




Unit 1, Book 1

1. We all had to ______allegiance to the flag. (U1-A)

A. promise B. guarantee C. pledge D. plead

2. That story you have just told me ______me ______ an experience I just had. (U1-A)

A. reminds, about B. reminds, of C. remembers, to D. recollects, about

3. Whenever you have an aim, you must sacrifice something of freedom to ______ it.


A. attain B. retain C. refrain D. sustain

4. The film is eloquent as it ______ the relationship between artist and instrument.


A. investigates B. explores C. risks D. pursues

5. The only problem is that I work in a factory all day, everyday, just to pay for the

medications Adam need to ______. (U1-A)

A. get along B. get through C. get at D. get by

6. They are now ______ all their hard work. (U1-A)

A. making the most of

C. standing a chance of

B. reaping the benefits of

D. building a foundation of

7. A Kids in Crisis Survey found that 85% of our kids worry about grades; 83% ______

homework. (U1-A)

A. feel obliged to B. feel sorry for

C. feel proud of D. feel overwhelmed by



8. Sober nations have ______ become desperate gamblers, and risked almost their

existence upon the turn of a piece of paper. (U1-A)

A. once and for all


9. I think most pools most of the time are really pretty clean and the benefits

associated with swimming in most circumstances, you know, ______ the risks. (U1-A)

A. outstand B. outsmart C. outvote D. outweigh

B. once upon a time C. once too often D. all at

10. But experts say if Mr. Gul’s visit passes off smoothly, its real success can be that it

will ______ future dialogue. (U1-A)

A. open into the gate of

C. open the door to

B. open up the opportunity to

D. open the mind to

11. These suggestions may not be perfect, but we have to ______. (U1-B)

A. take them personally

C. take them evenly

B. take them effectively

D. take them seriously

12. The article can be used to ______ discussion among students. (U1-B)

A. accumulate B. accommodate C. stimulate D. simulate

13. They hope to ______ a new strain that combines all these merits but does not have

the defeats. (U1-B)

A. cultivate B. blossom C. evolve D. motivate

14. I ______how you all turn out. Do come back, from time to time, and let us know.


A. can’t help seeing B. can’t agree to see



C. can’t wait to see D. can’t bear to see

15. When ______ the optional course, many college students will take into

consideration such factors as personal interests, time schedule, practicality of the

courses and so on. (U1-B)

A. signing up for B. registering for C. logging in D. feeling up to

16. I was given some pills to ______ the pain. (U1-B)

A. take down B. take in C. take over D. take away

17. Some of us ______ entrepreneurs---to create growth and opportunity where others

saw rubbish. (U1-B)

A. were born to be

B. were bound to be

D. were destined to C. were about to be

18. After his expulsion from the cabinet, the minister became the subject of a smear

campaign. It seems the media and the public alike ______ hitting a man after when he’s down. (U1-A)

A. take time to

B. take control of

D. take pleasure in C. take charge of

19. School is one of the most important places during one’s growth. ______ one not

only acquires abundant knowledge but also learn how to conduct oneself in society.


A. It is here where

C. It is here that

B. It is here who

D. It is here when

20. No matter what the future holds to us, ______ we do our very best to approach the



dangers than that we do nothing waiting passively for our end. (U1-B)

A. it is good that B. it is better that C. it is best that D. it will be

better that

21. ______ a student representative from the disaster-hit area, I’m very ______ to the

people of all walks of life for their care and help. (U1-A)

A. As, grateful B. Being, proud C. As, happy , thankful

22. ______ making my speech in front of a large audience, I______ the encouragement

and advice from my English teacher. (U1-A)

A. While, am reminding of

C. On, am reminding of

B. When, remind of

D. In, am reminded of

23. If I ______ give you only one piece of advice about how to cope with the college

challenges, it would be this: Believe in yourself! (U1-A)

A. would B. should C. might D. could

24. Some people achieved great success even though they did not have college

diplomas. ______ of this is the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, who dropped out of

Harvard in his junior year. (U1-A)

