


Unit 4 Do it yourself (原书中这一单元为Wild animals,没有Do it yourself 这个单元)

1 That’s your new house, Hobo. Great. What should we do?

2 Here are clear instructions. Read them first. All right. What’s next?

3 You’d better get some tools. No problem!

4 Shall we start? No. I can’t help you. It says, “Do it yourself.”

Do it yourself

DIY is popular among young people. Suzy and her classmates are talking about KIY and

writing about their DIY stories.

Task Write about a DIY job you did .

Welcome to the unit

About DIY

A Here are some tools for DIY. Look at the picture and match the words in the box with the



glue rope scissors tape

B Millie and Suzy are talking about DIY. Work in pairs and talk about something you would

like to do. Use the conversation below as a model.

Millie: what’s DIY exactly, Suzy?

Suzy: It stands for “do-it-yourself”. When you do DIY, you make, repair or decorate things

yourself instead of paying someone to do it.

Millie: What are you going to do then?

Suzy: I’m going to make some paper roses.

Millie: It sounds lovely. What do you need for that?

Suzy: I need some paper, glue and a pair of scissors.

Millie: Do you like DIY?

Suzy: Yes, I do. I enjoy making something new. That’s fun.


A Do it yourself

Suzy’s cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. Read Suzy’s article about him.

My cousin and DIY

My cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. He loves to repair things and decorate his house. But

when he finishes, the house always looks terrible!

He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake. Then his

whole house had a power cut. Another time, he wanted to put up a picture on his bedroom

wall, but he hit a pipe and filled the room with water.

Last month, he thought the living room in his house was boring, so he painted it blue. His

mum said, “Stop it.” But he kept on painting. Now the loving room not only has blue walls

but also a blue ceiling and floor. Even his cat is blue now!

When I wanted a shelf above my bed, he said, “No problem!” He then spent five hours

putting up the shelf on the wall. Then I put my books on the shelf. Whoops! They couldn’t

stay there because one end of the shelf was much higher than the other!

I bought some books about DIY for him and I also advised him to take a course in DIY. But

this just made him angry—he says he already knows everything about it. So instead, I am reading all the books myself and attending lessons every Saturday. Now I know much more

about DIY than my cousin!

B How to do it

B1 Suzy is telling Millie about her cousin and his DIY. Help Millie match the words on the

left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.



be crazy about (line 1)

repair (line 1)







very bad

make something full of something


3 terrible (line 3)




fill (line 8)

advise (line 8)

often go to a place during a period of

like something very much


tell someone what you think he/she 6 attend (line 21)

should do

B2 Suzy’s cousin is not very good at DIY. Match the jobs he did with the problems he


1 Putting in a brighter light

2 Putting up a picture

3 Painting the living room

4 Putting up a shelf




No books could stay on it.

He hit a pipe and filled the room with water.

The whole house had a power cut.

d The cat is blue now.

B3 Millie wants to retell Suzy’s story about DIY. Read the following sentences. Write a T if a

sentence is true or an F if it is false.

1 Suzy’s cousin loves doing DIY.

2 Suzy’s cousin failed to put in a new light in his bedroom.

3 Suzy’s cousin put a picture on a pipe.

4 Suzy’s cousin thought the cat was boring, so he painted it blue.

5 It took Suzy’s cousin only a few minutes to put up the shelf on the wall.

6 Suzy’s cousin wants to get better at DIY.

B4 Suzy is talking with Kitty about her cousin and his DIY. Complete their conversation

with the information on page 44.

Suzy: My cousin Andrew is (1)

his house.

about DIY. He loves to (2) things and decorate

Kitty: What kind of things does he do?

Suzy: He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a (3)

, and his house had a (4) .

Kitty: Oh dear!

Suzy: And last month, he thought the living room was (5)

, so he painted the walls (6)

. But he also painted the ceiling, the floor and even the cat!

Kitty: Oh no!

Suzy: He once spent five hours putting up a (7) on the wall for me, but my

than the other. books couldn’t stay there because one end of the shelf was much (8)

Kitty: He should take a (9) in DIY.

Suzy: But he says he already knows (10)


about it! A Giving instructions

We start a sentence with the base form of a verb when we want to tell people what to do.

Put up a picture on the wall.

Paint the walls blue.

We add do not/don’t in front of a verb when we want to tell people not to do something.

Don’t paint the cat.

We often add please in a sentence to make an instruction more polite.

Please fix the shelf for me.

Don’t touch the wet paint, please.

How to make cards

Mille is teaching her classmates how to make cards to help them remember things better.

Look at the pictures and help Millie complete the instructions.

cut draw

1 (1)

2 (2)

3 (3)

4 (4)

give keep look try

out pieces of card with a pair of scissors.


some words or a sentence on each card.

a picture about the words or sentence on the other side of the card.

at the picture and (5)

to remember what is on the other side.

trying, and you will find you can Please (6) (not ) up. (7)

remember things better.

B Using should and had better

We use should and had better when giving advice and telling people what we think is the

best or right thing to do. The tone of had better is stronger than should.

You should know a little about DIY.

You should not put so many books on the shelf.

Your watch is broken. You had better but a new one.

You had better not be late for school!

DIY advice

Suzy is giving DIY advice to her classmates. Read the advice below. Help Suzy make

sentences with should (not) or had better (not).

a begin your work without reading them

b join a DIY club to learn more about it

c be patient

d buy some to learn more about it

e be careful when you use them

1 There are many useful books about DIY.

2 DIY is not easy.

3 Instructions are important.

4 Scissors can be dangerous.

5 Sometimes it’ll take time to do a DIY job.

Integrated skills

A How to make a fruit salad

A1 Amy and Suzy are making a fruit salad. Listen to their conversation and tick (√)the things they need.

