

Project Management


  • Project Management
    • 1. Intruduction
    • 2. Organization
    • 3. Project Management Process
    • 4. Project Management Integration
    • 5.Project Scope Management
      • 5.1 Plan Scope Management
      • 5.2 Collect Requirements
      • 5.3 Define Scope
      • 5.4 Create WBS
      • 5.5 Validate Scope
      • 5.6 Control Scope
    • 6. Project Schodule Management
      • 6.2 Define Activity
      • 6.3 Sequene Activities
      • 6.4 Estimate Activity Duration
      • 6.5 Develop schedule
        • Schedule compression
    • 7.Project cost management
      • 7.1 Estimate Costs
      • 7.2 Determine Budget
      • 7.3 Control Costs: Earned Value Analysis
        • EAC Forecast
    • 8.Project Quality Management
      • 8.2 Manage Quality
    • 9.Project Resource Management
      • 9.4 Develop Team
    • 10. Project Communication Management
    • 11. Project Stakeholder Management
    • 12. Project Risk Management
      • 12.1 Plan Risk Management
      • 12.2 Identify Risks : How To Write a Risk Statement
      • 12.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis 定性分析
      • 12.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis 重大风险定量分析
      • 12.5 Plan Risk Responses
      • 12.6 Control Risks
    • 13 Project Procurement Management 项目采购管理
      • 13.1 Plan Procurement Management
      • 13.2 Conduct Procurements

1. Intruduction

Project: A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result

Project Management: The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements

2. Organization

Project organization: Organizations that constructed buildings, highways, and other infrastructure facilities, these types of organizations are certainly not serial production organizations, their work was classified as project.

3. Project Management Process

Two Categories of Project Processes:

  1. Project Management Processes:These processes ensure the effective flow of the project throughout its life cycle. They encompass the tools and techniques involved in applying the skills and capabilities described in the Knowledge Areas.
  2. Product-oriented Processes:These processes specify and create the project’s product. Typical example is as below.

4. Project Management Integration

Includes the processes and activities needed to identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within the Project Management Process Groups.


The Project Integration Management has seven processes included in it which are:

  1. Develop Project Charter
  2. Develop Project Management Plan
  3. Direct and Manage Project Work
  4. Manage Project Knowledge
  5. Monitor and Control Project Work
  6. Perform Integrated Change Control
  7. Close Project or Phase

5.Project Scope Management

Includes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully

Scope can refer to Product Scope & Project Scope 范围分为产品范围和项目范围
Product scope: The features and functions that characterize a product, service, or result. 产品、服务或结果的特征和功能
Project scope: The work performed to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified features and functions. 为交付具有特定特性和功能的产品、服务或结果而进行的工作

The term “project scope” is sometimes viewed as including product scope
• Don’t assume that requirements were determined before project began (not part of the project)
• Attitude to say no to unnecessary scope. It should go to project approval process

5.1 Plan Scope Management

The process of creating a scope management plan that documents how the project scope will be defined, validated, and controlled


5.2 Collect Requirements

FACILITATED WORKSHOPS: Focused cross functional stakeholders.


JAD: Joint application design

JAD 联合应用开发/设计:把开发人员和客户邀请到一起进行研究。

QFD: Quality function development


Multicriteria decision analysis


Group Decision Making Techniques 团体决策

  1. Unanimity 全票通过
  2. Majority (>50%)大多数通过就可以
  3. Plurality 最多人统一的方案,不需要超过半数
  4. Dictatorship 独裁方式

5.3 Define Scope

Define scope:The process of developing a detailed description of the project and product.

Project scope statement:The project scope statement is the description of the project scope, major deliverables,assumptions, and constraints. The project scope statement documents the entire scope, including project and product scope


  1. Product scope description. Progressively elaborates the characteristics of the product, service, or result described in the project charter and requirements documentation.
  2. Acceptance criteria. A set of conditions that is required to be met before
    deliverables are accepted.
  3. Deliverable. Any unique and verifiable product, result, or capability to perform a service that is required.
  4. Project exclusion. Generally identifies what is excluded from the project. Explicitly
    stating what is out of scope for the project helps to manage stakeholders’
  5. Constraints. A limiting factor that affects the execution of a project or process.
  6. Assumptions. A factor in the planning process that is considered to be true, real, or certain, without proof or demonstration.