A. A lesson in point B. A wonderful example

C. An old saying D.A perfect story

25. A person may go through many setbacks in his life, but there has been no greater

______ than dreaming hours away and accomplishing nothing significant. (U1-B)

A. triumph B. enthusiasm C. flexibility D. regret

26. The country was sliding into a state of ______ civil war. (U1-A)



A. virtual B. virtuous C. visible D. visual

27. They were also more skeptical that further dialogue with their partner would______

a close friendship. (U1-A)

A. submit B. surrender C. yield D. emerge

28. Parents can unwittingly ______ their own fears to their children. (U1-A)

A. transport B. transplant C. transform D. transmit

29. It is my first trip abroad so I am going to ______ it. (U1-A)

A. make the deadline to

B. make the most of

D. make a habit of C. make a good impression of

30. You think I did it deliberately, but I ______ you that I did not. (U1-B)

A. assure

Key to Unit 1 (BI)

1.C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. C

11.D 12. C

21.A 22. D

13. A 14. C 15.A 16. D 17. A 8. D 19.C 20.B

23.D 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. A

B. ensure C. assume D. presume

Unit 2, Book 1

1. We must improve our ____ as soon as possible otherwise the task would be

postponed. (U2—A)

A. sufficiency B. deficiency C. proficiency D. efficiency

2. She was a bit ______ when they asked her age for she still failed to find a boyfriend.



A. embarrassed B. embedded C. embodied D. embraced


3. I ____ my buttons with a handkerchief because of the ongoing construction site

nearby. (U2—A)

A. polished B. punished C. published D. punched

4. There's nothing like candlelight for creating a ______ mood for the girl to enjoy her

birthday. (U2—A)

A. rebellious B. romantic C. reserved D. robust

5. During our stay in Europe we visited many places of __ _ interest, including several

castles. (U2—A)

A. periodical B. historical C. identical D. economical

6. She was always very generous in her ______, which aroused the attention from the

public gradually. (U2—A)

A. simplicity B. charity C. purity D. capacity

7. A warm-up is important before a run so as not to ______ any muscles. (U2—A)

A. strain B. stain C. strive D. struggle

8. Learning effective ways to communicate can ______ the situation of a difficult

relationship, reduce the stress of your life, and lead to a friendly relationship with your

teenagers. (U2—A)

A. conserve B. reverse C. preserve D. reveal

9. I hope her ______ wound will heal with the passing of time.

A. emotional B. rational C. national D. gradual

10. The new system designed to ____harmful emissions from factories will be put into

use soon. (U2—A)



A. care B. cure C. curb D. disturb

11. The criminal wishes to ______ and lead a respectable life. (U2—A)

A. struggle with B. stretch up C. strive against D. straighten up

12. During the period of adjustment, the international student tends to ______ about

everything in the new environment. (U2—B)

A. compete B. compare C. complete D. complain

13. They plunged into their work with ______ zeal. (U2—B)

A. immense B. immature C. imminent D. immune

14. The sharp ______ in house price makes it difficult for young people to buy houses,

especially in big cities. (U2—B)

A. surprise B. surge C. share D. shape

15. Large numbers of birds ______ south every winter. (U2—B)

A. migrate B. emigrate C. immigrate D. emerge

16. Some old people tend to be quite conservative and a bit ______ of supposed

advances. (U2—B)

A. suspicious B. conspicuous C. ridiculous D. delicious

17. Many types of animals have now ______ from the earth due to the environmental

problems. (U2—B)

A. punished B. polished C. pinched D. vanished

18.I had to walk very fast to ______ you. (U2—B)

A. overtake B. overcome C. overturn D. overthrow

19. The police appealed to the crowd for ______ because the situation was nearly out



of control. (U2—B)

A. release B. reference C. reluctance D. restraint

20. After the quarrel, things became very ______ between me and boss, and as a result

I had to give up my job. (U2—B)

A. distributive B. delicate C. distinct D. delicious

21. They have witnessed a leap in economic growth in the past decade, but now the

growth is ______. (U2—B)

A. slowing down B. running away C. making sense D. taking off

project was ______ for lack of fund. (U2—B)

