

小字原文 ----- 粗体字自己的理解

Topological sound

we discuss how spin and valley degrees of freedom appear as highly novel ingredients to tailor the flow of sound in the form of one-way edge modes and defect-immune protected acoustic waves.




量子霍尔效应(quantum Hall effect)是量子力学版本的霍尔效应,需要在低温强磁场的极端条件下才可以被观察到,此时霍尔电阻与磁场不再呈现线性关系,而出现量子化平台。霍尔效应在1879年被E.H.霍尔发现,它定义了磁场和感应电压之间的关系。当电流通过一个位于磁场中的导体的时候,磁场会对导体中的电子产生一个横向的作用力,从而在导体的两端产生电压差。

In condensed-matter physics, the distinctive phases of matter are characterized by their underlying symmetries that are spontaneously broken.


In 1980, Von Klitzing found that a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas sample, subjected to low temperature and strong magnetic field, has a quantized Hall conductance, which is independent of sample size and immune to impurities.

1980年,Von Klitzing发现在低温强磁场作用下的二维(2D)电子气样具有量子化霍尔电导,该电导与样品大小无关,不受杂质影响。

It was later demonstrated that the state responsible for such phenomena is characterized by a completely different classification paradigm based on the notion of topological order3,4, which describes phases of matter beyond the symmetry breaking (that means two different phases can have the same symmetry), therefore opening a new research branch.




The Chern number characterizes the geometric phase (commonly known as the Berry phase) accumulation over the Brillouin zone, and thus is closely related with the behaviors of the energy bands in the momentum space.


It has been shown that a periodic magnetic flux, which breaks the time-reversal symmetry (unlike the traditional definition of the phases of matter, this symmetry breaking itself does not define the topological order), is able to produce non-zero Chern number


The resulting topologically non-trivial system supports a gapless edge state in the bulk energy gap, exhibiting an interesting electronic property that is insulating in the bulk but conducting on the edge. This is essentially different from a normal insulator, where the Chern number is zero


1:普通绝缘体---chern数为0 时间反转完整

黄色gapped--有间隙的   蓝色gapless---无间隙的

2:时间反转损坏QH(量子霍尔)绝缘子---chern数不为0 时间反转不完整



 in systems with spin-orbital coupling, a pair of gapless edge states emerges in the insulating band gap. 


The edge states carry conjugate electronic spins and exhibit spin-dependent propagation behaviors, as sketched in Box 1. This is the so-called quantum spin Hall effect (QSHE).


3:时反不变(量子自旋霍尔)QSH绝缘子----整体chern数为0单个不为0  时间反转完整


Valley refers to the two energy extrema of the band structure in momentum space, at which the Berry curvature exhibits opposite signs and therefore its integral over the full Brillouin zone is zero, while the integral within each valley is nonzero.As a result, the system shows a valley-selective topologically non-trival property.



4:时反不变(量子谷霍尔)QVH绝缘子 总chern数为0  事件反转对称完整

Regardless of the nature of abovementioned topological phases, they share the same property that the edge states span the bulk band gap and separate domains with different Chern numbers.



In parallel with these gapped topological phases, topological semimetals, which are featured with topologically protected gapless band structures and accompanied by gapless surface states, have recently emerged as a new frontier


Among them, Weyl semimetals have received particular attention, as their quasiparticle excitation is the Weyl fermion, which has not yet been observed as a fundamental particle in vacuum. In a Weyl semimetal, the Weyl points separated in momentum space carry opposite chiral charges and are connected across the domain boundaries by a surface state, i.e., the Fermi arc, upon which the Weyl fermions are robust while carrying currents.



the photonic/phononic systems are not restricted by the Fermi levels, and therefore any appropriate regions of the spectrum can be of interest.




Compared to photonic systems, acoustics differ substantially since longitudinal sound waves lack a transverse polarization degree of freedom that can be used to construct pseudo spins to mimic the spin up and down in electronic systems and breaking the time-reversal symmetry requires additional complexities, both of which are essential in realizing the quantum effects leading to topologically robust sound propagation



Analogue quantum Hall effect and quantum spin Hall effect



The associated Hall conductance takes the quantized values of σxy = Ce2/h, which are unaffected by impurities. Here, h represents the Plank constant, e is the charge of an electron and C is the Chern number. As mentioned above, it characterizes the topology of the electronic wave functions in the momentum space and is independent on the material properties.This is essentially the reason why the QHE is topologically robust against impurutues.




