

写在公司的文档, 蹩脚英语, 大家理解着看哈, 会逐渐提高自己:

Sometimes we need to install iOS .ipa package from PC for testing, for example, from Jenkins.

Windows PC

1.1 Install “爱思助手“(Default settings) in Windows PC

1.2 Open “爱思助手“ and it will download iTunes automated, wait it is completed

1.3 Connect our test iPhones with Windows PC by our Multi-head data cable or Original data cable

1.4 Open test iPhone and Click Trust this device if your there is trust alert in your iPhone

1.5 Wait “爱思助手“ load your iPhone completed and click “app and game“:

1.6 Click “import install“ and select your .ipa package in your Windows PC, wait it install completed,

now you can use this .ipa app in your test iPhones, good luck.

  1. Mac computer

There are multiple methods in Mac for install iOS .ipa package into test iPhones, two methods are provided here:

Method 1. Use “爱思助手“, the steps are same with Windows PC(Mac computers may not need to install iTunes)

Method 2. Use command line:

2.1 We open terminal, input ideviceinstaller, run, if prompt below message, it mean you have installed ideviceinstaller.

if prompt: not found, input: brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice, run

brew install ideviceinstaller , run

2.2 Connect our test iPhones with Windows PC by our Multi-head data cable or Original data cable

2.3 Open test iPhone and Click Trust this device if your there is trust alert in your iPhone

2.4 Input: ideviceinstaller -i your_ipa_path, run

 you can drag your ipa to the command line, wil fill automatically, example:    ideviceinstaller -i /Users/companymacos/Downloads/xxxx.ipa

2.5 If you have multiple test iPhones connect to your Mac, you can use

  ideviceinstaller -i your_ipa_path -o udid

   And you can get udid from Xcode

And ideviceinstaller also is a tool for iOS UI automation!



  1. UI operation:
    use env. :
    iPhoneX; iOS12.2; macOS10.14.5, 爱思助手1.07.020
    I test, it’s OK
  1. usb to connect your iPhone, and believe your device

  2. 3)
    the way can try on windows, but I have’t tried.
  1. command line:
    use env. :
    iPhoneX; iOS12.2; macOS10.14.5

ideviceinstaller -i your_ipa_path

you can drag your ipa to the command line, wil fill automatically, example:
ideviceinstaller -i /Users/companymacos/Downloads/xxxx.ipa

of course, you must install ideviceinstaller, I remember command line(when you get a new mac):
brew install ideviceinstaller

maybe prompt you must install something, but I don’t remember, sorry

and The command line style can be used by iOS automation.

本文标签: 苹果文件手机iphoneipa