5.4 Create WBS

Work breakdown structure(WBS):The process of subdividing project deliverables and project work into smaller, more manageable components.


  • WBS does not show dependencies
  • Dividing work package into activities is part of the time management process (Define Activities)


A deliverable-oriented grouping of project components that
organizes and defines the total scope of the project


Deliverable = any unique and verifiable product, result, or
capability to perform a service that must be produced to
complete a process, phase, or project



For each WBS component the WBS Dictionary includes : Unique identifier [Code of account], Responsible organization, list of schedule milestones, …



  1. should focus on tangible, deliverable items
  2. work elements should never be duplicated in the WBS


  1. defines all the work needed
  2. subdivides a project into smaller work
  3. groups the work items logically


5.5 Validate Scope

The process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables.


5.6 Control Scope

The process of monitoring the status of the project and product scope
and managing changes to the scope baseline.


6. Project Schodule Management

Includes the processes required to manage timely completion of the project

6.2 Define Activity

The process of identifying and documenting the specific actions to be performed to produce the project deliverables.


6.3 Sequene Activities

The process of identifying and documenting relationships among the project activities.

Precedence diagramming method(PDM):The process of identifying and documenting relationships among the project activities


  1. Mandatory dependencies:强制性依赖关系,事物自然规律,无法改变,硬逻辑
  2. Discretionary dependencies: 软逻辑,二者顺序关系本身不存在,是个人按照最佳实践制定的
  3. Internal dependencies: 内部依赖,比如测试,完成了很多个模块,先测试哪个
  4. External dependencies: 外部依赖,来自于外部的限制,如空气好是出去跑步的外部限制

6.4 Estimate Activity Duration

Analogous Estimating:use actual duration of previousactivity (historical) that has similarity


Parametric Estimating:

  1. use statistical relationship between
    historical data and other variables (e.g.
    learning curve)
  2. The result can become heuristics(experience based technique/rule of


Three Point estimates:
• O: Optimistic
• P: Pessimistic
• M: Most likely
• PERT formula = (P+4M+O)/6


• Standard deviation of an activity : (P-O)/6


Production Rate:The Time to produce one unit of work product


6.5 Develop schedule

  1. Milestones charts(only identify scheduled start or completion of major deliverables and key external interfaces)


  2. Bar chartss (with bar representing activities, show start and end dates as well as expected duration)


  3. Project schedule network diagram (with activity date information, show both the network logic and critical path)

    网络图:每个节点代表一个活动,箭头表示逻辑关系,把属性写上去,如ID,名称,活动描述,活动历时,用于展现critical path(关键路径)
    Critical Path Method(CPM)

7 Cells for an activity
ES:Earliest Start Date
EF:Earliest Finish Date


LS:Latest Start Date
LF:Latest Finish Date
FF:Free Float
TF:Total Float

ES=Max(Predecessor’s EF)+1
LF=min(Successor’s LS)-1


  1. Forward pass (going through all the paths of the network)
    ES, EF for each activity (EF = ES + Duration-1)
    Determination of the critical path (project duration)


  1. Backward pass (going through all the paths of the network)
    LF, LS for each activity (LS = LF – Duration+1 )
    Calculation of float for each activity and path

Critical path=project duration

Schedule compression
  1. Fast Tracking
    Doing activities in parallel. Fast tracking increases risks and requires
    more attention to communication


  1. Crashing
    Adding more resources to the critical path : moving resources from
    non-critical activities or adding extra resources to the activities from
    outside the project. Crashing almost always increase cost.

Resource leveling

7.Project cost management

Includes the processes involved in planning, estimating, budgeting, and controlling costs so that the project can be completed within the approved budget
type of cost:

  1. Varialbe costs


  2. Fixed costs


  3. Indirect costs


  4. Direct costs


7.1 Estimate Costs


  1. Analogous Estimating
  2. Parametric Estimating
  3. Three Point Estimates
  4. Bottom Up

7.2 Determine Budget

The process of aggregating the estimated costs of individual activities or work packages to establish an authorized cost baseline.


