








For a very long time





be all smiles

beam (眉开眼笑)

grin (咧嘴笑着)

grin from ear to ear


Laugh quietly


Laugh loudly

laugh out loud

shed tears (流泪)

cry / sob (sobbed, sobbed) / weep (wept, wept) 哭泣

whimper (呜咽、啜泣)

wail / howl (号哭)

cry one’s eyes out

burst out crying / burst into tears (突然大哭)


burst out laughing



sneer (冷笑;讥笑)

burst into laughter

roar with laughter

shriek with laughter

laugh uncontrollably

laugh hysterically

laugh one’s head off

giggling shrieked with laughter howling with laughter laughing

chuckle grin

Mr. Littleton teaches third grades. One day, he had to go to the office for an

important call. As soon as he left the classroom, his students looked at each other and

started to

1____________. There wasn’t a sound in the room, but everyone knew

something funny was going to happen!

Everybody looked expectantly at Tom, the class clown. He quickly got up and

wrote on the blackboard, “No more school!” The minute he did this, the students started

to quietly laughing. They began to

2___________. They tried to stop, but it wasn’t

long before the room was filled with laughter. The students really

3_____________ when a few of them made paper airplanes and sent them flying across the room.

Fifteen minutes later, when the teacher came back into the room, the whole class


4____________. The teacher yelled, “Stop it! Stop it right away!” The class

suddenly got quiet, but most of the students couldn’t help

5__________ a little bit.

Then, the teacher said he would make the whole class stay 15 minutes after school because

of all the noise. Nobody felt like

6________ about the bad news.

7. The children in the school were not well-prepared. When they forgot their lines, the

audience _____________ with embarrassment.

(beamed, roared with laughter, tittered)

8. The bank robber wasn’t afraid of anything. When the police officer told him he would

probably have to go to jail for ten years, the robber didn’t make a sound. He just

___________ at the police officer. He knew that his friends would help him escape.

(giggled, grinned, smirked)

9. The politician stood in front of the crowd, saying he had never told a lie. He tried to

sound as sincere as possible only to hear the crowd quietly ____________.

(grinning, laughing their heads off, sneering)

10. The children in the audience loved the circus clown. They __________ with

laughter every time he tried to climb up the back of the elephant.

(grinned, shrieked, tittered)

本文标签: 窃笑啜泣嘲笑呜咽低声