


The fundamental allure of Minecraft is the ability to build anything and make the game whatever you desire it to be. Today, we’re taking a look at mods that help you in that endeavor by adding extra dimensions, major game changes, or providing an outright overhaul to the game.

Minecraft的基本魅力在于能够构建任何东西并使游戏随心所欲。 今天,我们正在研究通过增加额外的尺寸,重大的游戏更改或对游戏进行彻底检修来帮助您实现这一目标的mod。

As we’ve discussed in previous lessons on Minecraft modding, the introduction of mods can greatly enhance your play experience and extend the amount of time you enjoy the game. The mods we’re showcasing here today introduce so much new content it’s like you’re getting a whole new game to play. Even better yet the Minecraft modding community is so prolific that by the time you get tired of one overhaul mod there’s another major one worth playing with.

正如我们在之前有关Minecraft改装的课程中所讨论的那样,mod的引入可以极大地改善您的游戏体验并延长您享受游戏的时间。 我们今天在这里展示的mod引入了很多新内容,就像您正在玩全新游戏一样。 更好的是,《我的世界》改装社区如此丰富,以至于当您厌倦了一个大修模块时,还有另一个值得一玩的重要模型。

Some of them expand the world via extra dimensions and some add in new game mechanics. Others add more realistic needs, physics, or game elements, or overhaul the game completely and offer a brand new Minecraft experience. Finally, there are some that do many of these things in one single mod.

其中一些通过额外的维度扩展了世界,而另一些则增加了新的游戏机制。 其他人则添加了更现实的需求,物理特性或游戏元素,或者完全对游戏进行了大修,并提供了全新的Minecraft体验。 最后,有些人可以在一个mod中完成许多这些事情。

The Minecraft modding world is vast and full of talented modders pushing the limits of the game in new and creative ways. The following mods are a very small collection of the enormous pool of mods out there. Although we’ve done our best to pick example of the different genres and game-changing mods available it would easily take a book just to cover every unique and novel mod available for the game. With that in mind, we hope you’ll look over the mods here to see the kind of creative things the mod community is up to, try some of our suggestions out, and then leap right into searching for more mods.

我的世界(Minecraft)改装世界广阔,充满了才华横溢的改装者,以新颖和创新的方式推动游戏的发展。 以下mod是那里大量mod的很小的集合。 尽管我们已竭尽所能,挑选了不同类型和可改变游戏规则的mod的示例,但很容易拿起一本书来介绍该游戏可用的每个独特新颖的mod。 考虑到这一点,我们希望您可以在此处查看这些mod,以了解mod社区正在从事的创新工作,尝试我们的一些建议,然后直接跳入搜索更多mod。

认识模组 (Meet the Mods)

The default game features three dimensions, as we learned in our introductory Minecraft series: The Overworld (the world you start in that resembles our world), The Nether (a hell-like dimension filled with fire, rock, and unique mobs), and The End (a purgatory-like final level where the game’s final boss, the Ender Dragon, is found).

正如我们在Minecraft入门系列中所学到的那样,默认游戏具有三个维度:Overworld(您在其中开始的世界类似于我们的世界),The Nether(地狱般的维度,充满了火,岩石和独特的生物),以及终结(类似于炼狱般的最终关卡,在该关卡中找到了游戏的最终头目Ender Dragon)。

The following mods either add one or more dimensions to the game, or they heavily modify The Overworld is such a way that the basic gameplay is radically changed.


暮光森林 (Twilight Forest)

Available for Minecraft Version: 1.7.10

适用于Minecraft版本: 1.7.10

Installation Process: Copy the mod .JAR into your mods folder and run Minecraft.

安装过程:将mod .JAR复制到您的mods文件夹中并运行Minecraft。

Description: Twilight Forest is a beautiful mod that’s part Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, part Alice in Wonderland, and thoroughly magical.


The mod adds in the Twilight Forest dimension which is accessed by creating a pool of water 2×2 blocks in size, surrounding the edge with plants, and then throwing a diamond into the pool.


The resulting portal transports you to the Twilight realm in direct correspondence to your location on The Overworld map. The Twilight Forest dimension is infinite in size just like The Overworld and every coordinate location in The Overworld corresponds to a location in The Twilight Forest.