7.3 Control Costs: Earned Value Analysis


Interpretation of basic EVM performance measures
1.Cost Performance Index (CPI)


2.Schedule Performance Index (SPI)


Terms and FormulasDefinition
Earned Value (EV)As of today, what is the estimated value of the work actually accomplished?
Actual Cost (AC)As of today, what is the actual cost incurred for the work accomplished?
Planned Value (PV)As of today, what is the estimated value of work planned to be done?
Cost Variance
(CV) = EV – AC
CV < 0: Negative is over budget
CV > 0: Positive is under budget
Schedule Variance
(SV)= EV –PV
SV < 0: Negative is behind schedule
SV > 0: Positive is ahead schedule
Cost Performance Index
CPI > 1: Under Budget
CPI < 1: Over Budget
成本绩效指标=挣得价值/花的价值, 大于1可控,小于1不可控
Schedule Performance Index
SPI > 1: Ahead of schedule
SPI < 1: behind of schedule
Budget at completion (BAC)How much did we BUDGET for the TOTAL project effort?
Estimate at Completion
What do we currently expect the TOTAL project cost (a forecast)?
Estimate to Complete
From this point on, how much MORE do we expect it to cost to finish the project (a forecast)?
Variance at Completion
As of today, how much over or under budget do we expect to be at the end of the project?
EAC Forecast
  1. EAC=BAC/CPI 简单计算
  2. EAC=AC+(BAC-EV)偏差不典型时可用
  3. EAC=AC+[(BAC-EV)/(Cumulative CPI+Cumulative SPI)] 成本表现不佳但有严格的完成日期要求
  4. EAC=AC+ETC 基于新的评估

8.Project Quality Management

Project Quality Management includes the processes for incorporating the organization’s quality policy regarding planning, managing, and controlling project and product quality requirements in order to meet stakeholders’ objectives. Project Quality Management also supports continuous process improvement activities as undertaken on behalf of the performing organization.

Quality: the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements. Quality level that fails to meet quality requirements is always a PROBLEM


Grade: a category assigned to product or service having the same functional use but different technical characteristics. Low grade may not be a problem


Gold Plating: giving the customer extras

This practice is not recommended.要给客户最好的东西,但是现在更多人接受刚刚好满足要求

Marginal Analysis: looking for the point where…
benefits/revenue to be received from improving quality EQUALS the incremental cost to achieve that quality


Just in Time (JIT): just when they are needed or just before they are needed.

It forces attention on quality practices.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Company & their employees focus on finding ways to continuous improve the
quality of their business practices & products.全员质量管理。

Deming Wheel:plan-do-check-act



  1. 初始阶段,项目有一个牛人在就好,不可控不可预知
  2. 可复制阶段,项目经理厉害,别人请教告诉他也能做好
  3. 最佳实践被推广,所有人按照流程做
  4. 量化阶段,流程逐渐改善,使用数据分析项目
  5. 持续优化

Agile: 敏捷开发


Plan Quality Management
The process of identifying quality requirements and/or standards for the project and its deliverables and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance with quality requirements.


Cost of quality


The quality management plan may include but is not limited to the following
• Quality standards that will be used by the project; //遵循什么质量标准
• Quality objectives of the project;发给客户前的标准,目标
• Quality roles and responsibilities;不同角色质量贡献,我要做什么
• Project deliverables and processes subject to quality review;质量review规定
• Quality control and quality management activities planned for the project;保证质量标准的活动
• Quality tools that will be used for the project; and质量工具
• Major procedures relevant for the project, such as dealing with nonconformance, corrective actions procedures, and continuous improvement procedures.发现不符合项怎么处理

8.2 Manage Quality

7QC 7个工具

  1. Casuse and Effect Diagram 因果图
  2. Flowcharts
  3. Checkhsheets
  4. Pareto Diagram
  5. Histogram
  6. Control Charts
  7. Scatter Diagrams