A. hung around B. hung over C. hung in D. hung up

didn’t feel like talking about the matter on the phone, so she ______. (U2—B)

Key to Unit 2(BI)

1-10 D A A B B B A B A C

11-20 D D A B A A D A D B

21-23 A D C

Unit 3,Book1

1. The president of the university said that they were trying their best to ______ their

university into a top school in the country. (U3-A)

A. transfer B. transform C. transmit D. transit

A. hung on B. hung back C. hung up D. hung out



2. Students and faculty in the university have free ______ to the computer lab. (U3-A)

A. access B. excuse C. excess D. entrance

D. no more than

3. The management of the college is ______ satisfactory. (U3-A)

A. less than B. no less than C. better than

4. Homework should not be used as a(n) ______ of controlling children. (U3-A)

A. method B. mean C. means D. aim

5. He is heartbroken over this earthquake and he would like to _____ an orphan from

the area. (U3-A)

A. adapt B. adjust C. addict D. adopt

6. According to the survey, students and children ______ more than 50% of the visitors

to Disneyland last year. (U3-A)

A. counted for B. counted C. accounted for D. accounted

7. The state wants to cut away $40 million from the higher education ______. (U3-A)

A. finance B. budget C. cost D. expense

8. It is stupid to think that women are ______ in intelligence ______ men. (U3-A)

A. prior…to B. inferior…to C. inferior…than D. superior…than

9. Do take care of yourself. Nothing can ______ for the loss of one’s health. (U3-A)

A. compensate B. compete C. comprise D. comprehend

10. Mother set the pace so that her children would ______ her. (U3-A)

A. put up with B. end up with C. pick up with D. keep up with

11. To remain ______ in the local market, the quality of our products needs to be

improved. (U3-A)



A. competent B. competitive C. comparative D. constructive

12. I went through about four years of being ______ video games. (U3-B)

A. addictive to B. related to C. addicted to D. indulged to

13. Ten years of working and saving money ______ him to afford an apartment of

moderate size. (U3-B)

A. enabled B. engaged C. encouraged D. made

14. Your plan is not workable; we must ______ an alternative method. (U3-B)

A. come up with B. keep up with

C. catch up with D. make up with

15. Such an incident does ______ health and safety concerns. (U3-B)

A. get to B. bring to C. cause for D. give rise to

16. The government official was ______ accepting bribes. (U3-B)

A. accused with B. sued of C. charged for D. charged with

17. In all, 20 companies are ______ in producing the parts that are needed for these

aircraft. (U3-B)

A. contained B. involved C. included D. concluded

18. During the epidemic outbreak, many of them were willing to help even at the

______ of their own life. (U3-B)

A. danger B. chance C. risk D. hazard

19. In the novel the writer creates an ______ world that is completely different from

ours. (U3-B)

A. imaginary B. imaginable C. imagination D. imaginative



20. They ______ Edison’s success to intelligence and hard work. (U3-B)

A. contributed B. distributed C. attributed D. redistributed

21. The lesson is supposed to ______ her interest in the subject. (U3-B)

A. rise B. raise C. arouse D. arise

22. Some parents ______ their children so much that they never ask them to help with

the housework. (U3-B)

A. spoil B. ruin C. damage D. destroy

23. Some students prefer ______ with their friends online to ______ them in person.


A. chatting; visit B. to chat; visiting

C. to chat; visit D. chatting; visiting

24. The train was ______ to arrive at 8, but it was 20 minutes late. (U3-B)

A. committed B. intended C. appointed D. scheduled

25. The United States has been, and will remain, the one ______ nation in world affairs.


A. dispensable B. indispensable C. insensible D. incapable

26. Among the questions are: can the Environmental Protection Agency ______ the

emission of greenhouse gases? (U3-A)

A. regulate B. adjust C. coordinate D. accommodate

27. His inability to speak English put him ______ .(U3-A)

A. at a distance


B. at a disadvantage C. in a disadvantage D. at a



28. What we wanted to do was give them a(n) ______ for their work, for their

expression. (U3-B)

