:

  • a proof produced by one curve is efficiently verified in the circuit of the other curve。
  • 但是,some of these verifier checks can actually be efficiently performed in the native circuit,这些“deferred” to the next native circuit(具体如下图)instead of being immediately passed over to the other curve。


[1] Halo2 背景资料之 Polynomial commitment using inner product argument
[2] Halo2 背景资料之 Recursion

本文标签: 学习笔记背景资料Polynomialcommitment