

I was talking with Omar today and he wanted to see some traffic details posted from the day I was Slashdotted.  Some folks didn't think that dasBlog was up for the test.  Frankly I was surprised that the traffic was so low!  Seems like everyone's site tips over when they get Slashdotted.  I'm just running the standard shared hosting plan at OrcsWeb.  Even during the height of it I was still running around in the admin interface without a burp.  I was getting quick page views and hadn't even turned HttpCompression on yet.  Note, this is just page views, not every Http GET (don't want to count gifs, etc) or Aggregator Traffic.

今天我和奥马尔(Omar )谈话,他想看看我被鞭打的那天起公布的一些交通细节。 有些人不认为dasBlog可以进行测试。 坦白说,我很惊讶流量如此之低! 似乎每个人的网站都在提示用户获得Slashdot时进行提示。 我只是在OrcsWeb上运行标准的共享托管计划。 即使在高峰期,我仍然在管理界面中四处乱跑。 我正在快速浏览页面,甚至还没打开HttpCompression 。 请注意,这只是页面视图,而不是每个Http GET(不希望计算gif等)或Aggregator Traffic。

Sun Dec 21st, 20031,751
Mon Dec 22nd, 200312,928
Tues Dec 23rd, 20034,227
日期 观看次数
2003年12月22日,星期一 12,928
周二2003年12月23日 4,227

It doesn't seem like that much traffic to me.  I transfered 1.54GB that day.

对我来说似乎没有那么多流量。 那天我转移了1.54GB。

Then again, I only get about ~2,000 page views a day; most of my traffic is Aggregator traffic.  Monday's have typically been my biggest days.

再说一次,我每天只有约2,000次网页浏览; 我的大部分流量都是聚合器流量。 通常星期一是我最大的日子。

Why did dasBlog make it and others fail?  Maybe this says something about the average web site on the net? Or the average hardware?  Or .NET? 

为什么dasBlog使其失败,而其他人却失败了? 也许这说明了网上的一般网站? 还是普通的硬件? 还是.NET?

Or maybe it's just that with the proliferation of Blogs out there, more people get there news from the set of all sites that are NOT Slashdot?


What do you think? 


January 12, 2004 9:41 2004年1月12日9:41 Hi Scott. Let's see. 13K page view over 24 hours means average of 9~10 page views per minute. I don't know how many images your page had but assuming 20, you got 3 resource requests per second. I would say that was pretty good particularly since hit rate would have been pretty high at peak time. Did you have front page cache on? Also there is the question of how many requests didn't get served because the server was busy. I know that being able to withstand the onslaught without server going down is an accomplishment and I am glad to know that ASP.NET is robust, but the ultimate goal is to serve resources so know how many didn't get served is important IMHO. 嗨,斯科特。 让我们来看看。 24小时的13K页面浏览量意味着平均每分钟9〜10次页面浏览量。 我不知道您的页面有多少图像,但是假设有20张图像,则您每秒收到3个资源请求。 我想说这是相当不错的,特别是因为高峰时段的点击率会很高。 您是否启用了首页缓存? 还有一个问题是由于服务器繁忙而没有处理多少个请求。 我知道能够在服务器不停机的情况下承受猛烈攻击是一项成就,并且我很高兴知道ASP.NET强大,但是最终目标是提供资源,因此知道有多少未提供资源是重要的恕我直言。 Don Park 唐公园 January 12, 2004 15:01 2004年1月12日15:01 The das Blog Cache Engine must have helped too. das Blog缓存引擎也必须提供了帮助。 Stephen Forte 斯蒂芬·福特 January 12, 2004 15:54 2004年1月12日15:54 Thanks for sharing the numbers. As you mention, it doesn't seem like a lot of traffic. I had the impression that it would be more, due to all the hype that the term "Slashdotted" has gotten. 12k page views and 1.5gb transfer in one day seems almost trivial to handle. Do you have any reports that show the traffic bursts that day? Did the majority of the traffic come in single hour in the morning? Some of the slashdotted sites I've seen that crash are simple HTML files, so this is very interesting. BTW, great job on writing interesting, unique and controversial content that got you slashdotted in the first place! 感谢您分享数字。 正如您所提到的,似乎流量不大。 由于“ Slashdotted”一词的种种炒作,我有更多的印象。 在一天之内实现12k页面浏览量和1.5gb传输似乎微不足道。 您是否有报告显示当天的流量激增? 大部分流量是在早上一个小时到达的吗? 我看到崩溃的一些斜线网站都是简单HTML文件,因此这非常有趣。 顺便说一句,在编写有趣,独特和有争议的内容方面做得很好,一开始就让您大刀阔斧! Drew Robbins 德鲁·罗宾斯 January 12, 2004 16:40 2004年1月12日16:40 On my site, dasBlog caching is, and has always been off. It's still off. I've had to much trouble with the pages not rendering at all when it's turned on. I'll look for traffic bursts for that day. Perhaps it's the bursts that knock sites over. Most of the traffic came steadily between 9am and noon PST. According to the event logs, I had only 2 errors that day, which were the "collection failed to enumerate errors" that can happen if you change content while it's being eneumerated. But noone was turned away, and ASP.NET didn't recycle. 在我的网站上,dasBlog缓存已经并且一直处于关闭状态。 它仍然关闭。 打开页面后,页面根本无法呈现,这给我带来了很多麻烦。 我会寻找当天的交通高峰。 可能是爆发使站点崩溃。 大部分流量在太平洋标准时间上午9点至中午之间稳定增长。 根据事件日志,那天我只有2个错误,即如果您在枚举内容时更改内容,则可能会发生“无法枚举错误的集合”。 但是没有人被拒之门外,并且ASP.NET没有回收。 Scott Hanselman 斯科特·汉塞尔曼 January 12, 2004 22:41 2004年1月12日22:41 I think you are assuming that people READ the articles at /. before commenting. ;) It's usually the spike that gets people. But given that this topic (new ways of filtering email) had been covered a few days earlier, most people probably didn't read your article. Just said the same thing they had earlier or responded with the knee jerk response "Wow, threaded views in email. Just like technology {0}",InsertOldTechnologyHere 我认为您是假设人们在/阅读文章。 评论之前。 ;)通常是吸引人们的高峰。 但是鉴于几天前已经讨论了该主题(过滤电子邮件的新方法),所以大多数人可能没有阅读您的文章。 刚说过相同的话,或者回过头说了“哇,电子邮件中的线程视图。就像技术{0}”,InsertOldTechnology Scott 史考特 January 12, 2004 23:14 2004年1月12日23:14 I don't write anything interesting enough to be slashdotted, but two lecturers in our department did, and I put pictures of the live stats statistics up on my web page: I don't have the figures, but from the pictures it looks like more than a gig of traffic for each of the first two hours. Ours was an html page linked to a 2mb PDF download, and what temporarily maxed out our server was too many open connections - because it took too long for each person to download the PDF, the connections were open too long. 我没有写任何有趣的东西,但我们部门的两名讲师做到了,我将实时统计数据的图片放在我的网页上: kirk /#20021025我没有这些数字,但是从图片上看,前两个小时的访问量似乎超过了一次演出。 我们的是一个链接到2mb PDF下载的html页面,暂时使我们的服务器超负荷运行的是打开的连接过多-因为每个人下载PDF的时间都太长,所以连接的打开时间太长。 Kirk 柯克

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman/blog/slashdot-traffic-site-statistics-and-dasblog-performance

本文标签: 统计信息流量性能站点Slashdot