生成的门户网站将您直接链接到《暮光世界》,并与您在《 Overworld》地图上的位置直接对应。 暮色森林维度的大小是无限的,就像The Overworld一样,Overworld中的每个坐标位置都对应于The Twilight Forest中的位置。

Not only does the mod add a beautiful and enormous new dimension to explore, but that dimension features all manner of puzzles (like the elaborate and cloud-scraping castles found deep in the Twilight Woods), new armor sets and items, new mobs, new biomes, and more than enough interesting experiences to keep you busy for a very long time.


Twilight Forest was the first extra-dimension mod we installed and it remains our favorite. The mod authors really nailed the atmosphere and did an excellent job balancing the new game elements introduced by the mod.

暮光森林是我们安装的第一个超尺寸模组,它仍然是我们的最爱。 该mod的作者确实营造了氛围,并在平衡该mod引入的新游戏元素方面做得非常出色。

半乳Craft.io品 (Galacticraft)

Available for Minecraft Version: 1.7.2

适用于Minecraft版本: 1.7.2

Installation Process: Galacticraft requires 3 mod files, copy the Galacticraftcore*.JAR, Galacticraft-Planets*.JAR and MicdoodleCore*.JAR into your mods folder and run Minecraft.

安装过程: Galacticraft需要3个mod文件,将Galacticraftcore * .JAR,Galacticraft-Planets * .JAR和MicdoodleCore * .JAR复制到您的mods文件夹中并运行Minecraft。

Description: You’re going to the moon (no really, to the moon and beyond, even)! Galacticraft introduces the Space Race to Minecraft. You’ll find new ores in The Overworld, new recipes for crafting mission control and rocket parts, and you’ll use all this new technology to launch a rocket that takes you to both the Moon and Mars (with an API that allows mod makers to create additional planets and solar systems for you to explore) as well as an asteroid belt and a space station above The Overworld you can customize and expand.

描述:您要登上月球(真的,登月甚至更远)! Galacticraft向我的世界介绍了太空竞赛。 您将在《 The Overworld》中找到新的矿石,制作任务控制和火箭零件的新配方,并使用所有这些新技术来发射一枚将您带到月球和火星的火箭(其API允许改装制造商来创建其他行星和太阳系供您探索),还可以自定义和扩展TheOverworld上方的小行星带和空间站。

To get there you have to gather a significant amount of resources, build a rocket, launch pad, and bring supplies with you into space.


Once you’re up there, it’s literally a whole new world: the gravity is lower, the resources are scarce, and you’d better hope you packed well for the trip because getting home safely can be pretty tricky.


While the trip to the moon is novel enough in itself, the extra dimensions (save for the space station) have their own mobs and bosses to conquer which offers a unique challenge in itself.


以太II (Aether II)

Available for Minecraft Version: 1.6.2

适用于Minecraft版本: 1.6.2

Installation Process:  Download the three mod files from the official website here. Copy the mod .JAR files into your mods folder and run Minecraft.

安装过程:从此处的官方网站下载三个mod文件。 将mod .JAR文件复制到您的mods文件夹中并运行Minecraft。

Description: Although Aether has yet to update for the major 1.7 overhaul, we can’t hold it against them as it is the most sophisticated and largest dimensional overhaul mod for 1.6-era Minecraft. It’s such an interesting mod it’s worth running an old instance of Minecraft just to enjoy it.

描述:尽管Aether尚未对1.7大修进行更新,但我们无法阻止它,因为它是1.6时代Minecraft上最复杂,尺寸最大的大修模组。 这是一个非常有趣的mod,值得运行一个Minecraft的旧实例来欣赏它。

The “Aether” is pretty much the antithesis of The Nether dimension and is a strange heaven-like sky kingdom with unique mobs, unique physics, large dungeons to explore (filled with new loot and puzzles), and a whole host of problems to overcome. In fact, starting in the Aether dimension is pretty much like starting the game from scratch as your tools and supplies from The Overworld are largely useless in the Aether.

“以太”几乎是“虚空”维度的对立面,是一个奇怪的天堂般的天空王国,拥有独特的生物,独特的物理学,探索的大型地下城(充满了新的战利品和谜题)以及许多需要克服的问题。 实际上,从以太维度开始非常类似于从头开始游戏,因为The Overworld的工具和耗材在以太中几乎没有用。

To get there you build a portal of glowstone and water (an inversion of the obsidian and flint/steel you use to create a Nether portal).


