




The story of Atlanta


课文《The Story of Atlanta》及英语比较句的表达.

一、 教学目标

1. 通过课文讲解,让学生读懂课文,读懂英语比较句式。

2. 通过英语比较句,句式及单词比较级变化规律的讲解以及练习,使学生掌握比较句的用法,能听、说、读、写简单的比较句.

3. 掌握新的单词及词组:glory,marry, bargain, as…as…

二、 教学用具


三、 板书设计


四、 课型、授课对象



五、 课时


六、 教学重点


七、 教学难点


八、 教学过程

1. 新课导入(5分钟)

(1) 在一如既往向学生问好时,添加比较句:How are you? 待学生回答

后,继续问“Do you feel today is better than yesterday?"。趁学生疑问之际,将句子写到黑板上,略作简单讲解“better是good的比较级,‘更好'的意思,than用于比较句中‘更……’的意思,这句话就是‘你觉得今天比昨天更好吗?’。"引发学生兴趣,引出讲课主题.

(2) 放一首歌词中反复出现比较级的歌曲《longer》,并展示歌词,粗略


2. 新课讲授

(1) 首先讲单词和词组(20分钟)


① glory:[’ɡlɔ:ri] n。光荣、荣誉、赞颂;vi。自豪、骄傲、狂喜

例句:Walsham had his moment of glory when he won a 20kmrace.


Their father gloried in their success.


② marry: ['mæri] vt. 嫁;娶;与……结婚

例句:He married a beautiful girl。


【注意】在英语中“嫁”和“娶”都是一个词,都是marry.同时不能用中文的思维将“marry”与“with”搭配,“嫁给某人”和“娶某人”直接说“marry sb”。同时,marry常用于被动,作“使结婚”讲。例如:

They are going to be married last month.


③ bargain: ['bɑ:ɡin] v。讨价还价

bargain with sb 与某人讨价还价

bargain over… 在……上讨价还价

例句:We refuse to bargain over the price.


【注意】bargain还常用作名词,作为“便宜货,特价商品"之意。例如:At this

price the wine is a bargain。


④ as…as… :“与……一样”,常用结构“as+形容词/副词原形+as+分句”

例句:I will reply it as soon as possible。


He can't draw pictures as well as Lily does。


(2) 疏通课文(20分钟)

① 先让学生默读课文(2分钟),之后放录音,一句一句跟读.

② 3分钟小组讨论(教师同时走到学生中间,有问题随时提问)。随后让学生轮流逐句翻译课文。

③ 根据学生提问及翻译情况,教师提出比较困难的句子再进行分析和讲解.例如:But she was not allowed to run and win glory for herself

in the Olympic Games。 主句是she was not allowed,“她不被允许”,“不被允许run和 win glory ,在奥运会上为她自己run和 win

glory”,run 和win glory是 not allowed to 后的并列成分.

(3) 语法讲解(65分钟)

① 本课文中出现多次比较句。先将课文中所有带有比较级的句子提出:

She could run faster than any man in Greece。

She would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her.

The race started and although the man ran very fast, Atlanta ran



② 系统讲解“比较句"

A. 同级比较:as…as结构, 具体在句子中,就有两种应用形式:

A is as +adj as B 或者:A do B as + adv + as C (do)。

例句:Mary is as tall as Betty.

I drove as carefully as Tom did。

否定式:A is not as/so + adj + as B;或 A do not do B so/as + adv

+ as C (do).

例句:Mary is not so tall as Betty。

I did not drive as carefully as Tom did。

B. 比较级:more…than结构,具体在句子中,就有两种应用形式:

A is …er than B( A is more + adj原级 + than B),或者:

A do B …er than C (A do B more +adv原级 + than C。)

例句:Mary is taller than Betty.

Mary is more beautiful than Betty。

Mary studies harder than Betty。

I drove more carefully than Tom did。

否定式:A is not…er than B( A is not more + adj原级 + than B)

或者A don’t do B …er than C (A don’t do B more +adv原级 +

than C.).

例句:Mary is not more beautiful than Betty.

Mary does not study harder than Betty.



Mary is less beautiful than Betty。

= Mary is not as beautiful as Betty.

= Betty is more beautiful than Mary.


程度稍轻——a little, a bit,slightly,

程度更甚——a lot, even, far, many, much, rather例如:

Mary is even more beautiful than Betty。

There are many more students in our class than in theirs.

I have much more money than he has.

C. 最高级

最高级:the most…结构,具体在句子中,就有两种应用形式:

A is the …est +比较范围. (A is the most + adj原级+比较范围) 或者:

A do B the…est +比较范围. (A do B the most + adj原级+比较范围)

例句:Mary is the most beautiful in our class.

Mary works (the) hardiest in our class.


