

The postgraduate entrance examination essay is not to test your cultural background, but to test your understanding of stereotyped essays. Just memorize the template well. If you can't change it, adapt to it and use it for your own benefit! Don't complain about the environment, that's the behavior of a coward! When Yan Song was the governor, he also had to write poems for Jiajing. Who do you think you are?


1. important=crucial=significant=imperative=vital
2. common=universal=ubiquitous=pervasive
3. abundant=ample=plentiful=adequate
4. stick=adhere=cling
5. neglect=ignore=overlook
6. near=adjacent=adjoin
7. pursue=seek
8. accurate=precise=exact
9. vague=obscure=veiled
10. top=peak=summit
11. competitor=rival=opponent
12. blame=condemn=criticize
13. opinion=perspective=view=standpoint
14. fame=prestige=reputation
15. build=erect=establish
16. insult=humiliate=disgrace
17. complain=grumble
18. primary=radical=fundamental
19. relieve=alleviate=reduce
20. force=coerces=compel
21. enlarge=magnify
22. complex=intricate=complicated
23. Lonely=solitary
24. small=minuscule=minute
25. praise=extol=compliment
26. hard-working=assiduous
27. difficult=arduous=hard
28. poor(soil)=barren=infertile
29. fragile=brittle=vulnerable=delicate
30. show=demonstrate=depict=indicate
31. big=massive=enormous=tremendous
32. avoid=shun
33. fair=impartial=impersonal=disinterested
34. attack=assault=assail
35. dislike=hate=abhor=loathe
36. ruin=destroy=devastate
39. always=invariably
40. forever=perpetual=eternal=lasting=timeless=permanent
41. surprise=startle=astound=astonish
42. enthusiasm=zeal=fervency
43. quiet=silent=tranquil=serene
44. expensive=exorbitant=unaffordable
45. luxurious=lavish
46. boring=tedious=monotonous
47. respect=esteem=admire
48. worry=fret
49. cold=chilly=icy
50. result=outcome=consequence

Parents=Superiors =the elderly=Senior citizens 
should=ought to=be supposed to do=be obliged toํ 
we/us/people=human beings=the public=private individuals

Think: hold/ contend/ insist/ Have been convinced that/ Cling to the perspective that
very :distinctly /outstanding/extraordinarily
serious:severe/fatal/be of great severity

many=a sea of / a host of / a multitude of / numerous
reason=factors / elements
explain=account for / give rise to
idea=viewpoint / perspective
But=conversely=by contrast/unexpectedly=unfortunately /Nevertheless


Sentence Structure

Although many people fail to pay attention to this issue
Pay attention to=place great emphasis on=attach great importance on
Issue=phenomenon=subject the current situation

It is almost axiomatic(不证自明的、公理的) that cooperation can benefit us in many ways.First, cooperation can facilitate the communication between different people.Likewise, collaboration can offer us an opportunity to learn from each other, especially their strong suits(优势). Meanwhile, coordination can gather more ideas and strength,thus giving birth to greater achievements. Additionally, working together is a kind of Chinese traditional virtue, which can lead to social harmony.

There exist numerous reasons to explain my suggestion

There is a growing worldwide awareness around the world that-----more and more human being think that

There is absolutely no reason for us to believe that a brighter future for the world is that,,,

what seems beyond dispute is that ==It's universally acknowledged that (好的主语从句就是把it 改为what 并在that前加is)

It's keeps my perspective that ==i think that

my boyfriend , a fireman(名词作同位语) really has no much time to accompany me
The evident that my 408 teaching Materials is on my table manifests that I hava no choice to re-study the entrance exame (The evident that +简单句+manifests that+文章中心)

When you don't know what to say

Supporting the elderly is a Chinese conventional virtue which means that we cook for them,we buy gifts for them and we wash feet for them when they become gradually old.
文章中心词+(is a severe global issue/a Chinese conventional virtue/a social pervasive trend/ an
 active/ negative mentality /a hot social topic)which means that+三个并列的简单句+when引导的时间状语从句

in line with the proximate statistics by the Chinese academy of social science(the department of social science in Peking university),an increasing amount of +(文章的中心句)

Once ,there seemed a writer who has gained great reputation in Japan named..stating that:①比喻②as as③the more the more 4 so..that倒装 5 if引l导的虚拟语气


it is superficially plausible/ ridiculous/ attractive/ funny/ just a popular phenomenon,but when subjected to analysis,it turns out that there are fundamental reasons.


why..?  one reason is/ for another /perhaps the (primary/most) important..

the main element for the problem is that

Essay topic

The impact of the network

Nowadays, the development of computer (smartphone)-related technologies,combined with boom of the net and information, has profoundly altered the ways we work and live. Purchasing a thing, with the emergence of online shopping sites like Taobao, Jingdong, is no longer a time-consuming and backbreaking process. Instead, all we need to do is a few finger slides and clicks. Likewise, as the transactions gradually move to the internet, we can save a substantial bill that was previously paid for the off-line rents and retailers. Moreover, with the vast arrays of information online, shoppers have more options regardless of time and place, and better service resulted from the direct comparison and fierce competition.