 备注:其中F(k) =∇k × A(k) i定义为Berry曲率,A(k) = < un(k)|i∇k|un(k) >为Berry连接。un(k)表示动量为k的第n个能量带上的Bloch态的周期部分。在对称运算下,Berry曲率服从PF(k) = F(−k)和TF(k) =−F(−k)的规则,其中P和T分别表示奇偶算子和时间反转算子。

Note that when the system breaks T symmetry but preserving the P symmetry, the integral in Eq. (1) (which runs over the entire Brillouin zone) acquires a non-zero value, so does the Chern number.


Non-zero Chern number corresponds to a topological non-trivial phase while zero Chern number corresponds to a topological trivial phase. The topological phases with non-zero Chern number offer intriguing wave transport properties like one-way edge propagation and robustness against impurities.




Fleury et al proposed a feasible method to break the T symmetry in acoustics, relying on moving airflow in ring cavities


The imparted airflow, taking the role of magnetic bias, splits the degeneracy of the two counter-propagating azimuthal resonant modes in the ring cavities, as shown in Fig. 1a, therefore inducing acoustic nonreciprocity.



基于这一原理,已经报道了几种声学晶体中模拟QHE的设计22 - 26。图1b、c分别以六边形晶格和蜂窝状晶格为例。图1c中的插图说明了如何产生有效磁场来打破T对称。由于晶格内部的对称性,对于V = 0,在布里渊区边界上确定性地出现一对类狄拉克点;


当气流引入时,由于T(时间)对称破坏,狄拉克样简并被提升。其特征是带隙打开,如图1d所示。在打开的缺口下方和上方的带中,评估的Chern数获得非零值(对于下带,C = 1,对于上带,C =−1),这意味着系统在拓扑上处于非平凡阶段。

According to the principle of the bulk-edge correspondence, a signature of such topologically nontrivial system is the presence of one-way edge states along its boundaries when truncated by other topologically trivial systems (i.e., C = 0). Correspondingly, acoustic wave propagation exhibits unidirectional behaviors, which are topologically protected and robust against various defects and sharp bends, as demonstrated by Fig. 1e, f.

根据体边对应原理,这种拓扑非平凡系统的一个特征是当被其他拓扑平凡系统截断(即C = 0)时,沿其边界存在单向边缘状态。相应的,声波传播表现出单向行为,在拓扑上受到保护,对各种缺陷和尖弯具有健壮性,如图1e, f所示。

Zhu et al proposed a rotating chiral structure based on ring resonators that support high-order whispering gallery modes with high Q factor. This special design allows the system to produce giant acoustic nonreciprocity at small rotation speed, and therefore a stable and uniform airflow can be generated. On the other hand, using active liquids that can flow spontaneously even without an external drive has also been explored to break the T symmetry



The QSHE can be regarded as the effect of two coupled quantum Hall states. 


Differently, the spin-orbit coupling plays an essential role in the QSHE where the coupling between spin and orbital angular momentum causes the moving electrons to feel a spin-dependent force, even in the absence of magnetic materials. As a result, the electrons with opposite spin angular momenta (often referred as spin up and spin down) will move in opposite directions along the edges. The topological order that characterizes this phenomenon is described by the so-called spin Chern number (or the Z2 topological invariant)


where F±(k) = ∇k × 〈u±(k)|i∇k|u±(k)〉 is the Berry connection, similar as that in Eq. (1). The electron states are unambiguously decomposed into two sectors, u+(k) and u−(k), representing the spin up and down components, respectively.

其中,F±(k) =∇k × < u±(k)|i∇k|u±(k) >是Berry连接,类似于Eq.(1)。电子态被明确地分解为两个扇区,u+(k)和u−(k),分别代表自旋向上和向下分量。

The spin Chern numbers defined in Eq. (3) have been proved to be true topological invariants, which are robust against the presence of finite disorder scatterings, including spin nonconserving symmetrybreaking perturbations. In other words, any non-magnetic impurities will not eliminate the metallic edge states, as the electrons are never completely reflected when scattered, even if the impurity becomes stronger and the description with respect to well-separated scattering events is invalid.



Kramers degeneracy(克莱默简并):




A possible solution was addressed based on using coupled resonators that support clockwise and anticlockwise resonant modes, which impart the pseudo spins.


