




1. 虎胆 lionhearted;

2. 虎穴 den;

3. 虎视 look with air of fierceness;

4. 虎口 mouth of a tiger;

5. 虎步 stride of a tiger;

6. 虎狼之师 law of the jungle;

7. 虎豹 panther;

8. 虎痴 a coward;

9. 虎头 tiger head;

10. 虎皮 hide of a tiger;

11. 虎肉 tiger meat;

12. 虎妖 tiger demon;

13. 虎袭 raid by tigers;

14. 虎爪 tiger paws;

15. 虎钳 pincers of a tiger;

16. 虎象 elephant;

17. 虎班 tiger regiment;

18. 虎歌 tiger song;

19. 虎仗 tiger fight;

20. 虎跃 leap of a tiger;

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21. 虎眼 fierce look;

22. 虎起 roar up;

23. 虎骑 cavalry on tigris;

24. 虎符 talisman with tiger figure;

25. 虎翼 wings of a tiger;

26. 虎踞 occupy by force.。

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