③ 系统讲解形容词的比较级、最高级的变化规律。

A. 大多数单词的变法:比较级直接在原级后加-er,最高级在原级后加-est.例如:







B. 以不发音e结尾的单音节词,比较在原级后加-r,最高级在原级后加-st,例如:



C. 以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的,先双写末尾的辅音字母,比较级加—er,最高级加—est,例如:





sad→ sadder→saddest

red→ redder→reddest

D. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,把y改为i,比较级加-er,最高级加-est,例如:





E. 其他双音节词和多音节词,比较级在前面加more,最高级在前面加most,例如:

beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful

different→more different→most different

F. 有少数形容词、副词的比较级和最高级是不规则的,必须熟记,例如

good→better→best 好的

well→better→best 好地,身体好的

bad→worse→worst 坏的

ill→worse→worst 病的

many→more→most 许多

much→more→most 许多

few→less→least 少数几个

little→less→least 少数一点儿

far→ further→furthest 更进一步,程度

far→farther→farthest 更远,路程

old→older→oldest 年老的(指年纪)

old→elder→eldest 年老的(指兄弟姐妹的排行)

3. 课堂巩固(70分钟)

(1) 再放开课时放的歌曲《longer》,与才讲的语法点结合再详细讲解,并让学生熟悉。

(2) 利用大小不一,长短不一的道具进行现场造句。(陈述句、反问句、疑问句的反复训练)。

(3) 介绍法国诗人Rosemonde Étienette Gérard的著名诗句英文翻译:"For you see, each day I love you more, today more than

yesterday but less than tomorrow.”讲解其中比较句的用法。以诗引起学生的兴趣.

(4) 续接故事,要求必须用到比较句。锻炼学生的口头表达能力和对比较句的熟悉程度。

(5) 讲解比较句作业.

4. 课后练习:

(1). 对所给词进行适当变形,填入所需空格内:

① My school is_____, but Tom's school is _____than mine. And Sally's

school is the _________。 (small)

② Rabbits can run _______, but tigers can run _____ than rabbits, and

cheetahs can run ___________of the three。 (fast)

③ Pig is ________, but deer is ______than pig, and elephant is the

______________ (heavy)

④ I’m ___________, but she is _______ than me。 (beautiful)

⑤ Every day is _______. But today is the ______ day I have ever had.


⑥ I think pizza is the ________ food of all。 (delicious)

⑦ My brother is two years ______ (old) than me。

⑧ Is your sister ______(young) than you? Yes,she is.

⑨ Who is ________(thin),you or Helen? Helen is。

⑩ Whose pencil-box is _____ (big),yours or hers? Hers is。

⑪ Ben jumps ______ (high) than some of the boys in his class.

⑫ Does Nancy sing ______(well) than Helen? Yes, she does。

⑬ My eyes are ________(big) than hers。

⑭ Which is ________(heavy),the elephant or the pig?

⑮ Who gets up ______ (early),Tim or Tom?

⑯ Do the girls get up____(early) than the boys? No,they______。

⑰ Jim runs ____ (slow)。 But Ben runs _____(slow).

(2)。 根据句意写出所缺的单词

① I’m 12 years ’re 14。 I'm than you。

② A rabbit’s tail isthan a monkey’s tail.

③ An elephant isthan a pig.

④ A lake isthan a sea。

⑤ A basketball isthan a football。

(3) 。 单项选择

①-- How did you find your visit to the museum?

-- I enjoyed it very much。 It was _________ than I expected。

A。 so more interesting B. very more interesting

C. far more interesting D. a lot much interesting

② It is by far ________ instructive film I have ever seen.

A. the more B. better C. the most D。 most

③There are _______ opportunities waiting for us。 Don’t give up。

A。 much more B。 many more C. very more D. rather many

④I couldn’t catch up with her; she ran _____quickly than I.

A. far less B. lot more C. the most D。 far more

⑤We advertised for students to work as volunteers last summer and got

________ 60。

A. more than B。 less much than C. as much as D so many as

⑥The more you learn, _______ you will be able to serve the people.

A。 the less B. the most C. the best D。 the better

⑦He is ______ than John。

A. more efficiently a worker B. more efficient a worker

C. more an efficient worker D. a worker more efficiently

⑧He is ____________ as his brother。

A。 a not as intelligent boy B。 not so intelligent a boy

C。 not intelligent as a boy D. not so an intelligent boy


The story of Atlanta

Atlanta was a Greek princess. She was very beautiful and could run than any man in Greece. But

she was not allowed to run and win glory for herself in the Olympic Games。 She was so angry

that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her.

Her father said that she must marry, so Atlanta made a bargain with him。 She said to him,

“These are my rules。 When a man says he wants to marry me, I will run against him. If he cannot

run as fast as me, he will be killed。 No one will be pardoned。”

Many kings and princes wanted to marry Atlanta, but when they heard of rules they knew it was

hopeless. So many of them sadly went home, but others stayed to run the race. There was a

man called Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atlanta's rules, “why are these men

so foolish?” he thought。 “Why will they left themselves be killed because they cannot run as fast

as this princess?” However when he saw Atlanta come out of her house to run, Hippomenes

changed his mind. “I will marry Atlanta—or to die!” he said。

The race started and although the man ran very fast, Atlanta ran faster。As Hippomenes

watched, he thought, “How can I run as fast as Atlanta?" He went to ask the Greek Godness of

Love for help。 She said, “Throw an apple in front of Atlanta when she is running past。 When

she stops to pick it up, you will be able to run past her and win。" Hippomenes took the apples

and went to the King。 He said, “I want to marry Atlanta.”The king was sad to see another man

die, but Hippomenes said, “I will marry her-or die!" So the race began.

本文标签: 学生比较级讲解形容词课文