






Word[Cloze ReadingComprehension Translation]

一类是不感兴趣类,既然不感兴趣,还写什么文章,(uninterested, unconcerned, indifferent)
第二类是困惑类,都没搞清楚事情写什么文章,显然不选,(confused, puzzled )
第三类是主观偏见敏感类词汇,和谐社会不允许出现,(subjective, biased, prejudice, contemptuous)
第四类,忍受迁就类,写个文章好就是好坏就是坏,或者是站在客观中立的角度写,我在忍让什么?(indulgence tolerate)

一 赞同
  positive adj.肯定的, 实际的, 积极的, , 确实的
  favorable adj.赞成的, 有利的, 赞许的, 良好的
  approval n. 赞成, 承认, 正式批准
  enthusiasm n.狂热, 热心, 积极性
  supportive adj.支持的,支援的
  defensive 为……而辩护

二 否定
  negative adj.否定的, 消极的, 负的, 阴性的
  disapproval 不赞成
  objection 异议
  opposition 反对
  critical 批评的
  criticism 批评批判
  disgust vi.令人厌恶, 令人反感vt.使作呕
  detestation n.憎恶, 厌恶的人, 嫌恶
  indignation 愤慨
  contempt n.轻视, 轻蔑, 耻辱, 不尊敬
  compromising n.妥协, 折衷v.妥协, 折衷
  worried adj.闷闷不乐的,焦虑的

三 怀疑
  suspicion n.猜疑, 怀疑
  suspicious adj.(~ of) 可疑的, 怀疑的
  doubtful adj.可疑的, 不确的, 疑心的
  puzzling adj.使迷惑的, 使莫明其妙的

四 客观 (即好的坏的都说,选的可能性极大)
  objective adj.客观的
  neutral adj.中立的
  impartial adj.公平的, 不偏不倚的
  disinterested adj.无私的
  imprejudiced adj.没有偏见的
  unbiased adj.没有偏见的
  unprejudiced adj.公平的, 无偏见的, 没有成见的
  detached 不含个人偏见的

optimistic adj.乐观的
impressive adj.,给人深刻印象
concerned adj.关注的
enthusiastic adj.热心的
enthusiasm n.热情,热心
confident adj..自信的,确信的

negative adj,消极的
unconcerned adj.不关心的
indifferent adj.漠不关心的
compromising adj..难堪地
depressed adj,消沉的
gloomy adj..阴沉的,阴郁的
pessimistic ad.悲观的
radical ad.激进的

sympathetic adj.同情的
approval n.赞成,承认
sympathy n.同情,共鸣
supportive adj.支持的,支援
positive ad肯定的积极的
consent n.同意,赞成,答应
favorable adj..赞成的,有利
praisable adj..值得赞扬的

objective adj..客观的
factual adj..事实实际的
neutral adj..中立的
unbiased adj,没有偏见的
reserved adj.保留的
disinterested adj.无私的
impersonal adj.非个人的
unprejudiced adj,无偏见的

opposition n.反对
apprehensive adj.忧虑的
critical adj.批评的
ironic adj..讽刺的,说反话的
scared adj.恐惧的
negative adj.否定的,消极的
biased adj,片面的,偏倚的
disapproval n.不赞成,反对
contempt n.轻视,蔑视
objection n.异议,反对

suspicion n.猜疑,怀疑
doubtful adj.可疑,疑心的
suspicious adj.可疑的,怀疑
puzzling adj.令人迷惑的
doubt n.&v.怀疑
confused adj..困惑的
consider v.仔细考虑
decision n.决定
respond v.回应