A. exit B. outlook C. passage D. outlet

29. The trucking company was able to ______ the severe fuel shortage. (U3-B)

A. support B. maintain C. obtain D. sustain

30. He wanted ______ to be the humble servant of his country. He was so devoted to

his country. (U3-B)

A. nothing but B. all but

Key to Unit 3(BI)

1-5 B A A C D 6-10 C B B A D 11-15 B C A A D

16-20 D B C A C 21-25 C A D D B 26-30 A B D D A

C. anything but D. everything but

Unit 4, Book 1

1. On the day ______ to Typhoon Meranti, the whole city was in a terrible mess.


A. consequent B. subsequent C. previous D. prior

2. At the beginning, some experts wrongly believed that the risk of Zika virus

infection would be ______ only a few countries. (U4---A)

A. confined to B. refined to C. resigned to D. conformed to

3. It is known to us that all medical ______ should be systematically trained. (U4---A)

A. person B. personality C. personnel D. personnels



4. It must be admitted that Mary is the only person that I can ______ in a crisis. (U4---A)

A. count in B. count out C. count down D. count on

5. Since we can hardly conquer nature, it would be wise to stay ______ it. (U4---A)

A. in harmony with B. out of harmony with

C. in harmony D. in disharmony with

6. The first day at college is usually exciting, refreshing, and , ______ , a day to

remember. (U4---A)

A. in the words of many students’ B. in many students’ words

C. in the words of many student’s D. in many student’s words

7. Do you think it important to ______ a gang raped girl ______ the press? (U4---A)

A. shield…for B. shield …to C. shield…from D. shield …with

8. Tomorrow is Saturday and many diners will flow in. Can you ______ a seat for me?


A. conserve B. reserve C. preserve D.


9. It was at midnight that the sound of a gun shot ______and then the police arrived.


A. rang up B. rang back C. rang out D.

rang off

10. Don’t be too optimistic. Few students can really______ the difficult paragraph.


A. make sense for B. make some sense of



C. make sense from D. make any sense of

11. After years of negotiation, the two countries finally came to an agreement, which

was ______ a landmark. (U4---A)

A. hailed as B. claimed as C. criticized as D.

defined as

12. Currently, people change their jobs very often, yet the question is: how many of

them are

fully aware that frequent job-hopping ______ loss of chance of promotion? (U4---A)

A. revolves B. involves C. evolves

D. solves

13. More than once, President Barrack Obama has ______ the Asian allies of the U. S. to

approve TTP, as he does not want China to become the Asian rule-maker. (U4---A)

A. called off B. called up C. called on D.

called back

14. Experts always say that marriage needs to be carefully managed, for when one

marries another, one has to learn to ______ various relations regarding the other party.


A. cope B. reconcile C. neglect

D. negotiate

15. Recent sharp drop in consumer spending ______ people’s concern about the

economy. (U4---B)

A. infects B. effects C. affects D. reflects



16. In some countries, it takes a long time before an outdated policy is ______. (U4---B)

A. abolished B. eliminated C. erased

D. removed

17. Regrettably, a middle-aged woman was killed by a tiger in a Peking zoo simply

because she ______ warnings of possible danger. (U4---B)

A. failed to notice B. ignored

C. was not reminded D. paid much attention to

18. After long hours of driving, Jack ______ to take a short break. (U4---B)

A. pulled into B. pulled out C. pulled through

D. pulled over

19. One should always be ______ others’ help in time of trouble. (U4---B)

A. thankful to B. grateful to C. grateful for D.

thankless for

20. According to the latest news report, quite a few eyewitnesses ______ the suspect


a teenager. (U4---B)

A. established…as B. treated…as C. identified…as D.


21. The musician was not known to the public because his talent was ______ by his



A. submerged B. emerged C. merged



D. remerged

22. Since childhood, she has had ______ to be an astronaut. (U4---B)

A. inspiration B. aspiration C. respiration

D. registration

23. A real couple are supposed to ______ each other for support, especially in difficulty.


A. lean towards B. lean back C. lean forward D.

lean on

24. It was not until lunchtime that the sun ______ the mist. (U4---B)

A. broke through B. broke out C. broke up

D. broke down

key to Unit 4 (BI)

