



After a short summer vacation,my father helped me sign up

for the"Left-behind Children's Home".

I disagreed with this at first,but after this period of time

together,I found that I liked the big family more and more.

At noon,we lined up together and walked into the children's

home for only that,but the dishes are different every

day,even picky eaters like me eat with relish,and the teacher

said that everything here should be eaten,even if you don't like

to eat,you must eat was later learned that this would

make the nutrition ore,most of the students ate

a fine light.

After school in the afternoon,we lined up again to go into

the place where we were laughing together,and when we got

there,we wrote our homework first and then checked it out with

the checking,it is free to move,there are

badminton,table tennis,chess

My favorite thing is video chatting with mom and dad so I

can see not only mom and dad,but also my brother.I can also pass

on the composition i wrote to my parents,and when I hear my

parents'praise,my heart is like drinking honey.

Such a life is so happy.

Fifth Grade:Wang Shan Left-behind Child Ni Xingxing

本文标签: 招募儿童作文