Hop through and you’ll find yourself on a floating island (one of many) up in the sky. There are new flora and fauna, along with a host of flying creatures (even sheep will occasionally be found floating about). The large stone structures are the entrances to dungeons.

跳过去,您会发现自己在天空中的一个漂浮岛上(众多)中的一个。 这里有新的动植物,还有许多飞行生物(偶而会偶尔发现羊群)。 大型石材结构是通往地下城的入口。

These dungeons are filled with riches which are in turn guarded by all manner of new mobs like the Sentry Golem seen above.


Like Twilight Forest, Aether is a fantastic mod for players who want a whole new dimension to conquer.


醚:沉默之翼 (Ether: Wings of Silence)

Available for Minecraft Version: 1.7.2 (compatible with 1.7.10).

适用于Minecraft版本: 1.7.2(与1.7.10兼容)。

Installation Process: Copy the mod .JAR into your mods folder and run Minecraft.

安装过程:将mod .JAR复制到您的mods文件夹中并运行Minecraft。

Description: Want the Aether experience on a more modern version of Minecraft? Although Ether is unrelated to the Aether mod (and actually predates it), it has been updated to 1.7 and offers a very similar kingdom-in-the-sky feel complete with floating islands and castles. Like the Aether mod you make what amounts to a Nether portal to get to the sky world.

Description:是否需要在更现代的Minecraft版本中使用Aether体验? 尽管以太与以太模组无关(实际上早于它),但它已更新至1.7,并提供了非常相似的空中王国感觉,包括漂浮的岛屿和城堡。 就像以太模组一样,您可以轻松地到达虚空世界。

Although it doesn’t offer as sophisticated an experience as the Aether mod, it still significantly expands the base game with a whole new dimension, mini and main bosses to fight, new blocks and items, and plenty of space to explore.

尽管它没有提供像Aether mod那样复杂的体验,但是它仍然通过全新的维度,战斗的迷你和主要头目,新的方块和物品以及足够的探索空间,极大地扩展了基础游戏。

永恒之岛 (Eternal Isles)

Available for Minecraft Version: 1.7.2 (compatible with 1.7.10).

适用于Minecraft版本: 1.7.2(与1.7.10兼容)。

Installation Process: Copy the mod .JAR into your mods folder and run Minecraft.

安装过程:将mod .JAR复制到您的mods文件夹中并运行Minecraft。

Description: Eternal Isles is an RPG-style mod descended from DivineRPG (an older mod created by the same mod team). It adds in a wide range of new game features including new mobs in both the regular Minecraft dimensions as well as four additional dimensions.

Description:永恒之岛是RPG风格的模组,衍生自DivineRPG (由同一模组团队创建的较旧模组 )。 它增加了许多新的游戏功能,包括常规Minecraft尺寸以及四个其他尺寸的新生物。

These dimensions are accessed via portals scattered across The Overworld (no construction necessary). In the screenshot below we see a portal to the Mysterium, found in the Mega Tiaga Forests.

这些尺寸可通过遍布The Overworld的门户进行访问(无需构造)。 在下面的屏幕截图中,我们看到了在Mega Tiaga森林中找到的神秘之门。

Jumping through the portal reveals a strange always-night world filled with massive mushrooms, strange villages (filled with even stranger villagers), abandoned castles, and vast underground dungeons.


There are other dimensions too, like the Precasia, accessed via similar portals found in the Jungle biome. The Precasia dimension is like an adventure in Land of the Lost where you’ll find prehistoric creatures, enormous jungle trees, and more.

还可以通过丛林生物群落中类似的门户网站访问其他维度,例如Precasia。 Precasia维度就像在《失落之地》中的冒险一样,您会发现史前生物,巨大的丛林树木等等。

There’s also the Abyss dimension (accessed via portals in the Nether) and the Haven dimension (accessed via portals in the Extreme Hills biome).

还有Abyss维度(通过Nether的门户访问)和Haven维度(通过Extreme Hills生物群系的门户访问)。

While exploring these dimensions for the sake of exploring would be fun in its own right, each dimension is host to a variety of materials and characters that you need to seek out in order to create all the different weapons, armors, and other artifacts in the game as well all numerous new mobs.


Terrafirmacraft (Terrafirmacraft)

Available for Minecraft Version: 1.6.4

适用于Minecraft版本: 1.6.4

Installation Process: Copy the mod .JAR into your mods folder and run Minecraft.

