


Level 3 A Christmas Carol < Answer Key >

Chapter 1

Preview Questions

1. It is the winter, around Christmastime.

2. Ebenezer Scrooge is an unkind man. Scrooge is a greedy man who only loves money.

3. Scrooge will refuse his nephew’s invitation.

Review Questions

1. Scrooge thought his nephew was a fool for being poor and getting married.

2. No one liked Scrooge.

3. Scrooge’s clerk earned 15 shillings a week.

Chapter 2

Preview Questions

1. The old gentlemen will use the money to help poor people.

2. Scrooge will not give the men any money.

3. Scrooge will chase away the carol singer because he does not like Christmas music.

Review Questions

1. Jacob Marley was Scrooge’s business partner who died seven years ago on Christmas Eve.

2. The old gentlemen were collecting money for the poor.

3. Carols are special songs sung on Christmas.

Chapter 3

Preview Questions

1. Scrooge will see Marley’s face in the doorknocker. Scrooge will see Marley’s face in his room.

Scrooge will see Marley’s face in a mirror.

2. Marley’s voice will frighten Scrooge. A ringing bell will frighten Scrooge. The sound of wailing

will frighten Scrooge.

3. Marley and three ghosts will visit Scrooge.

Review Questions

1. Marley had to wear the chain because of the bad things he did when he was alive.

2. Marley must travel now because he did not do it while he was alive.

3. Marley told Scrooge that three spirits would visit him.


Chapter 4

Preview Questions

1. The Spirit of Christmas Past will arrive at night. The Spirit of Christmas Past will arrive first,

late at night.

2. The Spirit of Christmas Past will take Scrooge back to his childhood.

3. Scrooge will feel sad because he did things he regrets. Scrooge will miss his childhood and

the people that he loved.

Review Questions

1. Scrooge did not have a happy childhood, and he was often lonely.

2. Scrooge’s sister Fan died when she was young.

3. Scrooge’s nephew was his sister Fan’s only son.

Chapter 5

Preview Questions

1. The Spirit of Christmas Past will take Scrooge to a different Christmas in his past. Scrooge

will be taken to a later Christmas where he will see himself as a young man.

2. Scrooge will feel happy to see his old friend.

3. Scrooge and the girl will quarrel over money.

Review Questions

1. Scrooge lived at the warehouse where he worked.

2. Mr. Fezziwig was a kind and generous man.

3. Scrooge did not marry Belle because he loved money more than he loved her.

Chapter 6

Preview Questions

1. The Spirit of Christmas Present will visit Scrooge. The Spirit of Christmas Present will be a

very strange and interesting spirit. The Spirit will be very happy and friendly.

2. The Spirit of Christmas Present will take Scrooge to see his nephew and clerk.

3. Scrooge will want the Spirit to explain what will happen to Tiny Tim. Scrooge will want the

Spirit to explain why poor people are so happy. Scrooge will want the Spirit to explain why he

must go with the Spirit.

Review Questions

1. The Spirit took Scrooge to a dirty part of town.

2. The shopkeepers are closing up so they can attend church.

3. Scrooge blamed the Spirits for things that men were doing.


Chapter 7

Preview Questions

1. Scrooge will see Bob Cratchit’s family at home.

2. Tiny Tim is very sick. Tiny Tim has polio or another disease. Tiny Tim was born with a


3. Scrooge will ask the Spirit about Tiny Tim.

Review Questions

1. Bob Cracthit went to get his son Tiny Tim.

2. Tiny Tim sang a beautiful song for the whole family.

3. The Cratchits were very poor but very loving.

Chapter 8

Preview Questions

1. The Spirit will take Scrooge to his nephew’s house.

2. Scrooge’s nephew will say something kind about Scrooge. His nephew will say that he wishes

that Scrooge would be a better uncle. He wishes they could be closer.

3. Scrooge will stay longer at the house because it is so happy. Scrooge will stay longer

because there is a game going on.

Review Questions

1. The Spirit wanted Scrooge to see that many different people celebrated Christmas by being

kind to each other.

2. The Spirit of Christmas Present had to hurry because his time was very short on the Earth.

3. Scrooge wanted to stay at his nephew’s house and participate in the games.

Chapter 9

Preview Questions

1. The third spirit will be frightening. The third spirit will be very different from the first ones and

will not say anything.

2. This spirit will take Scrooge to see the Christmases yet to come.

3. Scrooge will be afraid of the future and his own death.

Review Questions

1. The Spirit of Christmas Future was dressed all in black and did not speak. He was frightening

and only gestured with his hand.

2. The Spirit did not speak and wanted Scrooge to think about what he had heard.

3. Scrooge learned that a rich man had died but no one wanted to go to his funeral. The man did

not have any friends and would have a cheap funeral.


Chapter 10

Preview Questions

1. The women bring the clothes to the old man so he can sell them. The women bring the

clothes to the old man to help him. The women are bringing the clothes of a dead man to the old


2. The women may have made the clothes. The women may have taken the clothes from a dead

man. The women may have stolen the clothes.

3. The women will not say anything kind about the dead man.

Review Questions

1. The curtains had come from the dying man’s room. The women had stolen the curtains while

the sick man was dying.

2. The blankets had come from the dying man’s room. The women had stolen the blankets while

the sick man was dying.

3. Scrooge thought that the dead man was someone else, and not himself.

Chapter 11

Preview Questions

1. Scrooge will want to look at the dead man’s head because he wants to see who he is.

2. The Spirit will not let Scrooge look because he does not want him to know who the dead man

is. The Spirit does not want Scrooge to see because he will be too shocked to continue on.

3. Two things that will make Scrooge change his ways are Tiny Tim and his own death. Two

things that will make Scrooge change his ways are his change of heart towards his nephew and

his pity for Bob Cratchit. Two things that will make Scrooge change his ways are his change of

heart towards the poor and his fear of the future.

Review Questions

1. The man was hopeful when he heard Scrooge was dead because the man had owed Scrooge

a lot of money and could not pay it on time.

2. Tiny Tim passed away.

3. Scrooge’s nephew was very kind to the Cratchits.

Chapter 12

Preview Questions

1. Scrooge will feel merry because he is not dead and has another chance to change his life.

2. Scrooge will live differently and be kind to people. Scrooge will try to help others by using his

money for the good of other people.


3. Scrooge will change from a greedy man to a generous man. Scrooge will change from a cruel

man to a kind man. Scrooge will change from an unloving man to a loving man. Scrooge will

change from a man who hated Christmas into a man who loves Christmas.

Review Questions

1. Scrooge thought that the sound of people saying “Merry Christmas” was beautiful.

2. Scrooge wanted to catch Bob being late because he wanted to play a joke on him.

3. Scrooge helped Tiny Tim by helping his family and talking to Bob about how to help Tiny Tim

get well. He also became like a second father to Tiny Tim.


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