


Unit 2


Your letter of September 2, 1994 has been received. We are glad to inform you that the articles

required by you fall within the scope of our business activities.

2. 你地中国银行函告,你们是纺织品的进口商。我们专营纺织品出口业务,愿与贵公司建立业务关系。

The Bank of China in your city has informed us that you are importers of textiles. We specialize in

the export of textiles and are willing to enter into business relations with you.


In compliance with your request, we are sending you a complete set of cut samples of our

cotton piece goods and hope it will reach you punctually to your satisfaction.


We have received your letter of September 4 expressing your interest in our canned meat as well

as your intension to send us a trial order.



In compliance with your request, we enclose a range of pamphlets together with our price lists

for your reference. If any of the items listed in the catalogue meets your interest, please let us have


your specific enquiry. On receipt of your enquiry, we will forward you quotations without delay.



Your Embassy in China has introduced you as a buyer of Chinese canned goods to us. We wish to

inform you that we specialize in this line and hope to enter into business relations with you on the

basis of equality and mutual benefit.


To give you a general idea of the products we handle, we enclose a complete set of leaflets

showing specifications and means of packing.

8. 货物在装运前由上海商品检验x局检验。所装商品的品质,数量将由该局提供必要的证明。

Prior to shipment, our goods will be tested and inspected by the Shanghai Commodity

Inspection Bureau, which will provide the necessary certificates in regard to the quality and quantity

of the shipment.

Unit 3

1. 我们将与之进行业务往来的那家商行要我们向贵行了解有关他们的商业地位与信誉。

The firm with whom we intend to deal has referred us to you for particulars respecting their

business standing and reputation.


本文标签: 业务商品收到建立纺织品