安装过程:将mod .JAR复制到您的mods文件夹中并运行Minecraft。

Description: If you’ve ever faulted Minecraft for not being realistic enough or hard enough, prepare to have your face thoroughly beat in by this mod. Terrafirmacraft is a total overhaul for Minecraft that puts you squarely back in the Stone Age. No more punching a few trees to get your first tools and then getting off to a running start. Oh no, you’ll be literally picking up rocks off the ground and knapping them just to scrape out your first primitive and cruddy tool.

描述/控制:如果您曾经因为Minecraft不够真实或不够硬而对Minecraft提出过批评,请准备好用此mod彻底击败您的脸。 Terrafirmacraft是对Minecraft的全面改造,可让您直接回到石器时代。 不再需要打几棵树来获得您的第一个工具,然后开始运行。 哦,不,您实际上是从地面上捡起岩石并将其绑起来,只是为了刮出您的第一个原始且粗糙的工具。

On top of that you now have to contend with food that goes bad, constant thirst (better not drink that ocean water), and scraping by to try and reach the next age.


Don’t think you can just mine into the ground and enjoy willy-nilly excavation either. Just like in real life, if you dig an unsupported tunnel or large mine it will cave in on you.

不要以为您也可以将它挖入地下并享受随意的挖掘。 就像在现实生活中一样,如果您在无支撑的隧道或大型矿山中挖洞,它会塌陷在您身上。

The return for your effort, if you’re into that sort of thing, is an enormous sense of reward for surviving Terrafirmacraft. The mod is hard, really insanely frustratingly hard. But if you manage to survive long enough in the hostile world to build your first blast furnace, make advanced tools, and set up a farm that is significantly more advanced than anything vanilla Minecraft can offer, you’ll be quite a bit more satisfied than if you had pulled off the equivalent tricks in regular old Minecraft.

如果您热衷于这种事情,那么付出的回报就是对生存的Terrafirmacraft的巨大回报。 国防部是的,真令人沮丧的疯狂很难 。 但是,如果您能够在敌对世界中生存足够长的时间来建造自己的第一个高炉,制造先进的工具并建立一个比Minecraft所能提供的任何东西都要先进得多的农场,那您将比以前更加满意如果您已经完成了常规Minecraft中的等效技巧,

We’re going to stress it again though, just to be clear. This mod is ridiculously difficult compared to even Hardcore Mode on regular Minecraft. We warned you. Don’t be ashamed to read the official wiki just to help yourself stay alive.

为了清楚起见,我们将再次强调这一点。 与常规《我的世界》中的“硬核模式”相比,这个mod极其荒唐。 我们警告过你。 不要为自己的生存而羞愧地阅读官方Wiki 。

像素兽 (Pixelmon)

Available for Minecraft Version: 1.7.10

适用于Minecraft版本: 1.7.10

Installation Process: Copy the mod .JAR into your mods folder and run Minecraft.

安装过程:将mod .JAR复制到您的mods文件夹中并运行Minecraft。

Description: If you’ve ever sat back and said to yourself, “You know what this block building game needs? Pokémon!” then this is the mod for you. We’ll be the first to admit that it’s not the mod for everyone, but for Pokémon fans it’s a pretty neat mashup of themes from the Nintendo classic and Minecraft.

描述:如果您曾经坐下来对自己说:“您知道这款积木游戏需要什么吗? 神奇宝贝!” 那么这就是适合你的mod。 我们将是第一个承认它不是适合所有人的mod,但对于神奇宝贝粉丝来说,这是Nintendo classic和Minecraft主题的巧妙混搭。

When you start the game, you’re prompted to select your starter Pokémon and then dumped into the wilderness just like a regular game of Minecraft. In fact Pixelmon is essentially a regular game of Minecraft but with all manner of Pokémon-related stuff layered on top.

启动游戏时,系统会提示您选择首发神奇宝贝,然后像《我的世界》常规游戏一样扔到旷野。 实际上,Pixelmon本质上是Minecraft的常规游戏,但所有与Pokémon相关的东西都层层叠叠。

Wander around for even a moment and you’ll bump into wild Pokémon you can run from, battle, and capture. Just like in the real game your trainer stats go up and your Pokémon grow stronger.

