



Who cares if people think wrongly that the internet has had more important

influences than the washing machine?(长句理解先找连词,化整为零,各个击破,

然后根据各句子的逻辑关系来把握全句) Why does it matter that people are

more impressed by the most recent changes?(It为形式主语,真正的主语为That


句) It would not matter if these misjudgments were just a matter of people’s

opinions. However, they have real impacts, as they result in misguided use of scarce







noun 1 [U, C] ~ (on/upon sb/sth) 影响;作用 the effect that sb/sth has on the

way a person thinks or behaves or on the way that sth works or develops

to have/exert a strong influence on sb 对某人产生强大的影响

the influence of the climate on agricultural production 气候对农业生产的影响 2

[U] ~ (over sb/sth) 支配力;控制力;影响力 the power that sb/sth has to make

sb/sth behave in a particular way

She could probably exert her influence with the manager and get you a job.


He committed the crime under the influence of drugs. 他是在吸毒后犯罪的。

3 [C] ~ (on sb/sth) 有影响的人(或事物) a person or thing that affects the way a

person behaves and thinks

Those friends are a bad influence on her. 那些朋友对她有负面的影响。

习语 under the influence 喝酒过多;醉酒 having had too much alcohol to

drink She was charged with driving under the influence. 她被控酒后驾驶。

verb 1 影响;对…起作用 to have an effect on the way that sb behaves or thinks,

especially by giving them an example to follow

[VN] His writings have influenced the lives of millions. 他的作品影响了千百万人。

to be strongly influenced by sth 受到某事物的强烈影响

Don't let me influence you either way. 何去何从都别受我的影响。

[also VN to inf] 2 支配;左右 to have an effect on a particular situation and the

way that it develops

[VN] A number of social factors influence life expectancy. 诸多社会因素左右着人



verb 1 ~ sb (with sth/sb) 使钦佩;使敬仰;给…留下深刻的好印象 if a person or

thing impresses you, you feel admiration for them or it

[VN] We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them impressed us.


He impressed her with his sincerity. 他的真诚打动了她。

[V] The Grand Canyon never fails to impress. 大峡谷永远让人叹为观止。

[VN that] It impressed me that she remembered my name.


2 [VN] ~ sth on/upon sb (formal) 使意识到(重要性或严重性等) to make sb

understand how important, serious etc. sth is by emphasizing it

He impressed on us the need for immediate action.


3 [VN] ~ sth/itself on/upon sth (formal) 使铭记;给…留下深刻印象 to have a

great effect on sth, especially sb's mind, imagination, etc.

Her words impressed themselves on my memory. 她的话语我铭记在心里。

impressed adj.

~ (by/with sb/sth) (对…)钦佩,敬仰,有深刻的好印象 feeling admiration for

sb/sth because you think they are particularly good, interesting, etc.

We were all impressed by her enthusiasm. 我们都被她的热情打动了。

She was suitably impressed (= as impressed as sb had hoped) with the painting.



本文标签: 影响留下影响力主语