





通过复习,掌握:1. 数词的分类和用法

2. 各种数词(如钟点,日期,年份,分数,小数,百分数)的读法

3. 基本数学运算表达


1.复习基数词和序数词,序数词的构成规律,特别强调序数词中的不规则的变化。2.基数词的读法和用法:(以具体数字为例)。3.分数,小数和百分比的表达4.日期和年份:5时间和钟点的两种表达。6.数学运算表达。7。 其他如:Lesson Twelve/ the Twelfth Lesson




1 _________ _________; 2 _________ __________; 3 _________ _________;

4 _________ _________; 5 __________ _________; 8 _________ __________;

9_________ __________; 12 _________ _________; 14 __________ __________;

19_________ _________; 20 ________ _________; 21___________ __________;

40_________ _________; 90 _________ _________; 99 __________ ___________;

100 ____________ ____________; 1000 ____________ ____________



2) 序数词前面加定冠词________;

3) 以y结尾的基数词,变y为_______;

4) 不规则变化:



1) 两位数: 47__________

2) 三位数: 365___________________; 604_____________________

3) 四位数以上: 4,620_________________________________



注意: 读数时除了在百位数与十位数之间加连词_________外,其他位数之间不加。

4) ① ____________( Hundreds, Two hundred) of students have passed the examination.

② It’s about five ___________( thousand, thousands) kilometers away from Beijing.

注意:hundred, thousand, million 前有具体数字时,__________(有,没有)复数形式:若它们后有s,则 与 _______连用。



1)1/3 ____________ 2)4/5____________ 3)1/2_____________

1 初三英语一轮复习教案

4)3/4______________ 或 ___________

注意:分子用_______词,分母用______词,分子大于1, 分母加________

2.__________:0.82 _____________ ;25.096_______________________

3. __________: 45%_____________________

4. 日期和年份:

在5月27日 ______________________ 或_______________________

在1949年 ________________

在2000年6月 _________________

在2008年8月8日 ______________________________

5. 时间和钟点:2种表达:

1:15 ____________________ ___________________

2: ____________________ _______________

5:45 _____________________ _________________

3:30 _____________________ _________________

2:03 _____________________ _________________

注意: 分钟数不到30用__________,超过30用________, 但钟点数加1。

15分钟用_____________,30分钟用 __________。

不是5的倍数的分钟要加 ___________。

6. 数学运算表达:



______________________________ _______________________________


______________________________ ________________________________

7. Lesson Twelve/ the Twelfth Lesson

Class One, Grade Three

No. 46 bus

Channel 8

Room 402


1)第9课:____________________ 或____________________

2)五频道:_____________________ 或____________________

3) 402室:_________________

4) 46路公交车:________________

5)五天的假期 _____________________

6)一篇 800单词的课文________________________

7)11岁大的女儿 ____________________或 _________________________

8)一个半小时____________________或 ________________________

2 初三英语一轮复习教案

9) 两天半 ___________________________或 ___________________________

10) 在12楼 ___________________________

11)9年级4班 _______________________________

12) 第一次旅行 __________________我的第一次旅行____________________

13) 第二长河流__________________________

14) 第三个到校的学生 ____________________________


几百个成员 ____________________________

16) 在他五十几岁时 _______________________

17)在6岁时 ___________________ 到6岁为止 _______________________

18) 每四年一次 ________________________ ( 划线提问)_________________

19)二十分钟的路程____________________或 ___________________________

3 初三英语一轮复习教案



1. 把下列数字转换为基数词和序数词

1 one___ first; 2 two second ; 3 three third;

4 four fourth; 5 five fifth; 8 eight eighth;

9 nine ninth; 12 twelve twelfth; 14 fourteen fourteenth;

19nineteen nineteenth; 20 twenty twentieth; 21twenty-one twenty-first;

40 forty fortieth; 90 ninety ninetieth; 99 ninety-nine ninety-ninth;

100 one hundred one hundredth; 1000 one thousand one thousandth



2) 序数词前面加定冠词the;

3) 以y结尾的基数词,变y为ie 再加th

4) 不规则变化:123特殊记,th要从4加起,8减t,9去e,ty变成tie,ve要用f替

2. 基数词的读法和用法:(以具体数字为例)

1) 两位数: 47 forty-seven

2) 三位数: 365 three hundred and sixty-five ; 604six hundred and four

3) 四位数以上: 4,620 four thousand, six hundred and twenty

2,008 two thousand and eight

351,193 three hundred and fifty-one thousand, one hundred and


注意: 读数时除了在百位数与十位数之间加连词and外,其他位数之间不加。

4) ① Hundreds ( Hundreds, Two hundred) of students have passed the examination.