徘徊片刻,您会遇到狂野的神奇宝贝,可以逃跑,战斗和捕获。 就像在真实游戏中一样,您的教练统计数据会增加,并且您的神奇宝贝会变得更强大。

Where the Pixelmon mod really shines isn’t in starting a random map, however. It’s in downloading Pixelmon-centered adventure maps designed with Pokémon play in mind or hitting up a Pixlemon-centered server.

但是,Pixelmon mod真正发挥作用的地方并不是启动随机映射。 它是在下载以Pokémon设计的以Pixelmon为中心的冒险地图时,或是下载以Pixlemon为中心的服务器。

As we said, it’s not a mod for everyone but it’s a lot of fun (and a huge shot of nostalgia) for Pokémon fans.


BuildCraft (BuildCraft)

Available for Minecraft Version: 1.7.10

适用于Minecraft版本: 1.7.10

Installation Process: Copy the mod .JAR into your mods folder and run Minecraft.

安装过程:将mod .JAR复制到您的mods文件夹中并运行Minecraft。

Description: If you’re leaning back and saying “More magical stuff? More mobs? Pokémon?! What about more building stuff?” then the mod you’re looking for is BuildCraft. Among mods that add in extra construction and game engine effects to Minecraft, BuildCraft is king.

说明:如果您后倾说“更多神奇的东西? 还有小怪? 神奇宝贝?! 那更多的建筑材料呢?” 那么您要查找的mod是BuildCraft。 在为我的世界增加额外的构造和游戏引擎效果的模组中,BuildCraft是最重要的。

With BuildCraft you can build engines and gears, pipes to transport supplies and liquids, pumps, auto workbenches, storage tanks, quarry machines, and more. There’s even as sophisticated set of tools for creating custom wiring, logic gates, and other electronic constructions.

借助BuildCraft,您可以制造发动机和齿轮,用于运输补给品和液体的管道,泵,汽车工作台,储油罐,采石机等。 甚至还有一套复杂的工具可用于创建自定义接线,逻辑门和其他电子结构。

In the above screenshot we’ve constructed a very simple mining device. The two computer looking boxes are mining wells, which are hooked up to engines (controlled by switches) and are also hooked up to pipes that go to a chest. These wells will, when the engine is fueled and the switch turned on, drill a mining tunnel straight down to the bedrock “pumping” all the stone and ore found along the way into the chest. This rudimentary example just scratches the surface of all the crazy things you can do with BuildCraft.

在上面的屏幕截图中,我们构建了一个非常简单的挖掘设备。 这两个看上去像计算机的盒子是采矿井,它们与发动机相连(由开关控制),也与通向箱子的管道相连。 当发动机加油且开关打开时,这些油井将直接向下钻至基岩的采矿隧道,将沿途发现的所有石头和矿石“泵入”到胸部。 这个基本的示例只是您使用BuildCraft可以完成的所有疯狂操作的表面。

BuildCraft is a must-have mod for any player who isn’t necessarily aching for more swords and some dragons running around, but wants an engineer’s toolbox to build the next best thing. If you’re more interested in building an industrial park with a functional refinery than a castle in the sky, give BuildCraft a try.

BuildCraft是所有玩家的必备工具,这些玩家不一定会急于跑更多的剑和龙,但想要工程师的工具箱来打造下一个最好的东西。 如果您对建设具有功能完善的炼油厂的工业园区比对空中城堡更感兴趣,请尝试BuildCraft。

We could spend weeks just showcasing mods for you; there’s just so many awesome and unique ones! We don’t have weeks for mod showcases however, so it’s time for us to move on and encourage you to do your own exploration.

我们可能会花几个星期为您展示模组; 真棒和独特的东西太多了! 但是,我们没有几周的Mod展示会,因此现在是我们继续前进并鼓励您进行自己的探索的时候了。

Fortunately, YouTube is bursting at the seams with Minecraft videos of all stripes, including copious “mod showcase” videos. Hit up YouTube along with the mod download sites we shared with you in earlier modding tutorial, and you’ll never want for a good mod again.

幸运的是,YouTube充满了Minecraft各种条纹的视频,其中包括大量的“ mod show”视频。 将YouTube以及我们在先前的改装教程中与您共享的Mod下载站点一起下载,您将再也不需要一个好的Mod。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/202898/how-to-overhaul-and-expand-minecraft-with-game-changing-mods/


本文标签: 游戏规则Minecraft