

1.submit: [səbˈmɪt] vi (to) 屈服 vt 提交;主张

  1.After a long battle, the enemy finally submitted to our forces.


  2.Please submit your report to the manager by the end of the week.


 3.She submitted her argument to the court, hoping to win the case.


2.claim: [kleɪm] vt 声称;对....提出要求;使失踪或死亡;需要 n声称 ;索赔

   1.She claimed that she was innocent of the crime.


   2.The employee claimed for higher wages and better working conditions.


  3. The war claimed many innocent lives.


   4.The insurance company rejected his claim for damage to his car.


   5.The police are investigating the claim that the man is a terrorist.


3.assert: [əˈsɜːrt] vt 断言;坚持 assert oneself 坚持自己的权利

    1.The professor asserted that the new theory would revolutionize the field.


    2.Despite the opposition, she asserted her belief in the project's success.


4.proclaim: [prəˈkleɪm] vt 宣告 显示

      1.The president proclaimed a national holiday to celebrate the victory.


      2.The results of the study proclaim the importance of exercise for good health.


5.amount: [əˈmaʊnt] n 数量;总数

       1.The amount of food we need for the party is quite large.


       2.The amount of donations received so far has exceeded our expectations.


6.tend: [tend] vi 往往会;趋向 vt 照管 tend to do sth.

      1.Young people tend to be more optimistic about the future.


      2.She tends the garden every morning, watering the plants and weeding the beds.


7.tame: [teɪm] 驯服的;沉闷的,vt制服;训驯化

     1.The horse was very tame and obeyed all of her commands.


     2.The movie was a bit tame; it didn't have any exciting scenes.


     3.It took a lot of patience to tame the wild horse.


     4.Early humans tamed wild plants and animals to help them survive.


8.largely: [ˈlɑːrdʒli] ad 大部分

        The success of the project was largely due to her efforts.


9.guilty: [ˈɡɪlti] a 内疚的,有罪的

         1. He carried a sense of guilt for not being able to save his friend from the accident.


          2.The jury found the defendant guilty of the crime and sentenced him to prison.


10.oblige: [əˈblaɪdʒ] 迫使 施恩于;使感激

          1.The severe weather conditions obliged the airline to cancel several flights.


          2.I am much obliged to you for your help during my difficult time.


11.idle:[ˈaɪdl] a 懒散的;空闲的 无用的;vi 无所事事

           1.He spent his idle afternoons reading books in the park.


           2.That idle gossip about the celebrity's private life is not worth listening to.


           3.I don't want to just idle away my summer vacation; I want to do something meaningful.


12.inevitable: [ɪnˈevɪtəbl] a 不可避免的

           1.Change is inevitable in any organization that wants to stay competitive.


13.poverty: [ˈpɑːvərti] n 贫穷

            1.She struggled to overcome the challenges of poverty and succeed in her studies.


14.vigorous:[ˈvɪɡərəs] 有力的 精力充沛的

            1.His vigorous stride showed his excellent physical condition.


           2.The athlete's vigorous performance in the competition won him a gold medal.


15.trial: [ˈtraɪəl] n 审判;试用;讨厌的人 by trial and error

          1.The criminal will face a fair trial to determine his guilt or innocence.


         2.She decided to give the new software a trial run before purchasing it.


         3.He was a constant trial to his colleagues, always causing trouble and disputes.


16.battery: [ˈbætəri] n电池 排炮;一系列

         1.Please make sure to replace the dead battery in your remote control.


         2.The enemy's battery of guns fired relentlessly at our positions.


         3.The company launched a battery of new products to capture more market share.


17.reserve: [rɪˈzɜːrv] vt 保留 预定;n 储备;保留;替补队员; 自然保护区

          1.She reserved a special spot in her heart for her childhood memories.


          2.I reserved a table for two at the restaurant for our anniversary.


         3.The country has a large reserve of natural resources to support its economic                                    development.


         4.The park has a special reserve for endangered animals to protect their habitats.


          5.The coach kept a few reserve players on the bench in case of injuries during the game.                  教练在替补席上留了几名替补队员,以防比赛中出现伤病情况。

          6.The new reserve is a haven for rare and endangered plant and animal species.


18.provision: [prəˈvɪʒn] n 供应 ;准备了条款 [pl]给养

          1.The company made sure there was a steady provision of raw materials for the              production  line.


           2.The contract includes provisions for both parties to resolve disputes amicably.


           3.The expedition was well stocked with provisions, including food, water, and medical        supplies.


19.tidy:[ˈtaɪdi]  a 整齐的 v.使整洁

       1.Her room is always kept tidy, with everything in its place.


       2.I need to tidy up my desk before I can start working.


20.appreciate: [əˈpriːʃieɪt] vt 重视 欣赏;为....表示感激;领会 vi 增值

       1.I really appreciate your efforts in organizing the event.


       2.I appreciate your help in getting this project done on time.


       3.After studying the material, I appreciate the complexity of the subject matter.


       4.The value of the property has appreciated significantly over the past few years.


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