


业界一般将 Lamport 论文里最初提出的分布式算法称之为 Basic Paxos,这是 Paxos 最基础的算法思想。Basic Paxos 算法的最终目标是通过严谨和可靠的流程来使得集群基于某个提案(Proposal)达到最终的共识。以下是该论文中涉及的一些概念:

  • value:提案值,是一个抽象的概念,这里不能把它简单的理解为数值。而应该理解为对某一数据或数据库某一行的某一列的一系列操作。
  • number:提案编号,全局唯一,单调递增。
  • proposal:集群需要达成共识的提案,拥有 number 和 value。

proposal 中的 value 就是在 Paxos 算法完成之后需要达成共识的值。

Paxos 算法中有三个核心角色:

  • Proposer:生成提案编号 n 和 value v,然后向 Acceptors 广播该提案,接收 Acceptors 的回复,如果有超过半数的 Acceptors 同意该提案,则选定该提案,否则放弃此次提案并生成更新的提案重新发起流程,提案被选定之后则通知所有 Learners 获取该最终选定的提案值(也可以由 Acceptor 来通知,看具体实现)。Basic Paxos 中允许有多个 Proposers。
  • Acceptor:接收 Proposer 的提案并参与提案的表决过程,把各自的决定回复给 Proposer 进行统计。Acceptor 可以接受来自多个 Proposers 的多个提案。
  • Learner:不参与决策过程,只获取最终选定的提案 value。

Paxos Made Simple

Leslie Lamport
01 Nov 2001

The Paxos algorithm, when presented in plain English, is very simple.

1 Introduction

The Paxos algorithm for implementing a fault-tolerant distributed system has been regarded as difficult to understand, perhaps because the original presentation was Greek to many readers [5]. In fact, it is among the simplest and most obvious of distributed algorithms. At its heart is a consensus algorithm—the “synod” algorithm of [5]. The next section shows that this consensus algorithm follows almost unavoidably from the properties we want it to satisfy. The last section explains the complete Paxos algorithm, which is obtained by the straightforward application of consensus to the state machine approach for building a distributed system an approach that should be well-known, since it is the subject of what is probably the most often-cited article on the theory of distributed systems.


2 The Consensus Algorithm(共识算法)

2.1 The Problem(问题描述)

Assume a collection of processes that can propose values. A consensus algorithm ensures that a single one among the proposed values is chosen. If no value is proposed, then no value should be chosen. If a value has been chosen, then processes should be able to learn the chosen value. The safety requirements for consensus are:

  • Only a value that has been proposed may be chosen,
  • Only a single value is chosen, and
  • A process never learns that a value has been chosen unless it actually has been.
  1. 只有被提议的 value 才能被选定,
  2. 只能选择一个 value,
  3. 只有一个 value 真的被确定选定,进程才能获取这个 value。

We won’t try to specify precise liveness requirements. However, the goal is to ensure that some proposed value is eventually chosen and, if a value has been chosen, then a process can eventually learn the value.

We let the three roles in the consensus algorithm be performed by three classes of agents: proposers, acceptors, and learners. In an implementation, a single process may act as more than one agent, but the mapping from agents to processes does not concern us here.

Assume that agents can communicate with one another by sending messages. We use the customary asynchronous, non-Byzantine model, in which:

  • Agents operate at arbitrary speed, may fail by stopping, and may restart. Since all agents may fail after a value is chosen and then restart, a solution is impossible unless some information can be remembered by an agent that has failed and restarted.
  • Messages can take arbitrarily long to be delivered, can be duplicated, and can be lost, but they are not corrupted.
  1. 代理以任意速度运行,可能因停止而失效(指不能正常工作),也可能重启。由于所有代理都有可能在一个值被选定之后失效再接着重启,除非失效或者重启的代理能够记住一些关键信息,否则没有任何解决方案。
  2. 消息传递的时间可以任意长,消息可以重复或者丢失,但消息不会被篡改。
2.2 Choosing a Value(值的选定)

The easiest way to choose a value is to have a single acceptor agent. A proposer sends a proposal to the acceptor, who chooses the first proposed value that it receives. Although simple, this solution is unsatisfactory because the failure of the acceptor makes any further progress impossible.

So, let’s try another way of choosing a value. Instead of a single acceptor, let’s use multiple acceptor agents. A proposer sends a proposed value to a set of acceptors. An acceptor may accept the proposed value. The value is chosen when a large enough set of acceptors have accepted it. How large is large enough? To ensure that only a single value is chosen, we can let a large enough set consist of any majority of the agents. Because any two majorities have at least one acceptor in common, this works if an acceptor can accept at most one value. (There is an obvious generalization of a majority that has been observed in numerous papers, apparently starting with.)

In the absence of failure or message loss, we want a value to be chosen even if only one value is proposed by a single proposer. This suggests the requirement:

P1. An acceptor must accept the first proposal that it receives.

P1. 接受者(acceptor)必须接受它收到的第一个提案。

But this requirement raises a problem. Several values could be proposed by different proposers at about the same time, leading to a situation in which every acceptor has accepted a value, but no single value is accepted by a majority of them. Even with just two proposed values, if each is accepted by about half the acceptors, failure of a single acceptor could make it impossible to learn which of the values was chosen.

P1 and the requirement that a value is chosen only when it is accepted by a majority of acceptors imply that an acceptor must be allowed to accept more than one proposal. We keep track of the different proposals that an acceptor may accept by assigning a (natural) number to each proposal, so a proposal consists of a proposal number and a value. To prevent confusion, we require that different proposals have different numbers. How this is achieved depends on the implementation, so for now we just assume it. A value is chosen when a single proposal with that value has been accepted by a majority of the acceptors. In that case, we say that the proposal (as well as its value) has been chosen.
P1 和 value 只有被大多数的 Acceptor(接受者) 接受才算被选中的要求,意味着必须允许 Acceptor 接受一个以上的 proposal(提案)。我们通过为每个 proposal

本文标签: 共识算法论文SimplePaxos