Recently, another approach was proposed utilizing two degenerate Bloch modes, instead of two polarizations or two resonant modes, to create the pseudo spin states.Specifically, by expanding a primitive unit cell to a larger cell, the Dirac-like cones at the K and K′ points in the original Brillouin zone are folded at the Γ point in the new Brillouin zone, forming the doubly degenerate Dirac-like cones.


By tuning the composite material or geometric parameters, a band inversion can happen near the degenerate point, associated with a topological transition (Fig. 2a).


 an accidental degeneracy technique was also implemented to create the doubly degenerate Dirac-like cones and the pseudo spins, taking the advantage of the large index and impedance contrast of the composite materials, which is especially common in acoustics.






By decreasing the filling ratio of the steel rods, the two pairs of dipolar and quadrupolar modes, separated by a band gap, will move in frequency and exchange their positions (the so-called band inversion). In between, there is a point where the band gap is closed and the two pairs accidentally touch together, forming the doubly degenerate Dirac-like cones (essentially different from the zone folding mechanism). This gap-opened, closed and re-opened process is sketched in Fig. 2b, which leads to a topological transition from the trivial (ordinary) state to the non-trivial (topological) state.


The transition point is exactly the double Dirac-like point. In the topological non-trivial state, a pair of edge states appear, carrying opposite group velocities to emulate the spin-up and down states. Correspondingly, the spin-dependent sound propagation can be expected, which is depicted in Fig. 2c. More studies in Fig. 2d reveal that the spin-locked edge state propagation is immune to various defects, including cavities, disorders, and bends, essentially different from a regular waveguide.


Acoustic valley-Hall and pseudo spin effect


sonic crystals (SCs)声波晶体       布里渊区(BZ)       声学谷霍尔(AVH)

Lu et al firstly introduced the concept of valley states to SCs for acoustic waves. The hexagonal SC consists of triangular rods in a 2D waveguide, of which symmetries can be characterized by the rotation angle α (Fig. 3a). It has been pointed out that the existence of a two-fold Dirac degeneracy at the corners of the 1st Brillouin zone (BZ) for any SC with α = nπ/3 is protected by the C3v symmetry, whereas the degeneracy would be lifted for any other rod orientation breaking the mirror symmetries.

Lu等人首次将谷态概念引入到声波的SCs中。六边形SC由二维波导中的三角形杆组成,其对称性可以用旋转角α来表征(图3a)。指出对于任何α = nπ/3的SC,在第1布里渊区(BZ)角处存在双重狄拉克简并,但C3v对称保护了它的存在,而对于任何其他打破镜像对称的杆定向,狄拉克简并将被消除。

                                           a:An acoustic valley Hall (AVH) insulator声学谷绝缘体

A s shown in Fig. 3b, the dispersion relations for the SCs with α = 0° and −10° are illustrated. The vortex revolution at each valley (i.e., clockwise and anticlockwise) plays the role of the valley degree of freedom in a 2D acoustic system, as shown in insets of Fig. 3c.

Figure 3c shows the tuning of the acoustic valley-Hall (AVH) phase transition in a SC by variation of the rotating angle α. When α < 0°, the vortex chirality of the lower (upper) state is clockwise (anticlockwise), which appears exactly inverted when α > 0°.

如图3b所示,说明了α = 0°和−10°时sc的色散关系。在二维声学系统中,每个谷(即顺时针和逆时针)处的涡旋旋转起着谷自由度的作用,如图3c的插图所示。


色散关系(dispersion relation)是指物理学中从因果律出发(与其他 原理相结合)得出的积分关系式的统称。色散关系作为因果律的推论,主要思想可概括为:设外界对某一物理系统输入信号(或施加作用),作为反应系统产生输出信号(或次级作用)。只要此系统具有下述性质:①内部运动规律不随时间改变;②输入和输出按因果方式联系;③输出是输入的线性泛函,则可求出此线性泛函的傅里叶变换的解析性质,进而得到可测量间的积分关系式——色散关系。

图3c显示了旋转角α对SC中声谷-霍尔(AVH)相变的调节。当α < 0°时,下(上)态的旋涡手性为顺时针(逆时针),当α >0°时,旋涡手性正好相反。

b:α = 0°无隙情况(黑线)和−10°有隙情况(彩色线)的色散关系 


The time-reversal symmetry leads to the Chern number C = 0, which is the integral of Berry curvature over the full BZ. On the contrary, the Berry curvature exhibits strong peaks at the gap minima near K and K′ points of the BZ for small perturbation m.