abnormal adj..不正常的
acute adj,.敏锐的
considerate adj.周到的
deadly adj.致命的
narrow adj.狭隘的;勉强
novel adj..新颖的
accustomed adj,惯常的
admirable adj.可钦佩的
critical adj批判的挑剔的
devoted adj.忠诚的
noble ad崇高的
optimistic adj.乐观的
advanced adj.先进的
fragile adj,.易碎的;脆弱
dull adj.枯燥无味的
still adj.静止的:寂静的
outstanding adj突出的
cautious adj.谨慎的
alike adj.相像十分相似
frank adj坦率的
elegant adj.优雅的:文雅的
stubborn adj.顽固的
passive adj,.被动的消极
classic adj..经典的
antique adj.古老的
generous adj.慷慨的
energetic adj.精力充沛的
stupid adj.糊涂的:笨的
realistic adj..现实的
classical adj.古典的
apparent adj,.显而易见
grand adj.壮丽的:宏伟
enthusiastic adj.热情的
thoughtful adj..深思的
reliable adj.可信赖的
clumsy adj.笨拙的
authentic adj..真实的
handy adj.便利的
essential adj.必要的
tough adj..艰苦的:坚强的
rough adj.粗糙的
competent ad.胜任的
automatic adj,自动的
mean adj.吝啬的:刻薄
fierce adj..凶猛的;猛烈的
vain ad.徒劳的:自负的
bent adj..弯曲的;不正派
complex adj.复杂的
firm adj.强有力的坚定
mild adj.轻微的温和的
sincere adj,真诚的
vivid adj.生动的:鲜明的
bored adj.烦闷的
compulsory adj.强制的
forgetful adj..健忘的
modest adj谦虚的,谦逊的
stable adj.稳固的,稳定的
voluntary adj.无偿的;自愿的
brief adj.简短的:短暂的
selfish adj..自私的

account v.解释,说明
recognize v.承认
clarify v.闸明,澄清
bargain v.讨价还价
introduce v.介绍
discuss v.讨论
address v.演讲
remind v.提醒
complain v.抱怨
broadcast v.广播;传播
mention v.提到
direct v.指示
advertise v.宣传
debate v.辩论
case n.理由,论据
publish v.公布
explain v.解释
announce V.宣布
repeat v,重说
declare v.宣布
chat v.聊天
pronounce v.发音
expose v.揭露
pronounce v.发音
expose v.揭露
appeal v.呼吁:恳求
whisper v.耳语
describe v.描述
clam V.宜称
reason v.推理,推断
inform V.告知
argument n.争吵;辩论
warn sb.of sth.提醒某人某事
disclose v.揭露;泄露





social progress/ development/ stability 社会进步/发展/稳定
economic prosperity 经济繁荣
prosperity of the country 国家富强
happiness of the people 人民幸福
bring convenience to life 生活便利
social harmony 社会和谐
social justice 社会公正
rural revitalization 农村报兴
infrastructure development 基础设施建设
youth development 青年发展


maintain natural ecological balance 维持自然生态平衡
improve ecological environment改善生态环境
prevent and remedy pollution 预防污染
comfortable climate 舒适的气候
beautiful natural environment 优美的自然环境
green infrastructure 绿色基础设施
green economy绿色经济
low-carbon footprint/ economy低碳足迹
natural resource preservation 自然资源保护
sustainable development 可持续发展


cultural exchange 文化交流
cultural protection 文化保护
inherit and develop the traditional culture 继承和发扬传统文化
study/understand/ respect history
open and inclusive attitude 开放和包容的态度
respect different customs 尊重不同的风俗


physical and mental health 身体和心理健康
relieve stress 缓解压力
alleviate difficulties 缓解困难
healthy lifestyle 健康生活方式
quality of life 生活质量
moral cultivation 道德修养
enrich spiritual life 丰富精神生活
expand our horizons开拓服界
broaden our experience丰富经验
acquire knowledge/ skill/ ability 获得知识/技巧/能力
promote one's self-confidence 提升自信
personal growth 个人成长
embrace challenges 迎接挑战
lifelong education and learning 终身教育和学习
personal goals and values 个人目标与价值
overcome adversity
own more opportunities in the competition.
Cultivate creative thinking, exploitation spirit,critical mind.


facilitate effective communication 促进有效沟通
shrink the distance 缩短距离
bridge communication gaps 弥合沟通鸿沟
establish communication bridges建立街通桥梁
effective communication tools 有效的
promote the efficiency of communication
collect/gather information 搜集信息
enhance mutual understanding 
deepen friendship/ kinship 增进友谊
facilitate information sharing"促进信用共享


The whole society is obliged to foster a positive climate that advocates 
The authority should strength the imperfect social system 
Relevant regulations should be established to encourage/punish,,,,,

A happy and harmonious family will be on the corner, When we bear this in mind together
a High quality life will beon the corner. When we take these practical and concrete and viable steps


It is universally acknowledged that [好话题]enables/helps/makes us (to)...
,as an invaluable spirit / a driving force for/to..., can..., thus...

