



1.有关清明节的英语作文 篇一

Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Early in the

morning, our family went to bury grandpa.

On the way, the sky was overcast, and it wa

s really "during the Qingming Festival, there wer

e many rains, and pedestrians on the road want

ed to break their souls.". A breeze blew past, Eh!

Why is there a smell of gunsmoke in the air?

"I was puzzled when suddenly, I saw several

people with red armbands standing at each inter

section, handing out leaflets. I didn't know what

was going on, so I asked my mother.". "My mo

ther said, 'They are volunteers who advocate gre

en and clean living. Burning paper money on gr

aves not only pollutes the air, but also may cau

se forest fires.'" I listened to my mother's words

and thought for a long time. ".

At my grandfather's grave, I picked a large

bunch of azaleas and placed them on it.

At this moment, the sun rose, and the golde

n rape flowers, pink peach blossoms, and white

pear blossoms all showed a smile. "Birds are flyi

ng around overhead, barking nonstop, little bees

are picking honey, and little butterflies are prac

ticing their new dance.". I took a deep breath a

nd the air seemed to be freshening.

Qingming Festival, it turned out that you ca

n also have such a happy life!

2.有关清明节的英语作文 篇二

Every family has different ways to celebrate the

Qingming Festival. Today, I will talk about our

family's customs of celebrating the Qingming


This morning, we brought sacrifices and drov

e to the mountain to sweep the tombs. Let's go

to the tomb of Tai Gong first, take out the off

erings, put our hands together, worship, and the

n toast. Immediately afterwards, Dad began to b

urn paper money, and the paper dust danced sl

owly in the wind. We went to my wife's house a

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