时间反转对称导致切恩数C = 0,这是贝里曲率对整个BZ的积分。相反,对于小扰动m, Berry曲率在BZ的K和K′点附近的隙最小值处出现了很强的峰值。

The integral of the Berry curvature over an individual valley (one half of the BZ) is accurately defined and the non-vanishing valley-Chern indices can be determined by As a result, the difference in the topological charge across the interface is quantized, which maintains a chiral edge mode according to the bulkboundary correspondence

Berry曲率在单个山谷(BZ的一半)上的积分是精确定义的,不消失的山谷- chern指数可以由上式确定。其结果是,通过界面的拓扑电荷的差异被量化,根据体边界对应保持手性边缘模式。

To verify this, two distinct SC interfaces are studied: one is constructed out of SCs with α = 10° and 50°, of which the dispersion relation is illustrated in the top panel of Fig. 3d, and the other is constructed out of SCs with α = −10° and 10°, of which the dispersion relation is shown in the bottom panel.

为了验证这一点,我们研究了两个不同的声子晶体界面:一个是α = 10°和50°声子晶体界面,其色散关系如图3d顶部面板所示;另一个是α =−10°和10°SC界面,其色散关系如图3d底部面板所示。


In the former case, the spectrum of relevance is completely gapped due to the presence of identical valley-Hall phases within the facing SC. However, in the latter case, topological edge states fall within the bulk band gap as indicated by the green lines, which originate from AVH phase-inversion across the interface. Similar to the QSHE, edge states associated to the AVH effect appear robust against bends and crystal defects.





Zhang et al experimentally realized topologically protected broadband delay lines based on engineered phase delay defects (PDDs) that constitute a new platform for acoustic devices. The structure consists of three-legged rods (TLRs) arranged into a triangular lattice providing an enlarged topological band gap through an optimized shape of these rods. The tunability of the unit cell is obtained through computer-controlled motors, which can configure the topologically protected pathway consequently. Sound waves transmit either through Port 1 or Port 2 (see Fig. 4b), depending on the rotation angle selected to be −30° or 30°, respectively. This configurability of the TLRs to any desired angle further promise vast possibilities of functional devices. Short pulses can transmit through them due to the broadband response character, and their dynamic response can be engineered at will.



a, b显示可重构拓扑开关的设置和压力场分布。



 The tremendous advantage of signal transmission without any reflection even in the pathway with sharp bends enables the acoustic delay lines by means of topologically protected transient edge states. The PDDs in the form of square-shaped detours with four sharp bends along the interface can generate a time delay (see Fig. 4).





其中sj为传输线的长度,cj = 2π (df/dk)j为声速,j = 1,2表示不同类型的接口。图4d显示了单PDD和双PDD的时延,图4e中的实测信号证实了这一点。该设计为建立能够缓冲多声脉冲的多级宽带拓扑保护延迟线铺平了道路。

(Valley topological phase in a bilayer sonic crystal (BSC))双层声波晶体(BSC)中的谷拓扑相



 Figure 5b depicts a phase diagram in the entire angular domain, illustrating straight and curved lines, which are associated with ring and point degeneracies, respectively.



b:简化相图依赖于角度(α, β)。数值相位边界(实线)证实了模型预测(点),显示了全向带隙的闭合。



c,d:显示沿两个拓扑上不同的声学谷霍尔(AVH) BSCs和声学层-谷霍尔(ALH) BSCs之间的界面的投影色散关系。



That is to say, for the edge state projected by the same valley, sound waves propagate towards one side in the upper layer and towards another side in the lower layer without any interference with each other, which is equivalent to spin-orbital couplings in electronic systems. As shown in Fig. 5e, an efficient inter-layer converter can be constructed by four distinct BSC phases that support ALH (bilateral) and AVH (middle) edge modes along the interfaces in the x-direction. Most of the sound energy radiated from a point source located at the left side of the upper layers can be transferred to the lower layer as the wave reaches another ALH interface.




Three dimensional topological acoustics  

Weyl semimetals are periodic systems that possess Weyl points, which are topological robust band degeneracy points.