With the boom of education industry ,it is no longer a problem for rural residents to get the convenient and quick education ,which,,,,,
The rapid development of economy which students have experiences has Greatly improved people's life standard ,which enables students to study conveniently


It is universally recognized that [坏话题]keeps/hinders/stops us from..
[坏话题], as an urgent problem /a barrier/hindrance for/to..., can..., thus...

lacking laws and regulations to protect the employees who are paid unfairly leads to the low level of job satisfaction
Lastly, if everyone failed to cultivate strong will, our society would be confronted with an unpromising and fruitless future.

From my perspective
For one thing ,besides, in addition on the contrary 

First Composition

Portrayed in the picture is such a thought - provoking sence:
As is depicted in the thought-provoking picture ,there is a sharp comparison between two different attitudes/styles.

When facing the same overturned bottle of water ,one boy buries his face in his hand sighing and complaining that all is lost ,whereas the other man is trying to pick up the bottle feeling lucky for there is still a little left

When educating their sons,One father watching TV himself, directs his son to study hard. on the contrary ,the other father is working devotedly ,with his son absorbed in his book

eventually, At the bottom the caption indicates:"  "


The intention behind the above picture is to show us the significance of of optimism in our daily lives for young generation,  Which can be elaborated in detail from the following two perspectives.
The drawings, undoubtedly, convey the meaning that utmost importance ought to be attached to taking actions in doing anything
the meaning that at no time should we underestimate the significance of perseverance.

Second Composition


It's quite a great to hear the good news is that...
As a senior at this university who is particularly fond of/keen on reading in this library,
(of extending my sincere welcome)
The ceremony is scheduled to begin at 9:00 am on June 26th in the center of students’ activities, which will last for approximately two hours
As you know, during the past six months ,I was extremely busy because I focused all my eyesight on the preparation for the national entrance exams for postgraduate studies

        The purpose of this letter(notice) that I am writing is to
                request your assistance.请求
                heartfelt gratitude
                make some advice

there are several reasons(Basic requirements) elaborating my proposals as follows
Which can be elaborated in detail from the following two perspectives.



The first thing (The primary reason)I want to(intend to/am inclined to) emphasize that actively exercising the body and reducing prolonged sitting are indispensable ways to maintain physical health.

what I have been reflecting on is(I believe/I deem/I cling to the idea/I am convinced) that protecting the environment is everyone's obligation.

We/you are desperately in need of read ,which could help us improve our ability to solve problems in life.

Due to/because of your/my negligence/timely assistance, it is highly unlikely/likely that we/you will be able to complete this task on time.

Through this meaningful activity, which can help you gain the opportunity to engage with different cultures, is truly valuable.

It was your(my) warm help (Diligence and hard work)(Unstable state of mind)that enable me to accumulate certain work your adequate experience and competence
It was your unstable state of mind that led(lead) you to make inadequate preparation for the national entrance examination for postgraduate is a 

While I know that working hard to improve my abilities has advantages in adapting to society, I believe even more strongly that improving my intelligence can lead to deeper and more thought-provoking experiences on my own behalf.
Compared with the advantages of improving students ability in adapting to society ,I believe even more

As this memorable event(experience) comes to an end, I am convinced that it will certainly improve our communication skills.

by adopting these strategies ,students can bounce back from exam failure and achieve their academic goals

I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my suggestion/application.建议信/申请信
I will be grateful if my proposals/complaints are considered and positive changes take place in these regards.建议信/投诉信
Please accept my sincere apology for any inconveniences that I have caused. 
Please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenionces that my leaving may incur.辞职信
I hope all the members would enjoy the book/movie/journey.推荐信
We would be very pleased if you could honor us with your presence.  邀请信

Your promote attention to my letter will be highly appreciated
I'm looking forward to your favorable reply at your earliest convenience 
please do not hesitate to contact me(email us at xxxx.qq) if there is any further question。
My highly appreciation goes for your precious time from your busy schedule spent on this letter .Your favorable response at your earliest convenience would be highly appreciated

本文标签: kaoYanEnglish