1-5: B A C D A 6-10: B C B C D

11-15: ABCBD 16-20: A B D C C

21-24: A B D A

Unit 5, Book I

1. We can’t afford to lose this ______ because the future of the company depends on

it. (U5—A)

A. contact

jobs. (U5—A)

A. support

A. compete

B. supply

B. contest

C. finance D. sponsor

3. He won his party’s nomination to ______ the general election. (U5—A)

C. contact D. connect

B. context C. concept D. contract

2. I managed to ______ four years of university tuition with scholarships and part-time



4. There is a ______ between telling a white lie and a lie. (U5—A)

A. distinction B. discomfort C. disgrace D. dishonor

5. The managers will ______ at the meeting this afternoon to discuss solutions. (U5—A)

A. assemble


A. inserts B. asserts C. agrees D. assures

7. He chose to major in a foreign language in college due to his ______ lack of interest

in sciences. (U5—A)

A. approving B. attentive C. apparent D. transparent

8. The company’s continued use of such dangerous chemicals has attracted a lot of

negative ______. (U5—A)

A. publication B. public C. punishment D. publicity

9. I’m sorry, I have no ______ of hurting you. (U5—A)

A. intent B. attention C. connection D. intention

10. She opened the door and saw him holding a bunch of roses. In that ______, she fell

in love with him. (U5—A)

A. moment

A. reward

B. minute C. instant D. instance

B. award C. prize D. provide

11. The company decided to ______ him $5,000 for his safe driving. (U5—A)

12. Laura ______ that she was doing everything to solve the problem. (U5—A)

A. insisted

A. enabled

A. coherent

B. assisted C. resisted D. consisted

B. endeared C. enclosed D. enjoyed

B. evident C. inherent

C. excellent

D. consistent

D. brilliant

13. His consideration and generosity ______ him to his colleagues. (U5—A)

14. A love of music is ______ in human nature. (U5—A)

15. It is always the false jewels that look the most real and the most ______. (U5—A)

A. magnificent B. beautiful

A. attitudes

A. crucial

16. He has the ______ of a first-class athlete. (U5—B)

B. characters C. attributes D. advantages

B. critical C. aware D. conscious

17. People have been ______ of the way she has handled the affair. (U5—B)

18. He was ______ enough to overlook my little mistakes. (U5—B)

B. attend C. resemble D. appear

6. He ______ that their soccer team is the best college team in the whole country. (U5文档


A. generous

A. natural

A. helpful

flying. (U5—B)

A. overtake


A. important

B. gentle C. humorous D. kind

B. mutual C. annual D. manual

B. hopeful C. graceful D. respectful

19. Friendships between individuals are based on ______ trust and respect. (U5—B)

20. His apology was so ______that we forgave him. (U5—B)

21. After the terrorists’ attack, it took a long time for people to ______ their fear of

B. overdo C. overlook D. overcome

22. We shall have to make some ______ changes in the way we conduct the survey. (U5B. necessary C. fundamental D. tremendous

23. They have made ______ progress in their studies. (U5—B)

A. considering B. considerable C. considerate D. considered

24. You should be responsible for all the ______ of your action. (U5—B)

A. consequences B. sequences

A. achieve

A. give up

C. hazards D. concepts

25. We will manage to ______ the task in time even though it is difficult. (U5—B)

B. accomplish C. attain D. finish

B. give off C. give away D. give out

B. canceled out C. came out D. broke out

26. He always wanted to ______ all his possessions and return to life in nature. (U5—A)

27. This company’s losses ______ its gains. (U5—B)

A. carried out


A. pave the way for B. make room for C. be ready for D. blame for

Keys to Unit 5 (BI)

1—5: DCBAA, 6--10 BCDDC, 11--15 BABCD, 16—20 CBABC,

21--25 DCBAB, 26--28 CBA

28. Scientists hope that the data will ______ a more detailed exploration of Mars. (U5Unit 6, Book 1

1. The value of the house was ______ at one million US dollars. (U6-A)

A. charged B. predicted C. accounted D. assessed



2. They are such a(n) ______ family – they must have been shocked when their son

dyed his hair pink. (U6-A)