The Hamiltonian which describes a Weyl point with a topological charge of +1 or −1 is given by

描述拓扑电荷为+1或- 1的Weyl点的哈密顿量由公式给出

其中q = (qx, qy, qz), qi是起源于Weyl点的波矢量,f(q)是q的任意实函数,v是3 × 3常数矩阵,σ0是2 × 2单位矩阵,σx, σy, σz是泡利矩阵。



Weyl points are robust against any perturbations which keep the wave vectors as good quantum numbers. This can also been seen from the fact that the Weyl Hamiltonian contains all the Pauli matrices and hence local perturbation can only serve to shift the Weyl point in momentum space but cannot open a band gap. A Weyl point can only be “annihilated” by another Weyl point which carries the opposite topological charge and a band gap can be opened if Weyl points carrying opposite charges collide in momentum space.

外尔点使波向量保持为良好的量子数,对任何扰动都具有鲁棒性。这也可以从Weyl Hamiltonian包含所有泡利矩阵这一事实中看出,因此局部摄动只能在动量空间中移动外尔点,而不能打开带隙。一个外尔点只能被另一个带相反拓扑电荷的外尔点“湮灭”,如果带相反电荷的外尔点在动量空间中碰撞,则会打开带隙。

 图注释:welyl半金属和拓扑带电节点表面半金属。a, e给出了分别具有Weyl点和带电节点表面的系统的紧束缚模型。b, f分别表示a, e中紧结合模型的倒数空间中的拓扑电荷分布,其中红色和蓝色球体分别表示电荷+1和- 1的Weyl点,红色表面表示拓扑电荷+2的节点面。在第一布里渊区的一些高对称性点也被标记出来。C为带结构,其中t0 = 1, tc = 0.2。这里红色和蓝色分别对应a、e中的紧绑定模型。d表示chern数作为kz的函数,它在 kz = 0 和 kz = π 时发生变化。

Fig. 6a shows the schematic picture of a tight-binding model that explains the formation Weyl points in the reciprocal space for that particular system. This tight-binding model can be regarded as an AA stacking of graphene lattice along the z-direction, where the red and blue spheres represent different sublattices and the black bonds represent intralayer hopping with hopping strength t0. Interlayer hopping is represented by the cyan bonds and with hopping strength tc.In this tight-binding model, time-reversal symmetry is preserved and hence both t0 and tc are real constants.


The first Brillouin zone of this tight-binding model is shown in Fig. 6b with some high symmetry points also being labeled. The band structures along some high symmetric directions are shown in Fig. 6c with the red curve, where the hopping parameters are taken to be t0 = 1 and tc = 0.2. The band dispersions are linear near the points K and H along all the high symmetric directions, which indicates that this tight-binding model possesses Weyl points at K and H as well as K′ and H′.

这个紧密结合模型的第一个布里渊区如图6b所示,一些高度对称的点也被标记出来。一些高对称方向的能带结构如图6c所示,红色曲线,其中跳变参数取t0 = 1, tc = 0.2。带色散沿所有高对称方向在K和H点附近呈线性,这表明该紧束缚模型在K和H点以及K '和H '处都有Weyl点。

This fact also illustrates an important property of Weyl crystals: the total charge inside the first Brillouin zone of a periodic system should vanish. This distribution of the Weyl points and their associated topological charges are shown in Fig. 6b.


In this system, kz is a good quantum number, and hence one can define the Chern number of any two-dimensional subsystems with a fixed kz. In Fig. 6d, we show the Chern number as a function of kz with the red curve. The Chern number only changes when it comes across a kz plane with nonzero topological charge. In this system, the Chern number is +1 for kz > 0 and −1 for kz < 0. According to the bulk-edge correspondence, there should be one-way edge states provided that kz is preserved. Such one-way edge states should be present for any kz ≠ 0 o r π which then forms a Riemann surface like structure and the iso-energy contour of it is known as the Fermi arc.