② It’s about five thousand( thousand, thousands) kilometers away from Beijing. 注意:hundred, thousand, million 前有具体数字时,没有(有,没有)复数形式:若它们后有s,则 与 of 连用。


1. 分数:

1)1/3 one-third 2)4/5four-fifths 3)1/2one half

4)3/4three- fourths 或 three quarters

注意:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1, 分母加 s 。

2. 小数:0.82 zero point eight two ;25.096twenty-five point zero nine six

3. 百分数: 45%forty-five percent

4. 日期和年份:

在5月27日 on May 27th 或on the 27th of May

在1949年 in 1949

在2000年6月 in June 2000

4 初三英语一轮复习教案

在2008年8月8日 on August 8th ,2008

5. 时间和钟点:2种表达:

1:15 a quarter past one one fifteen

2: twenty past two in the morning two twenty in the morning

5:45 a quarter to six five forty-five

3:30 half past three three thirty

2:03 three minutes past two two three

注意: 分钟数不到30用past,超过30用to, 但钟点数加1。15分钟用a quarter ,30分钟用half。不是5的倍数的分钟要加minute。

6. 数学运算表达:


5+3=8 Five plus three equals /is eight . .

6-2=4 Six minus two equals /is four .

7. Lesson Twelve/ the twelfth lesson

Class One, Grade Three

No. 46 bus

Channel 8

Room 402


1)第9课:Lesson Nine 或the ninth lesson

2)五频道:Channel 5 或the fifth channel

3) 402室:Room 402

4) 46路公交车:No. 46 bus

5)五天的假期 five days’ holiday

6)一篇 800单词的课文an eight-hundred-word text

7)11岁大的女儿 an eleven-year-old daughter

8) 一个半小时one and a half hours 或 one hour and a half

9) 两天半 two and a half days _或 two days and a half__

10) 在12楼 on the twelfth floor _

11)9年级4班 Class 4, Grade 9

12) 第一次旅行 the first trip 我的第一次旅行my first trip

13) 第二长河流the second longest river

14) 第三个到校的学生 the third student to school

15)两百个参观者two hundred visitors

几百个成员 hundreds of members

16) 在他五十几岁时 in his fifties

17)在6岁时 at the age of six 到6岁为止 by the age of six

5 初三英语一轮复习教案

18) 每四年一次 every four years ( 划线提问)How often

19)二十分钟的路程twenty minutes’ walk或 a twenty-minute walk


I. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):


1.( B )

2.( D )

3.( C )

4.( B )

5.( D )

6.( C )

7.( B )

8.( D )

9.( D )

10.( A )

6 初三英语一轮复习资料编写---数词

Ⅱ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词):

1. fifth 2. fourth 3. ninth 4. third 5. second 6. fifth 7. twentieth 8. fifth 9. third


I. Choose the best answer: CBBAC CBDBD CBDAB BDC

II. Complete the following sentences according to the given Chinese:

1. nearly three quarters(四分之三)of the earth’s surface is covered with water.

2. ninety-seven percent of water in the world (世界上97%的水) is salt water in the


3. The area of this flat is twelve point five square meters (12.5平方米)

4. My bedroom is three point five meters long(3.5米长) and two meters wide(2米宽)three meters high(3米高).

5. He is one point eight meters tall (身高1.8米) and fifty-six kilograms (体重56公斤)

6. My home is only five minutes’ ride (5分钟的骑车路程) from my school.

7. It took him one year and a half/ one and a half years (一年半时间) to write a story


8. I won the third prize (三等奖) in the speech contest.

9. He has spent half a day (半天) writing a two- thousand-word (一篇2000字的)



1. 78 seventy-eight

2. 12 twelve

3. 40 forty

4. 109 one hundred and nine

5. 2009 two thousand and nine

第 7 页 共 7 页

本文标签: 基数词序数词表达数词