However, drawbacks cannot be ignored. Without enough oversight and supervision, fake commodities are pervasive on the internet and it is pretty hard for a consumer to tell the true ones from the false ones. Additionally, the convenience of shopping process has seduced people into over-shopping that is very prevalent in today’s society. To add one point, online shopping also re-distributed the income and readjusted the labor market, for example,the traditional off-line receptors may lose their jobs and the shop owners may worry about their stable rents, a problem that the society may need some time to face and

Filial piety and gratitude

There is a famous saying goes like opportunities always belong to those who are grateful. Being grateful is one of the best virtues in human world. Being thankful can always get smiles in return, thus generating positive feelings to “thank you” givers. A study Thank You to Thank Us, which was just published in a famous magazine in China, shows that grateful people are significantly happier than those who never express their appreciation. Also, being thankful can attain more support from other members for we are social animals and no one likes to help those who are selfish and thankless. The assisting system is based on mutual trust and reciprocation, according to Professor Li, an expert in sociology. As for our parents, we should bear it in mind that it was parents who brought us to the world and taught us to walk and talk, we do owe them a lot. Being grateful to our fathers and mothers are no more than natural and reasonable. Moreover, we should be aware that appreciation can be more than a few words. We can put “thank you” into action. For example, giving your parents a little gift is a great start. Being obedient and considerate can also be a nice way to show our deep love.

Employment and Entrepreneurship

Why do we find a job? The answer could be more than just(不仅仅只是) earning money. First,economic capital(资本), of course, is crucial to a person who steps into the society. We need money to sustain our living and to develop our life qualities. More importantly, we need our salary to gain financial independence, only through which can we attain personal freedom. Equally, we work to acquire social capital that is also important to our developments. The people who you work with can partly determine what kind of person you could be. With people who are self-restraint and optimistic, we have a greater chance to be high achievers while vice versa(反之亦然). Meanwhile, human capital can also be accumulated【积累   加速是accelerate】 through our working experiences. Working process is also a self-improving journey, with the vast arrays of difficulties, we always learn to be creative, determinate and persistent through the problem-solving process.

Learn & Improve

A celebrated dictum goes that learning is a whole life process for successful people. True. The more one learns, the more one eagers to know, a fact that may produce long-term intellectual enquiry. A lot of people love reading because the knowledge-gaining experience gradually turned learning to be a habit. History can wipe our eyes and enlighten our minds, for the truth that there is nothing new under the sun. From the historical characters, both the heroes and villains(恶棍), we can draw conclusions of what conducts are good and what are wrong, thus walking on the right paths. A foreign language is imperative because language learning itself is a mind-opening process. Learning a language can be beneficial to abilities like reasoning and memorizing and one’s intelligence. Further, acquiring a linguistic skill can help us to open the door to other countries and cultures. Arts are always reflections of culture and wisdom like the varieties of styles of constructions can resemble different conventions and ideas. Sometimes, arts can also be a reminder to tell people that what behind the real life is also worthwhile and remarkable.

Innovation and invention

Innovation is the base on which the society develops. Inventions can bring better life to human beings. Without Edison, people may still live in the darkness and without Turing, people may still live in a world of abacus instead of computers. On the shoulders of those giants who benefited for the world by creating, people enjoy a much better life that can hardly be imagined hundreds of years ago. Meanwhile, new technologies can also facilitate the learning process, thanks to Tim Berner-Lee, a Britain computer scientist, who invented network, people can now get information from far corners of the world and can achieve online-learning simply by clicking and sliding. Above all, innovations can offer solutions to the problems that human-being are facing. As I am concerned, only through inventions and technologies can the problems be solved. Tesla has announced the arrival of era of new energy vehicles with a high pitch tone(高调) and scientists have officially declared that they have partially figured out the way of dealing with global warming.

Environment and Resources

The resources are valuable gifts from the earth. The natural resources like sunshine, air and water are fatal to human for they are the bases on which we can survive. Also, the oil resources are cherished presents with which industrialization occurred and modern civilization appeared. However, with the greedy over-exploitation, we are facing a crisis that has been made by ourselves. That the resources are exhaustible and the environment is being destroyed is beyond dispute, yet few people seem to take substantial actions about the matter. Legislative and educational measures should be involved to solve the problem. Above all, innovations can offer definitive solutions to the problems that human-beings are facing. As I am concerned, only through inventions and technologies can the problems be solved. Tesla has announced the arrival of era of new energy vehicles with a high pitch tone
and scientists have officially declared that they have partially figured out the way of dealing with global warming.

Joy and happiness

Happiness is something more than fun. Fun always derives from jokes, humors or fancy clothes while happiness always involves some hardship, efforts and pain. Likewise, Happiness lasts longer than fun. For example, the pleasure of a gift from one of yours friends can vanish in a day or two. However, if you buy something you like with money earned by your own hard work, the pleasure can exist for a long period of time. Further, happiness can foster achievements. With the pain and efforts, one can acquire a relevant skill or a certain item, a fact that makes happiness more worthwhile than just fun. No one liked the tedious training of piano or painting when child, but they always feel proud and satisfied to have a special and strong point when grown up. Happiness sometimes happens with tears. We are familiar with the sights of the champions crying holding the gold medals. They may hold up the world records but can’t hold up the sweat they shed on the way to championship. No wonder a famous saying goes that sometimes, it is pain that leads to happiness.

Trust and communication

Trust is one of the most imperative factors that gives birth to high-efficiency communication. As sociologists believe, trust is a mechanism that can simplify social interactions. A simple action like lending money to a friend, arranging a dinner with a family member, and taking a ride of a stranger may well rely on trust. Without confidentiality, the communication would be destroyed and the interaction limited. Trust needs a long time and mutual experiences to build but is vulnerable to any kind of destructions. Fake commodities, over-claimed items can severely impair the trust between the customers and the sellers, thus threatening the system of online shopping that was built with hardships and pains. Businessmen should always keep it in mind that being honest is the only way to earn the keep. On the other hand, legislative and educational measures should be involved to keep the integrity and credibility system.

Graphic Composition


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