A. conventional B. conservative C. constant D. convenient

3. Problems with the teeth or gums can ______ with eating well. (U6-A)

A. interpret B. intervene C. interrupt D. interfere

4. ______ the recent bad weather, the construction work is several weeks behind

schedule. (U6-A)

A. Because B. Owing to C. Thanks to D. Since

5. _____ care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill. (U6-A)

A. Intense B. Extensive C. Intensive D. Tense

6. Most people were ready to give up on him when he ______ of school, but later he

returned and earned his degree. (U6-A)

A. dropped out B. dropped in C. dropped off D. dropped away

7. Low-cost airlines are emerging all over Asia; this will ______ the development of the

world’s air-travel market as whole. (U6-A)

A. attribute to B. result from C. contribute to D. relate to

8. The last five years have seen a ______ improvement in the country’s economy.


A. consistent B. continuous C. considerate D. continual

9. I _____ to send application letters and make phone calls to 25 companies by

September. (U6-A)

A. solve B. resolve C. involve D. revolve



10. Many power stations have been modernized to give off less pollution, or they

were moved further away from the living areas in order to ______ the damage. (U6-A)

A. understate B. undergo C. undertake D. undermine

11. If a person adopts an unhealthy lifestyle, he will surely be ______ developing

diseases. (U6-A)

A. at risk of B. at a risk of C. at the risk of D. at risks of

12. During an economic slowdown, many banks are forced to ______ on lending.


A. cut in B. cut back C. cut off D. cut out

13. The treatment is ______ because it may have serious side effects. (U6-A)

A. virtual B. conventional C. controversial D. substantial

14. In his speech, he emphasized that he did not ______ from the election campaign for

personal reasons. (U6-A)

A. leave B. draw C. withdraw D. withstand

15. We promise to ______ time and effort to improving life for people in poor towns.


A. transmit B. permit C. submit D. commit

16. ______ my fear, I walked forth into the house, not knowing who would be inside.


A. Despite of B. In spite of C. Regardless D. Given

17. All roadwork during G20 Hangzhou Summit has been stopped to ______ the

smooth flow of traffic. (U6-B)



A. insure B. ensure C. assure D. reassure

18. To ______ stress, she turned to painting, an activity she has loved since childhood.


A. relieve B. release C. relax D. retrieve

19. I always ______ on those happy days I spent at college. (U6-B)

A. look up B. look through C. look at D. look back

20. No matter how hard I tried, I could not ______ him of the truth of the matter. (U6-B)

A. relieve B. ensure C. convince D. push

21. Most political officials ______ that their policies will benefit large sections of the

population. (U6-B)

A. claim B. acclaim C. proclaim D. disclaim

22. These power, if _____, could turn him into a dictator. (U6-B)

A. misused B. used C. abused D. disused

23. I asked her if she would allow me to interview her, and she ______ agreed. (U6-B)

A. completely B. willingly C. partially D. readily

24. Both parents are ______ for the well-being of their child. (U6-B)

A. responsive B. responding C. responsible D. responded

25. She argued that smoking was a way of releasing the ______ of her life. (U6-B)

A. intent B. tension C. intensity D. extension

26. ______ he wants her to give up smoking and stay home to look after the children,

she feels that this is too much for her. (U6-A)

A. However B. As C. Whereas D. When



27. His travel log gives a(n) ______ account of life in the desert. (U6-B)

A. authentic B. accurate C. artificial D. virtual

28. ______ those who are attending university at an older age, to study hard will be

their priority rather than anything else. (U6-B)

A. About B. As for C. As to D. On

29. You need to learn how to ______ your work when you are given many tasks to

accomplish. (U6-B)

A. select

Key to Unit 6 (BI)

1. D

2. A

3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A

B. arrange C. highlight D. prioritize

9. B 10. D

11. A 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. C

21. A 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. D


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