A2 Amy is making notes of how to make a fruit salad. Put her notes in the correct order.

Write the numbers 1-4 in the boxes.

Wash the fruit.

□Mix them together. Add some salad cream if you like.

□Cut some of the larger fruit into small pieces.

□Get some of your favourite fruit ready.

A3 Listen to Suzy give Amy some tips for making a fruit salad. Help Amy complete her notes

with the correct words.

Tips for making a fruit salad

·Use fruit (1) . Made sure it is (2) .



·Use fruit of (3) colours and try ot make your fruit salad look (4) it

For example, red apples, green (5) , purple grapes and (6) together

make the salad look very colourful.

·Prepare the fruit salad (7) you are going to eat it. Some of the fruit will quickly

(8) when you leave it (9) for some time.

B Speak up: Let’s make some sandwiches

Sandy and her mum are talking about what to eat for lunch. Work in pairs and talk about

what you can make for lunch. Use the conversation below as a model.

Sandy: It’s time for lunch, Mum. Can we stop cleaning the house and make some food? I’m


Mum: OK. Let’s make some sandwices.

Sandy: are they quick and easy to make?

Mum: Sure. Look at me. First, pick a piece of bread. Then put some tomato sauce on it.

Sandy: Next, we can put some ham and vegetables on it.

Mum: That’s correct.

Sandy: Is that all right?

Mum: Yes. Just another piece of bread on the top of it. Finished!

Study skills

The prefixes un-, in- and in-

A prefix is a group of letters that we add to the front of a word to form a new word. One of

the most common prefixes for adjectives is un-. It means “not”. We did it to some adjectives

to give them the opposite meaning.

certain uncertain














We can also use some other prefixes, such as in- and im-, to form new words with opposite possible Impossible

Read the conversations below. Add the correct prefixes to some of the adjectives so that all

the sentences make sense.

1 Annie: Do you spend a lot of time doing outdoor sports?

Simon: Sure. It’s usual for me to stay at home all day.

2 Sandy: Our neighbour next door is putting something on the wall.

Mum: It’s possible to sleep with all that noise.

3 Millie: Are you able to fix your bicycle, Andy?

Andy: No. I’m certain that I can fix it myself.

4 Mum: Suzy, your room is really tidy—things are all over the floor.

Suzy: Sorry, Mum. I’ll tidy up right now.


A DIY story

A Suzy did a DIY job at the weekend. Read her diary entry.

Saturday, 30 October

Mum’s birthday is coming, so I decided to make her a birthday card by myself. I went to

Sandy’s home to make the card because I wanted to keep it secret.

I planned to make a birthday card with some roses on it. Sandy helped me with the drawing.

We had fun working together. It took me two hours to finish. Lots of things went wrong

during that time. I made some mistakes when I wrote the sentence “Happy Birthday, Mum!”

I kept spelling the words wrong. I was too excited!

Finally, I coloured the roses red, blue and pink. I also cut a picture of colourful balloons and

stuck it on the cover. When completed the card, there was paint on everything: the table,

Sandy’s books, my clothes, my hands and face!

Useful expressions

I decided to … by myself.

I … because …

… helped me with …

We had fun working together.

It took me … minutes/hours to finish.

I made some mistakes when …

Finally/ In the end, …

When I completed … , …

B Write your own diary entry about a DIY job you did. Use the diary entry in Part A as a

model. The ideas below may help you.

Making your mum/dad a card

Painting a room

Fixing a bicycle

Making things from old clothes

Making biscuits, cakes or a pizza

Repairing a computer

Putting together a piece of furniture

Self -assessment I have learnt

1 about DIY.

talk about a DIY job I did.

3 to give instructions.



2 to use the new words to

to use should and had better.

4 the prefixes un- ,in- and


Result: Excellent! Good! Not bad!

I need to spend more time on .

Project 1

A welcome booklet

The Class 1, Grade 8 students are designing an information booklet for the new Grade

7students. The booklet will help the new students learn more about their school.

A Planning and preparing

1 Work in groups of four. Think about the things you want to learn at a new school.

2 Think about the differences between middle schools and primary schools. You can

compare them in the booklet.

3 Look at your school guide or booklet. Note down the useful in information that you connot

find in it.

4 Talk to other students and teachers to find out what they know about your school.

5 Find or take photos for the booklet.

Topics Details

School subjects


Clubs and sports

Places in the school

School rules

School trips

Compare them with primary school subjects.

What are the differences?

How much homework do students have?

What clubs are there at the school?

What are they for?

Classrooms, library, hall, playground, etc.

Dos and don’ts

How often do you have school trips?

Where do you go?

Other information Anything else the new students should know about

B Steps for making the booklet

1 Work in groups. Each group member should write a part of the booklet. Think about

different ways of presenting your information.

·Use maps, lists, diagrams and charts to show facts clearly.

·Use drawings, cartoons, photos, etc. to make your booklet more interesting.

·Use your own stories to give examples and opinions.

2 Design the booklet.

·How many pages?

·What size? A4, A5 or some special shape?

3 Remember to check your work. ·Divide the text into paragraphs.

·Make sure the headings are clear.

·Chose the most suitable words and sentences.

·Match the words or sentences with the correct pictures/photos.

·Check for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes.

4 Make the front and back covers of the booklet. Give the booklet a title and make a

contents page.

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