在这个系统中,kz是一个很好的量子数,因此我们可以定义任何二维子系统的Chern数,其kz是固定的。在图6d中,我们用红色曲线显示了Chern数作为kz的函数。chern数只有在遇到具有非零拓扑电荷的kz平面时才会改变。在这个系统中,当C(kz) >为0时,Chern数为+1,当C(kz) < 0时,Chern数为−1。根据体边对应关系,在保留kz的情况下,应该存在单向边态。对于任何kz≠0或π都应该存在这样的单向边态,从而形成黎曼曲面状结构,其等能轮廓称为费米弧。

Weyl points are not the only object in the reciprocal space that possesses a topological charges96. A nodal surface, which is a surface degeneracy between two bands, can also possess a nonzero topological charge.The band dispersion is linear in the vicinity of the nodal surface. Note here that G2z symmetry only protects the presence of the nodal surface, whether it is topologically charged or not depends on the system parameters.A tight-binding model that exhibits this symmetry and also possesses a charged nodal surface can be obtained by simply shifting one of the sublattice in Fig. 6a along the z-direction by dh/2, and the resulting tight-binding model is shown in Fig. 6e. Here, the intralayer hopping is also slightly modified to preserve the G2zsymmetry.The band structure of this tight-binding model is shown in Fig. 6c with the blue curve. Here the intralayer hopping (denoted by the black bonds) and interlayer hopping (denoted by the cyan bonds) are set as t0 = 1 and tc = 0.2, respectively. We see that the two bands become degenerate on the kz = π plane and the dispersion is linear away from this nodal surface. The Weyl points at K and K′ still are preserved while the Weyl points at H and H′ are merged into the nodal surface and hence the nodal surface should possess topological charge +2. The charge distribution of the tight-binding model in Fig. 6e is shown in Fig. 6f, where the red plane represents the nodal surface with topological charge +2. The Chern numbers as a function of kz remain the same as that in Fig. 6d.


 这个紧密结合模型的能带结构如图6c所示,带蓝色曲线。这里层内跳(用黑色键表示)和层间跳(用青色键表示)分别设为t0 = 1和tc = 0.2。我们看到两个带在kz = π平面上简并,并且色散在远离这个节点面的地方是线性的。K和K '处的Weyl点仍然保留,H和H '处的Weyl点合并为节点面,因此节点面应具有+2的拓扑电荷。图6e中紧密结合模型的电荷分布如图6f所示,其中红色平面为拓扑电荷+2的节点面。Chern数作为kz的函数与图6d相同。

In this work, the authors realized an acoustic Weyl metacrystal, measured the Fermi arc and demonstrated the robustness of the surface states. Figure 7a shows the experimental sample and the insets show the front (lower left) and back (lower right) views of the unit cell. The sample was fabricated by 3D printing technology, and the printed structure can be treated as sound hard where the sound waves cannot penetrate.In this system, the Weyl points with opposite charges are not related by any symmetry and hence their frequencies can be different. The frequencies of the Weyl points under consideration at K and H are 15 kHz and 16 kHz, respectively.

在这项工作中,作者实现了一个声学威尔元晶体,测量了费米弧,并证明了表面态的鲁棒性。图7a显示了实验样品,插图显示了单元格的前面(左下)和后面(右下)视图。该样品由3D打印技术制作,打印出的结构可以处理成声音坚硬,声波无法穿透。在这个系统中,带相反电荷的韦尔点没有任何对称性,因此它们的频率可能不同。在K和H处所考虑的外尔点的频率分别为15 kHz和16 kHz。


Figure 7b shows the surface Brillouin zone on the kx−kz plane and projection of Weyl points as denoted by the green and purple spheres. The solid and dashed curves represent the “Fermi arcs” on the positive and negative x−z surfaces, respectively. The working frequency is chosen to be 15.4 kHz which is between the frequencies of these two Weyl points. At this frequency, the equi-frequency contours of the bulk bands around the Weyl points project to elliptical disks as outlined by the purple curves. The Fermi arcs connect these elliptical disks.

图7b显示了kx - kz平面上的表面布里维因带和用绿色和紫色球体表示的Weyl点的投影。实线和虚线曲线分别表示正x - z曲面和负x - z曲面上的“费米弧”。工作频率选择在这两个韦尔点的频率之间的15.4 kHz。在这个频率上,围绕Weyl点的体带的等频轮廓投射到由紫色曲线勾勒的椭圆盘上。费米弧连接着这些椭圆圆盘。


Experimentally, one can measure the surface wave field distributions which can be Fourier transformed to obtain the Fermi arc. The experimental results are shown as color code in Fig. 7b, where red represents maximal value and blue represents minimal value. The experimentally measured results agree quite well with the numerical simulations.As discussed before, such systems support one-way surface states against kz preserved scatterings, which are also experimentally demonstrated


Topological mechanical waves






本文标签: 笔记论文SOUNDTopological