9.Project Resource Management

Responsibility Assignment Matrix(RAM)
Responsible Accountable Consult Inform RACI

Resource plan includes (but not limited to):
• Identification of resources 需要什么资源
• Acquiring resources 如何获取资源
• Roles and responsibilities 责权如何定义

  • Role
  • Authority
  • Responsibility
  • Competency

• Project Organization Chart 组织结构图
• Project team resource management 打算如何管理,有什么规则和奖惩机制
• Training
• Team development 团队建设
• Resource control
• Recognition plan

9.4 Develop Team

Colocation 把人放到一个物理位置上聚集起来,线下工作

Conflict: 两个人意见和观点不同,冲突没有对错,只有观点不同

Recognition and reward

  1. 个人认可才有效
  2. 制定资源计划时确定奖惩

Hygiene Factors

  • Working condition
  • Salary
  • Personal life
  • Relationship at work
  • Security
  • Status


Motivation Factors

  • Responsibility
  • Self actualization
  • Professional growth
  • Recognition


10. Project Communication Management

Some potential dimensions of communication activity:
• Internal – external 内部沟通,项目组之间。外部沟通
• Formal – Informal 正式沟通-非正式沟通 非正式沟通对于项目经理来讲更重要
• Vertical – Hierarchical: Upward, Downward, Horizontal 横向沟通,纵向沟通
• Official – unofficial 官方-非官方
• Written – oral 书面-口头
• Verbal –non-verbal 语言-非语言


  1. 了解沟通目标
  2. 关注语言风格(不要太有进攻性,不要大写)
  3. 选择合适的沟通媒介
  4. 选择合适的沟通时间
  5. 积极倾听
  6. 关注非语言信息(肢体语言)
  7. 沟通信息尽量简短

Effective meeting
➢Plan or prepare the meeting 会前准备

  1. Set a time/schedule and determine the participants.
  2. Have a clear purpose for each meeting & communicate it in the invitation.
  3. Create the agenda and distribute it in advance.

➢Stick to the plan (discipline)会上执行

  1. Begin on time, end on time.
  2. Introduce the moderator and stipulate who will keep the minutes.
  3. End every agenda with a summary and consensus of the participants.

➢Good follow-up 会后跟踪

  1. Send the minutes showing the result along with the to do list.
  2. Get feedback from the participants.
  3. Monitor the status of all action items.

11. Project Stakeholder Management

12. Project Risk Management

➢Risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if occurs, has an effect on at least one project objective.


➢Risk management objectives:

  1. increase the probability and impact of positive events (opportunities).
  2. decrease the probability and impact of negative events (threat).


Terms & concepts:

  1. Uncertainty: a lack of knowledge about an event that reduces confidence
  2. Risk averse: someone who does not want to take risks. 风险厌恶:对风险无法忍受
  3. Risk tolerances: area of risk that are acceptable/unacceptable. 对风险的容忍程度
  4. Risk thresholds: the point at which a risk become unacceptable。风险阈值,从可接受到不可接受的转折点

Remember that in this area there is no activity in executing process group

Risk factor

  1. The probability that it will occur 发生的概率
  2. The range of possible outcome(impact) 发生后的影响程度
  3. Expected timing (when) in the project life cycle 什么时候会发生
  4. The anticipated frequency of risk event (how often) 预期会不会重复发生,如果重复发生,频率怎么样

Risk management planning

  1. Risk identification
  2. Risk Quantification
  3. Risk Response

12.1 Plan Risk Management

➢Risk Categories

  1. A standard list of risk categories can help to make sure areas of risk are not forgotten.
  2. Companies and PMO should have standard list of risk categories to help identify risk.

➢Main type of Risk

  1. Business – Risk of gain or loss
  2. Pure (insurable) risk – Only a risk of loss (i.e. fire, theft, personal injury, etc)


  • Sources of risk = risk categories
  • Risk categories may be structured into Risk Breakdown Structure

➢Subset of project management plan. May includes:
✓ Risk strategy 风险处理策略
✓ Methodology 风险管理方法
✓ Roles & responsibilities 职责和权限
✓ Budgeting 花多少钱
✓ Timing 什么时间处理什么风险
✓ Risk categories. 风险分类
✓ Definition of risk probability and impact 风险发生的概率和影响程度
✓ Stakeholder tolerances 如何管理stakeholder的期望,如何沟通
✓ Reporting formats 汇报风险状态的形式
✓ Tracking 风险跟踪
✓ Probability and impact matrix (?)

