


  • 原题 A+翻译
  • 原题 B+翻译

作者: 天人实验室


原题 A+翻译

P r o b l e m A : D a n d e l i o n s : F r i e n d ? F o e ? B o t h ? N e i t h e r ? \bold{Problem A: Dandelions: Friend? Foe? Both? Neither?} ProblemA:Dandelions:Friend?Foe?Both?Neither?

Taraxacum officinale, commonly referred to as the dandelion, is a plant native to Eurasia that can now be found worldwide[1]. This plant is easily identifiable by its bright yellow flowers (Figure 1) and its distinctive “puffball” seed head (Figure 2). Each seed from this head is attached to a parachute-like structure, known as a ‘pappus’, which facilitates wind dispersal[2]


  1. If a single dandelion in its “puffball” stage is adjacent to an open one-hectare plot of land, create a mathematical model to predict the spread of dandelions over the course of 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months. Make sure your model incorporates the effects of various climatic conditions, such as temperate, arid, and tropical climates, on dandelion growth.
  2. The relationship between dandelions, humans, and other flora is complicated. Because of the plant’s ability to thrive in diverse environments, some label it a pesky weed or as an invasive species. Conversely, every part of the dandelion is edible, and the plant has a rich history of medicinal and culinary use.

    Formulate a mathematical model capable of determining an ‘impact factor’ for invasive species. This model should integrate multiple variables, including the plant’s characteristics and the nature and extent of the harm it inflicts on its environment.
  • a. Test your model by using it to compute an impact factor for dandelions.
  • b. Apply your model to determine the impact factor for two other plant species of your choice that are often considered invasive. Make sure to identify the region for whom each of the plants you choose are invasive.

A 题 : 蒲公英 : 朋友 ? 敌人 ? 都是 ? 都不是 ? \bold{ A题: 蒲公英: 朋友? 敌人? 都是? 都不是?} A:蒲公英:朋友?敌人?都是?都不是?




  1. 如果一个处于“河豚”阶段的蒲公英与一公顷开阔的土地相邻,则创建一个数学模型来预测蒲公英在1、2、3、6和12个月内的传播。确保您的模型包含了各种气候条件(如温带、干旱和热带气候)对蒲公英生长的影响。

  2. 蒲公英、人类和其他植物之间的关系是复杂的。由于这种植物能够在不同的环境中茁壮成长,一些人将其称为讨厌的杂草或入侵物种。相反,蒲公英的每一部分都是可食用的,这种植物有着丰富的药用和烹饪历史。


  • a.用它来计算蒲公英的影响因素,以此来测试你的模型。

  • b.应用你的模型来确定你选择的另外两种植物的影响因素,这两种植物通常被认为是入侵性的。确保识别出你选择的每种植物都具有入侵性的区域。


原题 B+翻译

P r o b l e m B : C h a r g i n g A h e a d w i t h E − b u s e s \bold{Problem B: Charging Ahead with E-buses} ProblemB:ChargingAheadwithEbuses

The proliferation of electronic buses (e-buses) in cities across the globe represents a significant stride toward sustainable urban transport. With the mounting concerns over air pollution and climate change, many cities have been prompted to reconsider their reliance on traditional diesel buses. According to a recent report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance[1], e-buses are set to dominate the public transit sector, becoming the majority of all buses on the road globally by 2032. China has been particularly noteworthy in this transition, as it is home to most of the world’s e-buses, driven in large part by government policies that prioritize electric vehicles and stringent emission standards. Cities throughout the world (e.g., Bogota, Colombia, New York, USA, and Berlin, Germany) are also making concerted efforts to incorporate e-buses into their fleets, albeit at a more gradual pace.

E-buses aren’t only environmentally appealing but are also anticipated to be cost-effective in the long run due to falling battery prices and lower operational expenses. Governmental incentives, such as the $1.7 billion allocation from the 2023 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for e-bus projects in the U.S.[2], further bolster e-bus adoption. However, challenges include high initial costs, charging infrastructure development, lengthy charging times, and potential range limitations.

  1. Construct a model to aid cities in understanding the ecological consequences of transitioning to an all-electric bus fleet.

Identify a metropolitan area with a population of (at least) 500,000 people that does not currently have a fully electric bus fleet. Apply your model to your chosen location.

  1. Money matters. Construct a model that focuses on the financial implications associated with a conversion to e-buses. Your model should factor in potential external funding covering up to 50% of the transition costs.

Apply your financial model to the same metropolitan area you used in the previous question.

  1. Transportation officials in metropolitan areas are exploring approaches in which they gradually change their fleet from combustion engines buses to electric. Assuming the goal is to have a fully electric fleet no later than 2033, utilize your previously developed models to craft a 10-year roadmap that urban transport authorities can leverage to plan their e-bus fleet updates.

Apply your models (or new model) to the same metropolitan area you used in the previous question and also apply it to two additional metropolitan areas of your choosing.


P r o b l e m B : 电动巴士充电问题 \bold{Problem B: 电动巴士充电问题} ProblemB:电动巴士充电问题










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