



Acne 痤疮

Acrophobia 恐高症

Amnesia 健忘症

Anemia 贫血(症)

Appendectomy 阑尾切除术

Arrhythmia 心律不齐/失常

Arthrocentesis 关节穿刺术

Benign 良性的

Bladder 膀胱;囊

Bradycardia 心搏徐缓

Bronchitis 支气管炎

Carcinoma 癌

Cardiomegaly 心肥大

Cardiovascular 心脏血管的

Celiocentesis 腹腔穿刺术

Cerebrovascular 脑血管的

Cheiloschisis 唇裂(畸形)

Chilblain 冻疮

Cholelithiasis 胆石病

Cirrhosis 硬化,硬变;肝硬化

Costotomy 肋骨切开术

Dehydration 脱水

Dentalgia 牙痛 (odonto-)

Dextrocardia 右位心

Diabetes 糖尿病

Diarrhea 腹泻

Diffuse 散播,扩散

Dislocation 脱臼

Displacement 取代,位移

Dorsal 背的,背脊的

Dystrophy 营养失调

Endocrine 内分泌

Entrogastritis 肠胃炎

Enterospasm 肠痉挛

Epidermis 表皮,上皮

Esophagus 食管

Gastralgia 胃痛

Gastroptosis 胃下垂

Gout 痛风

Gynecopathy 妇科病

Hematopoiesis 血细胞生成,造血,血生成

Hematuria 血尿症,血尿

Hemorrhage 出血

Hidrorrhea 多汗症,大汗

Hormone 激素

Hypertension 高血压

Intestinal 肠的,肠内的

Laparoscope 腹腔镜

Laryngeal 喉的

Larynx 喉

Lithotripsy 碎石术

Lumber 腰部的

Macula 斑疹,黑点

Mammoplasia 乳腺生长

Marrow 髓,骨髓

Melanin 黑素

Metabolism 新陈代谢

Metastasis 转移 (metastatic,a)

Myalgia 肌痛

Nausea 恶心

Nephromegaly 巨肾 ren/o-

Nevus 痣

Nodule 节结

Obese 肥胖的,肥大的

Obesity 肥胖

Odontolith 牙垢,牙积石

Ophthalmoscopy 检眼镜检查(法)

Osteomalacia 骨软化

Parturition 分娩,生产

Pediatrics 小儿科

Pericardicentesis 心包穿刺术

Pneumonectomy 肺切除术

Pyuria 脓尿

Renal 肾脏的,肾的

Rhinitis 鼻炎

Sebum 皮脂

Secretion 分泌,分泌物

Splenopexy 脾固定术

Spondylodynia 脊椎病

Sputum 痰

Stethoscope 听诊器

Subcutaneous 皮下的,皮下用的

Telepathy 心灵感应

Tendon 腱

Thyroid 甲状腺,甲状的

Thyroidgland 甲状腺

Ulcer 溃疡



Urinary 尿的,

Urinary track 尿道

Vertebral 椎骨的,脊椎的

Xanthoderma 黄色皮肤,皮肤变黄

Xeroderma 皮肤干燥症,干皮病

Vertebral column 脊柱

Visceral 内脏的

Viscus 内脏 vicera, pl

Vomiting 呕吐

(1) Celtic (凯尔特语) is the earliest language in the British Isles. And Celts (凯尔特人) are

known to be the first persons inhabiting the land.

(2) A language family (语系) is group of languages related through descent from a common

ancestor. English belongs to the Indo-European family of languages (印欧语系).

(3) English is in the Germanic group (日耳曼语族) of languages.

(4) It is from Anglo-Saxon (盎格鲁-撒克逊语) that our present English is originated and derived.

1. Medical terms are largely based upon Greek, Latin and French vocabulary. Nearly 75%

medical vocabulary comes from Greek and Latin, which are the most productive of medical

terminology. One type is the complete words borrowed directly from Greek and Latin. But the

number of this kind is limited. The second type is building elements borrowed from Greek and

Latin, such as affixes and roots which are in great number and resulted in large portion of

derivational words (派生词) in medical English.

2. Changes in word meaning

a, Some words which were used to designate one thing but latter changed to mean

something else have experienced the process of semantic transfer, known as transference

or transfer of meaning. (词义的转移)

b, Specification, also called narrowing of meaning, is a process by which a word of wide

meaning acquires a narrower or more specific sense. (词义的缩小)

C Generalization, also called extension of meaning, is a process by which a word which

originally had a specific meaning has now become generalized or has extended to cover a

broader and less definite concept. (词义的扩大)

3. Pronunciation of double consonants

At the beginning of a word, the first consonant is silent.

In the middle of a word, the two consonants are pronounced respectively

4. Penultima Rule(“倒数第二音节”重音规则)

(1) The vowel in penultima is a long vowel (长元音) or diphthong (双元音).


(2) The penultima is a closed syllable.


(3) The penultima is open syllable.


(4) Suffixes determining the accents


.5 Irregular plural forms

appendix 阑尾

corpus 尸体

diagnosis 诊断

appendices / appendixes



本文标签: 穿刺术词义皮肤音节重音