Risk breakdown structure (RBS)

12.2 Identify Risks : How To Write a Risk Statement

Cause/Risk/Effect 风险语音要素:什么导致风险,导致什么风险,导致什么后果

“As a result of <definite cause>,
<uncertain event> may occur,
which would lead to <effect on objective(s)>”

An IF - THEN type of risk statement.
EXAMPLE: “IF the subcontractor does not deliver the SW at the required reliability level
THEN the product may not meet the performance specifications.”
A CONDITION - CONSEQUENCE risk statement. Given the “condition”,
there is a likelihood that “consequence” will occur.

  1. Condition: a single phrase that identifies possible future problems, and describes current
    key circumstances, situations, etc., that are causing concern, doubt, anxiety, or
  2. Consequence: a single phrase or sentence that describes the key negative outcome(s) of the current circumstances
    EXAMPLE: “The subcontractor may not deliver the SW at the required reliability level and as a result the product may not meet the performance specifications.”

12.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis 定性分析

Risk Register 风险登记册
After Indentify Risk process the output is initial entries into the risk
register. It includes:
✓ List of risk 风险列表
✓ List of POTENTIAL responses 应对措施
✓ Root causes of risks
✓ Updated risk categories 更新风险类别

Probability-Impact Matrix

▪ High Risk: Urgent Attention 红色严密监控
▪ Medium Risk: Regular Review 黄色没有那么紧急
▪ Low Risk: Monitor 绿色只需要监控一下

12.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis 重大风险定量分析

Expected Monetary Value(EMV):



EMV for each possible outcome then adding them together in project RBS
Impact = costs or rewards of each logical path

E M V = ∑ [ P r o b a b i l i t y ∗ I m p a c t ] EMV=\sum[Probability*Impact] EMV=[ProbabilityImpact]


12.5 Plan Risk Responses

The process of developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and to
reduce threats to project objectives.


Risk Treatment

  1. Avoid the Risks 回避风险,如管理外包商风险很高,选择不外包,自制
  2. Eliminate Source of the Risks 消灭风险源头,选择不需要管理就可以处理好的承包商
  3. Transfer the Risks 转移风险,如买保险,用能支付的小成本代替不可承受的大风险,外包也是风险转移
  4. Mitigate the Risks 采取预防性措施减少风险发生的概率/减少风险发生带来的伤害
  5. Accept the Risks 接受风险,积极:做预案,消极:顺其自然

Risk treatment

  1. 识别
  2. 定性分析
  3. 定量分析
  4. 定义应对措施
  5. 实施应对措施

12.6 Control Risks


13 Project Procurement Management 项目采购管理

Purchase 买商品等
Acquire 获取证书等

13.1 Plan Procurement Management


Fixed-Price contracts



  1. cost plus percentage of fee


  1. cost plus fixed fee


  1. cost plus incentive fee


Time and Material Contracts



13.2 Conduct Procurements

Proposal Evaluation

  1. Weighting system
    Evaluate by weighting the source selection criteria
  2. Independent estimate
    Estimation created in-house or with outside assistance
  3. Screening system
    Eliminate sellers who do no meet minimum requirement 遍历供应商,把不符合的去掉
  4. Past performance history

PM may be involved during negotiation to clarify requirement, protect
Objective of negotiation:

  1. Obtain fair and reasonable price 拿到一个好的价格
  2. Develop good relationship with the seller 和供应商之间维持一个好的关系

Main items to negotiate: 付款周期,价格,个人有什么权限,有什么适用法律,技术/商业管理,合同

  1. Scope
  2. Schedule
  3. Price & payment
  4. Responsibilities
  5. Authority
  6. Applicable law
  7. Technical & business management approaches
  8. Contract financing

本文标签: ProjectManagement